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Be Careful Who You Trust With A Pup!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Cynthia, Mar 19, 2010.

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  1. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    *This thread was split off of another.* 3MTA3

    Well briarpatch were you feeding the dog? You know how the other dog in your care was starved. As far as I am aware in all states doing surgical procedures on an animal is against the law unless you are a licensed Vet. And those sedation meds are prescription only and are illegal to have unless you have a script for them. And a Vet giving them to a person to perform at home crop jobs can loose their license.

    You can see the pup here.
    Be careful who you trust with a pup! - General Dog Discussions

    Now with animals they may appear to be healthy to the eye. But internally they are not. They will not show any signs of kidney or liver issues until at least 75-80% of their function is gone.

    Many things you can do at home if you have the proper knowledge. But that is the main thing PROPER KNOWLEDGE. Many people do not.

    And as far as Ivermection if you are going to use it. Get it from a reputable place. Not just someones word off the internet.
  2. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    Someone who can't even properly care for a pup,shouldn't even be remotely thinking about doing there own crop job.I mean come on,if you can't handle something as simple as food and water,how do you plan to handle the responsibility of the after care a crop job would require?
  3. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    I asked how people felt about doing their own on their own dogs..given they knew how...has nothing to do with me directly although if it were legal and getting the meds were legal I would like to know.
    People can bark and yip and yap and make assumptions, presumptions and talk trash all they want but the bottom line is....DOGS are property..if I wanted to go out in my back yard and choke the life out of a dog it is mine to do so and while some people might THINK it is their business to be concerned, it really isnt. I do an amazing job with my animals and I always generally have...a few mistakes and bad circumstances surround one puppy and the bandwaggoners tie on the fed bags and get to gnawin...and thats all it is. People need a hobby...:p
  4. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    Groupie seriously. LMAO I am not the only one who thinks you are a joke. It needs to be known how you treat animals. Well I am also not the only one on a thread who said something about the situation. A SM on another did as well. You are good at running your mouth then reporting it. Funny how far that got you on another forum. Remember the ignore button in chat. LMAO

    Yes while dogs are property however ABUSE is against the law.
    This is the dog after it was returned.


    Amazing at what food can do for a dog. Only after a week


    Here is the link
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2010
  5. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    You can go out there and blow your dogs brains out for all i care,that's called culling.That's one of the options a responsible dog owner has.It would much more humane then letting one starve half to death.Its none of my business what you do with your dogs ,but since it was put all over public forums, that qualifies as public.Maybe you should be resonsible handle your business,and i wouldn't have the right to say shit.But your not,what you are is a bad mark on this breed.And above all your a puppy starver....Pathetic...
  6. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    get a life already...I mean.I know you;ve been obsessed with me for a while now but....this is really unbecoming. YOu and your lil gaggle of hens are the ones following ME around..not vice versa....so whos runnin mouth first? I swear if you guys put the time into your dogs that you put into stalking me..ya might actually have a CH amongst ya ;)
    Nitey Nite...
  7. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    and JamesT you still dont have right to say shit you only THINK you do because someone else who dont got any right to say anything stuck their nose where it dont belong...its a vicious cycle....I got 9 puppies right out back right now and aint none of em starved ....so your opinion is disregarded
  8. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    Really funny how men say the same thing. Again you breed American Bullies you try to pass off as "bulldogs" because you put a vest on.

    You need to own up for what you did. And stop making excuses. You always use the same old excuse. Oh people are talking about me because they are jealous. Cupcake not at all. All the dogs in my care are taken care of. Can you say that of yours? Oh I guess the only ones you can make a buck on. The ones you do not want you just forget to feed.

    Pictures speak a thousand words. You can not run from that.
  9. bdub

    bdub Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    cropping is not my cup of tea,,,,,and that dog that was starved,the guy that sold the pup to whoever,posted everything up,even had ot take it to the vet when he got it back,no worms,,emaciated,that sickens me,that wasnt culling at all,that was abuse
  10. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    I ve never run from anything and never well..you people and your incesant stalking dont mean shit in my life and you are foolin your self if you think it does...you are not that important and you dont have half the "power" that you think you do..this wont stop me from getting a BETTER dog when I think the time is right...as any body with two eyes and a brain that isnt over run with too much stupid can see quite well how I care for my dogs. Whether or not I ever do or have made a dollar off a dog aint none of your business either...but keep concernin yourself with my life and doings if thats what makes your day go by faster....
  11. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    LOL you are a walking contradiction. I am not the one that posted it and got premission to cross post it.

    Again refer back to the pics and the link to the thread. That speaks for itself. I do not need to say a word. ;)
  12. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Re: you dont need a vet that often

    yea thats out there if i seen that in my sight id make sure it was addresed once then im calling my bondsman cause i m going to need him.as far as cropping i have someone thats been doing it for 30 years,dont see a problem with it but if you dont know what yor doing pay the money pups arent ginny pigs.
  13. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I would love to hear the other side to this story.
  14. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    There's only one side to hear or see wardog,the pictures speak for them selves.But im sure there is a thousand excuses one could come up with.
  15. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Good for you Cynthia!
  16. preme

    preme CH Dog

    bp you fishy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. preme

    preme CH Dog

    wat is the other side to the story i just had to whopp my uncles ass becuase i farmed out a pup and got it back fucked up now she is coming along just find .. but anyone that does that to a pup needs smacked so go smack your self cuz i dont hit women... and being a mod thats a joke ...!!!!!!!!!!!:dogkiss:
  18. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Shit if that happened, I would have to beleive in equal rights and lefts:mad:
  19. Blau

    Blau Big Dog

    I don't care who you are, unless you're VET, and you've been to school for the EIGHT years it takes to be a VET, you have no business ever cropping your own dog's ears. You don't have the knowledge to even think of home cropping, it's cruelty in and of itself. Yeah, let's go ask the dude down the street who watches Grey's Anatomy and House and ER Trauma and has "a million books" on human anatomy and surgical procedures but dropped out of high school if he can take care of my broken rib/punctured lung/busted appendix...
  20. art

    art Big Dog

    some folks dont love the game and dont belive keep'ed tru famy of dog's that ...that how we get this shit like this becouse of money i hate seen shit like this make you sick been better to do what j..t says cull it
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