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game staffs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by socks, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    The only Game Staff's I know of are the original Staffs which I posted one above they were all bred for the box originally and genetically bred from the same cloth what separates them today is purpose obviously the Amstaff has been bred for the show ring for many years now however the ADBA and UKC will still allow these dog's to be registered as APBT's the only registry that officially acknowledges the Amstaff as it's own breed is the AKC. The American Stafford Shire Terriers today as far as I know all look like the dog below and are bred for the show rings (looks) and not gameness.

  2. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    Ch Stormer and Ch Psycho?
  3. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

  4. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

    sadieblues,the fact they do look similar to the apbt is one of the reasons they are banned in the uk.add on the words "american","bull","terrier" and a dog is surely banned.even though the recognised breed has long been away from the illegal sports.
  5. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

    by the way,that link i put up is an open site,easily found using google.its a historical site.hopefully no-one loses thier rag about it being posted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2011
  6. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

  7. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

    its a shame when people/fanciers of bull breeds dont understand the difference between the true stafford and the american kind.
    that link is all history.
  8. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    my patt is descendant of one of those
  9. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    @ bp what is your dog a descendent of ??
  10. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    wheeler dogs " grip " and gould's spartacus..
  11. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

  12. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    my dog's grand father.. thats a patterdale, with game staff way back maybe knowledgeable guys can say how far back..

  13. I´m pretty sure that there are some amstaffs being bred in the box. And the reason I say this is because I know for a fact that many were tested in the 90´s in Brazil. At least 1 dog on my amstaff 4 generation ped died in the box as well. He was a 3xw and went into shock on his last match. I know of another one that got shot in the head by the owner of the dog he was killing. And there are many other examples....
    I´m looking into getting a grand daughter of this amstaff next year: http://www.highbloodbulldogs.bravehost.com/brastaroth.html (the site has been left behind, but the dogs are legit).
    And just to be clear... I don´t fight dogs.
  14. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    I'm sure you could use a lab in the box as easily as you could use an AmStaff.
  15. blackcloud

    blackcloud Big Dog

    Stormer and Psycho were Staffordshire Bull's not Amstaff's, BIG difference!
  16. I truly like the old strain!! Are there anymore still around, I wouldn't mind having a couple?!
  17. Jdll13

    Jdll13 Big Dog

    Is this thread about amstaff or staffordshire bull terrier cause both are being mentioned
  18. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    I was under the impression that we are talking AmStaffs.
  19. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

    staffs are staffordshire bull terriers,not am/staffs.
  20. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    americans are self centred lol

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