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PETA's applause for BSL

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Save suffering pit bulls by curtailing breeding
    By Ingrid E. Newkirk Updated: 01/28/ 2009 07:40:38 PM PST

    As someone who has spent 25 years rescuing pit bulls from conditions we
    wouldn't visit on our worst enemies, I applaud the city of Lancaster's
    adoption this week of an ordinance requiring all pit bulls to be spayed
    or neutered.

    Pit bull breeding bans truly are needed to protect the
    public as well as the pit bulls themselves, probably the most abused
    breed in dogdom.

    Through no fault of their own, pit bulls have become the
    dog of choice for people who don't know or care about dogs and who want
    this particular dog only because a pit is a "macho" possession - a
    reflection of the image they want for themselves.

    Most of these dogs live on chains - if you can call it
    living - attached to a stake, metal drum or dilapidated doghouse.
    To make them "mean," they are often starved and beaten.
    They are not social, or if they are, they are not to be trusted around children or
    other animals, especially small ones. They are hardheaded by nature and
    suffer the brunt of that trait, too, by being treated abominably.

    PETA's staff has cared for a mother pit who weighed about a
    third of what she should have weighed - her hip, back and rib bones
    protruding. We euthanized her worm-infested, scared-to-death,
    unsocialized young pups. If someone wants a puppy, there are more than
    enough other puppies to choose from in local shelters - ones who will
    not have to go through an ordeal to be socialized.
    This particular mother dog had been chained to a male pit who dragged
    her wherever he wanted to go on his small chain, periodically turning
    to attack her. She was as sweet a being as anyone could ever want, or
    so it seemed, but she was no sweeter or more deserving of a home than
    all the dogs on Death Row in shelters. Also wonderful was the male pit
    we found in this same yard with his chain embedded into his festering
    neck. The family had two more pits, and they wished to breed them and
    sell the pups.

    This story was not unusual. We were not surprised. We also had
    two huge, strong "bruiser pits," as we call them, in our custody who
    were so difficult to handle that only a very strong person could walk
    them, one at a time. They came from a yard where they lived on chains, and after
    we sterilized them (free of charge in our clinic), they had to go back
    there. They will die on those chains one day, and they are dangerous.

    They are fine around adult humans, but they get fixated on any small
    dog or cat and work as a pair if they can, equally excited and
    unmanageable. This is not unusual for pits. If I said this about a
    collie or a beagle, it would be surprising.

    Please consider this: It is safer for other dogs and for
    small children to have a chance encounter with a poodle, cocker spaniel
    or mixed hound than it is for them to have one with a pit bull.
    Of course, that's a generalization, but it's also true.

    If you had a Chihuahua or a child and someone said, "Behind
    Door A is a pug or a Labrador, and behind Door B is a pit; you choose
    which door we will open," which door would you choose? Right.

    So, knowing that pits and pit mixes are responsible for
    more attacks than other dogs - not just fatal attacks, but ones in
    which an eye or limb or self-confidence is lost for life - is it right
    to suggest that people should continue breeding this kind of dog?
    Especially when other wonderful dogs are crying out for homes?

    There are more reasons for pit bull breeding bans, but these are just a few.

    Ingrid E. Newkirk is the president and founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which can be reached via www. PETA. org.

  2. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Ingrid E. Newkirk... what about people like me that feeds all dogs and water's them every day twice a day, were the people your looking for right? or is it just dog owners of any breed?

    I hope one day you realize because of animal research that your alive today because of the insulin you have to take for diabetes daily or you will die if you don't have it just like me :rolleyes:
  3. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    You seen that movie about her? She needs a psych eval.
  4. rooster

    rooster Banned

    She's one clever pscyho. Very smart metaphor "door A and door B". Masterful propaganda. Damn that was smart. Don't take my smart comment as a compliment but unfortunately she is a very smart opponent. However the bright side is that Hitler was smart too and we beat him! After a lot of cost and damage but it was done. We can beat this clever crazy woman too. Yep she's smart so don't under-estimated the psycho Ingrid. Keep up the counter propaganda all the time, keep writing those letters to support the breed. Don't let up because unfortunately Ingrid is winning at present. But we can turn the tide. Look at the Netherlands, they actually reversed the pit bull ban. are the people any more game in the Netherlands, they managed to do it; therefore so can the rest of us!
  5. Last year PETA got only about 10 or less % of their animals adopted and killed the remaining 90% (97% in some US states) but got a hand on the private funding that was aimed at taking care of those 90%...Not much work for big benefits!!!!:(
  6. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    The most effective way to counter these goons is to meet them head on, in the media where they cry the loudest and get the most attention. Meet them at their protest sites from city to city, court room to court room, and not only stress what great dogs we have but also expose these clowns agenda from A to Z. Once Joe public wakes up and finds out that while they are trying to take away our pets, they are also trying to mandate what type of food we as a whole can eat, sports we can participate in, cloths we can wear, they will demand accountability from the sources that continue to give these clowns a platform. We play defense too much. A good offensive tactic is to organize and put them on defense and keep them there.
  7. KuttersKru

    KuttersKru Top Dog


    As much as I don't like him, guess which one worries me more?
  8. mastiffsj

    mastiffsj Big Dog

  9. KuttersKru

    KuttersKru Top Dog

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