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To All Louisiana Residents

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by miakoda, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    .......particularly those that live in or around Easton Baton Rouge Parish.

    The news media is on a "pit bull" scavenger hunt & having a field day about 3 "pit bull" attacks that happened in 1 week in Baton Rouge (2 of them were dog on dog). Of course they failed to mention how many other attacks there were during the week & what breeds were responsible, but whatever.

    Well, I found out late last night that a 2 proposals will be going to the state senate soon. One will ban the breed outright & the other calls for a ban on all "dangerous dog breeds" in all residential neighborhoods & areas. There are already petitions circulating around the city & from what I've found out this morning, they have garnered many signatures already.

    I've got a meeting at 2:00 today to see what I need to do to begin a petition of my own (it needs to be legal & verifiable to stand up).

    Until then, what we really need is an outpouring of letters to our state senators & representatives, to the media (news t.v. & newspapers), & to the EBRP animal control president who is a complete & utter idiot who is totally against "pit bulls" & says they are inherently dangerous & vicious.

    I was so upset & pissed off last night I could barely sleep. Throughout the day (thankfully it's rainy) I will be composing a few letters to the various people/outlets. Once I get them typed up, I will pm them to anyone who asks so they can feel free to use the same letter, just change things up a bit, if it would help.

    Plaquemines Parish was able to override the ban with extreme support for the breed, but so far we don't have that here right now. So please help! Becuase LA has no such law against banning breeds & will do so if the general public & media keep up with their untruths & overblown coverage. Not to mention that State Rep. Faucheaux has been pushing for a statewide ban since 2000.

    I also ask anyone out of this state to help out & write a letter for not just us, but for every "pit bull" owner.
  2. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Also, if any Canadian residents have access to information such as exactly when the Ontario ban took place (what date did it start) & how many attacks have happened since then w/breed included if known, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  3. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I sure hate to hear that Mia.

    Good luck & positive thoughts going out to you!!!!!
  4. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    I am not a resident but some of my family members are. I will get letters sent. Can you list some addresses & email addies?
  5. Michele

    Michele Guest

    i'll send letters too.
  6. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    Count me in...
  7. Suki

    Suki Guest

    consider it done! ;)
  8. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I just finished a nice & short 5 page letter that I will be sending out to all the news media personnel and state reps. and state senators. Although it is long, if just one person bothers to read it then I will feel I've had my chance to speak. If anyone wants to read it, pm your email & I will send it as an attachment as I think it's far too long to post in a thread . ;)

    As for emails & addys, I will get those up after my meeting this afternoon. Thanks everyone!
  9. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    PM me the letters and the email addys. So I can see round about what all I need to cover. I will write.
  10. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Bad news, good news. Bad news, my meeting was called off & rescheduled for next week. The good news is my lawyer is faxing over the information on starting a legal petition this afternoon.

    And I have finished a 6 page letter that I wil be sending out. However, since it ended up being so long, I will construct a shorter letter (or borrow one from some anti-BSL sites ;) ) to use for mass emails/snail mails.

    I also want to remind everyone to respond in a mature manner and refrain from calling people derogatroy words that used to get your mouth washed out with soap.:p

    EDIT: I wanted to add that I will be adding some pro-"pit bull" site links and anti-BSL ones to the letter, so feel free to contribute some!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2007
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

  12. Attila

    Attila Guest

    count me in. I like fighting. If I can't use my hands and guns I will use an inkpen and letters.
  13. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

  14. laurenmichelle

    laurenmichelle Big Dog

    you know you can count me in on this one! If you need help with anything, let me know.
  15. Suki

    Suki Guest

    this is what i found, regarding this issue:

    Official: Pit bull control tricky

    Advocate staff writer

    <!--startclickprintexclude--><TABLE style="Z-INDEX: 10; FLOAT: left; POSITION: relative" width=325><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=photoboxTd><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><!-- Requested ad type: 300 In-story --><!-- Used script instead of ad placement? false --><SCRIPT language=javascript>if(plurp && plurp[1302]) { /* No ad for placement id 1302 was retrieved */ } else { document.write("<tr><td align='center' valign='top' class='photobox'>Advertisements
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    In a memo to council members and the Mayor’s Office, city-parish Animal Control Director Hilton Cole says an outright ban on pit bulls in East Baton Rouge is neither realistic nor enforceable at this point.

    “I would be remiss if I did not point out that the inordinate number of pit bulls in our parish pose a proportionate and real threat to our citizens,” Cole said in his memo.

    “This is not merely an observation made due to the recent maulings and attacks, but is a phenomenon that seems to be growing and needs to be addressed,” he added.

    In an interview Thursday, Cole estimated that 20 to 25 percent of the dogs impounded by animal control for running loose are pit bulls or mixed breeds with obvious pit bull traits.

    Most of the pit bulls creating problems are in the hands of irresponsible owners, Cole said in the memo. He also noted that pit bulls are by far the most-abused animal his agency deals with on a regular basis.

    “Please consider this the start of a process that hopefully will afford a little more protection to our citizens,” Cole said in his memo. “It is sure to be contentious, but must take place.”

    In an interview, Cole said he’s looking at several options for amending the city-parish’s animal control ordinance. Those options would focus on restriction and regulation of pit bulls.

    Cole also said he will need additional animal control officers to enforce any ordinance, including the one already on the books.

    Working with Cole on the ordinance revision is Councilman Mike Walker, who said his office has been besieged with calls from people concerned about the recent mauling of a 13-year-old boy in his district. Walker said the owners of that pit bull have their neighbors upset because they are building pit bull pens in their yard.

    “It doesn’t look like they are going to get rid of any of the dogs. Instead it looks like they are planning to add more dogs,” Walker said Thursday.

    In another case, sheriff’s deputies earlier this week shot two pit bulls that attacked them while they were investigating a domestic dispute. One of the dogs was injured, the other killed.

    Walker noted both of the recent attacks involved dogs running loose in violation of the city-parish laws requiring dogs to be kept on a leash or tether, or in a fenced yard.

    “There’s a leash law in this parish and people are not abiding by it,” Walker said.

    “Instead of going after a specific breed, let’s go after their owners. If they are going to abuse the animals and ignore the law, then we need to zap them,” Walker said.

    One approach might be to increase the fines for allowing dogs to run loose and to step up enforcement, Walker said.

    Currently, those who fail to restrain their dogs face fines of up to $500, up to six months in jail, or both.

    i imagine AC Cole must be busy reading a LOT of mail lately!!!

    some links to check out:
    try these in here (there's a heap of info)

    and here:


    the pics here are priceless:




  16. MIKA

    MIKA Big Dog

    Send me the names & addresses and I will send em a letter!
  17. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    I've always found this site to be very informative.....


    Bill 132 became law on August 29th, 2005.
    At the time this bill came into effect, since 1983 only one pit bull has been involved in a fatal attack in Canada out of 23 deaths attributed to 55 dogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2007
  18. Blaizen

    Blaizen Big Dog

    I'll be sending letters of support. There is strength in numbers.
  19. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    all i need is the place to send letters and i will.you have my support in your fight.
  20. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

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