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Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by redrumdog, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    When I started out with the dogs so many dogmen had large yards.So I decided to jump in with both feet and buy a whole yard full of grown dogs. I thought this would make me look better in the eyes of established dogmen.Instead I wound up with a yard of well bred curs.I spent thousands of dollars and time that I couldn't get back.Where did I go wrong? Some dogmen can afford to keep 100 or more dogs.I wish I could but I can't. But then again,some of the best dogs I ever seen came from a yard of 20 dogs ,or fewer. George Saddler was one of the best and he only kept a handful of dogs on his yard at a time. Andre Giroux only kept about 8-12 dogs and farmed out the rest.Many other dogmen could only keep a few to 12 dogs at a time.But the dogs they did have were worth feeding and was the best they could get at the time. So what is my advice to beginners.Based on my costly experience,is to house only as many dogs as you have room for,and are able to feed ,and maintain properly.In time you may be able to add more dogs,but don't rush it,your time will come.Quantity does not equal quality.Its better to have a few good dogs then a bunch that is not worth breeding to.I didn't write this but I followed this advice when I started.I cut the article down a bit but I kept the most important parts in it.I hope this can help out some people.
  2. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    we have a saying..."less is more". it works out pretty good if you can try to live by that
  3. GemCityPits

    GemCityPits Big Dog

    I agree 100%... most new age dogmen think the more the better off they are... thats the wrong idea, being a dogman is more than owning a yard full of dogs. There is arm loads of responsibility in these fine animals, its especially hard for the people with full time jobs and a family to think of... just owning these dogs is a full time job let alone breeding and rearing pups, want to go on a vacation with the family, dont even think about it. The blood ,sweat and tears that comes with the game is a small part of the whole process... the game is about sacrifice and lots of it, miss the daughters gymnastics practice, miss the sons football game, forget about going to the bar after work on friday theres yard work to be done... my advice to the beginners is to think about it alot before even owning 1 dog let alone a yard full. Its a life long commitment that requires your full attention and determination... Ill leave you with the advice my mentor gave me... "the rewards are small and the sacrifices are great" keep doggin!

    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    Wholie! How many dogs did you buy??
  5. pit4ever

    pit4ever Banned

    learnd alot.
  6. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    the more dogs you have, the less time you can spend with each. If you have 100 dogs you cant tell me you know everything about every single dog. I know every dog i have inside out, thats they way it should be IMO
  7. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Good article and advice.
  8. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    In a perfect world, I think twenty is the most you would need.
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    i dont even plan on that much, ill be topping out at 7 0r 8, maybe 10 tops.
  10. preme

    preme CH Dog

    in my perfect world i would have 50-70 able to keep whole liters , three different lines . man my mouth is watering ...:)
  11. preme

    preme CH Dog

    i agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    i started with 2 dogs one bad mofo and one well bred cold bitch,but a proven producer at 1.600$.added a pup 250$ that luckly worked out.now i have 12 dogs that are good workers.its all on what you start with.you dont need to go buy lots of adults just a few well chosen.i keept the lines similar on the first two out of luck.couldent see having 100 but 15 is my mumber.
    just remimber there addictive!
    like laced said,8 what i said but now im at 12 looking to 15.if its to much for you the dogs will do the real suffering.me i got nothing better to do.like my dogs i dont play well with others.
  13. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    was fortunate enough to have someone get me started...i got good quality dogs from good good quality people who kept good quality dogs....was told to keep the yard small and workable...my first big mistake was not culling correctly and my yard sort of grew...out of 12 dogs 7 or 8 were brood...left few chain spaces for dogs trying to make it....things are much better now...US1
  14. mindbender

    mindbender Big Dog

    10 Is my magic number, if I can't get er done with 10, I just don't think more are gonna help, time to cull and start all over again.
  15. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    goal around 12, 15 max
  16. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    The worst thing a beginner can do is get too many dogs too fast, and it is usually the dogs that suffer. There is a big difference between taking care of a couple of dogs and taking care of 20+. Kenneling large numbers of dogs in and of itself poses certain challenges that are best learned before you reach those numbers. I have always said that dogs should be like the muslim rule of wives: Only keep as many as you can treat well and treat fairly. My rule of thumb used to be 10 dogs per person. Any more than that takes a really dedicated dogman to maintain them well and you become a virtual slave to dogs. Now I might actually reduce that number to about 6-7 per person.
  17. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    "the rewards are small and the sacrifices are great"

    Truer words were never spoken.
  18. Mr. Brownstone

    Mr. Brownstone Big Dog

    Ha you have time for your dogs for the same reason i do lol.!!! Shit man for me 2 dogs is a part time job i like to keep em in good shape and waggin there tail when they see me. I could prob spend less time with em but as it is i spend a hands on 3-5 ours a day with a leash on, at least one hour in the am and two in the pm, a few days a week they get much ore than that. I work from home for myself so it allows me the freedom needed to spend that kinda time with them as when i can fit it in they are right there. I figure it like this. It takes 2-3 hours a day min to keep a dog in top shape and i like my dogs in top shape!! I figure i could work two dogs a day in a 2-4 month on off cycle so that would be four dogs total . Imop the ones you are not working still need to be taken care of walked or let out to run or play a couple times a day for at least a hour and half total. Then they also need to be cleaned up after, bathed, nails clipped, ears cleaned fed blah blah. I can see 6-10 dogs for one person as a few will get on in age and not need the same attention they once did "maybe"?! Bit with pups i cant imagine myself with more than 4-6 max. maybe i will feel dif the more i get but fat this point that is what makes sense and i will only add one dog at a time... one year at a time.

  19. Well said and a good rule to follow...........
  20. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    I started out with a pup from Killens Cid bloodlines I paid $250.00 for him. He became my house dog.He was a very good dog. I bought one dog for $1500.00 which was a lot of money back then. More money doesn't necessary mean better by the way.

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