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Does anyone know?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Roadman Jr., Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    When I was about 10 or 12 yrs old , there was alot of people cutting pit bulls tails off and what purpose did it serve.I was always told not to do that because that ,knock off the dogs balance....just wanted to know how it all started.
  2. NC

    NC CH Dog

    i've seen a few like that. I was told that they did it to keep them from being able to be fought. But I don't know.. I don't like the cropped ears or tails.. I like them natural.
  3. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    right on..all natural like my wife.
  4. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    tail docking if done at birth it does not mess up their balance..but its mostly a fad thing..unless the tail is broken...just like cropped ears,spike collars,and blue pibulls..all a useless fad.
  5. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Docking a tail serves no purpose other than a cosmetic one in today's day & age. Just as ear cropping has no purpose other than the 'look'.

    MTNDOG Big Dog

    I know of an old timer that docks all his dogs tails..He says no one will be able to steal them, cause he will know it is his dog if it has no tail..Wierd way of thinking but he has been very successful.
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I know in my area folks dock a pit bull's tail to make them less attractive to thieves.

    I guess it is b/c of that myth that docking affects balance & thus the dog will not be a good fighter. Of course that is all a bunch of baloney. Docking does not affect balance - balance is controlled by the inner ear, not the tail.

    But folks who steal dogs are usually not high school graduates if you know what I mean, so they are prone to believe myths such as the tail affecting balance & thus leave docked dogs alone!
  8. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    makes it easier to walk in the park..aww look at the boxer:rolleyes: ..
  9. clutch billups

    clutch billups Big Dog

    hey im a high school drop out.... im a little offended.... im the proud owner of a GED... and i only believe some myths....hehe...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2007
  10. whiteyransom

    whiteyransom Top Dog

    i think it's illegal here now. not positive on that,,but i know that the vets will not even consider doin it. an they're against the ear cropping for the most part too. but that's just the 5 or 10 i've talked to for people asking.
  11. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    A dog's tail is in fact relative to balance. The inner ear may be the control center, so to speak, but chop off a few of your toes and see how long it takes you to get used to walking without them. Likewise, a dog will certainly learn to get by just fine with a docked tail, but why should it have to?
  12. whiteyransom

    whiteyransom Top Dog

    good point rockstar. it's a damn waste of time to do it really. and for what reason?? somebody said to make them less atractive to theives,,,i'd find another way to keeep an eye on my dogs. not dock a tail. but that's just me. i've always thought it was pointless. even before i got into the dogs. now,, i wouldn't think about doin any of mine. because it does screw with their coordination. and like was said,,they can adapt. but they can also adapt to having one less leg, or even two less legs at times. hell,,,that really f#*k a theif up!! lol
  13. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    Some old timers also docked tails to save on weight for shows.

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