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Stupid Things People Say And Do

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by AussieAPBT, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Ill start with something that happened tonight. This stupid asshole that lives in the next street has some shit little fluffy dog that is really aggressive. Anyway tonight when I took my dog for a walk it charged at us barking its head off cause its never on a lead even though we have leash laws so I booted it before my dog got hold of it. He then told me that its my fault my dog is DA cause I havent socialised her enough.What a fucken moron.
  2. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Pretty much anything done or said by the general population is stupid. In general, people seem to be dumb with a few scattered intelligent people thrown in. I have done some dumb things, so I'm not exempt. Except, I realize when I've done something stupid. I am happy to not be at the bottom of the barrel.
  3. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    This is a true story:

    I was walking my bitch one day, and this guy had a brindle dog with him. The dog was off leash, chewing on a tree's bark. I told him to secure his dog as I passed. He did and in turn ask me about my dog. He said, thats a niggareno dog huh? I said no, she is a skull dog. He said, naw, thats a niggareno dog because its black and it looks crazy, thats why they are called niggareno dogs. I bout slapped this dude in his throat, and I would have if i hadn't been medicated.
  4. absolute peril

    absolute peril Big Dog

    This almost made me spit my juice. WOW.
    Some people.
  5. This is all Sams Fault
  6. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    thats a new one..
  7. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    lmfao, gonna be a good day! thanks for the early laugh eventho i feel like i should be more mad then amused
  8. I got one for y'all off dog topic but on the stupid topic

    I work for an energy drink company and this lady was talking to me and she said that they were trying to ban energy drinks because kids were dying from drinking to many(really most of the drink is just vitamins) so I was like well well that's the parents fault they should take better care of there kids and she's like well you must not be a parent, I was like no but so what, so she is like so you mean to tell me that we have to watch are kids better becaus there are things out there that can hurt them, so if I give my kid lunch money and they buy monster or red bull with it that's my fault, so I was like really lady heaven forbid you gotta do some parenting

    See now in my opinion thats where the world is fucked up because of dumb fucking people lime that the world we live in has become soft soft I tell ya
  9. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    this guy i used to work with made me laugh , " i just seen a dog crossed with a tiger he said" he told me where and i just happened to know this guy he was on about and his brindle bullmastif lol . talk about one born every minute.!

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Had a guy tell me that "blue" pits are called "blue" because thats the color of the blood that runs through them. And was dead serious when he said it. Conversation was over after that statement.
  11. Poisoned

    Poisoned Big Dog

    Well, a lady who came to see my foster mutt told me straight up she was a Colby Pit Bull, not a Bully, Blue Pit Bulls and Rednoses are a bloodline... and she didn't 'believe' in break sticks..

    I've had two people ask me if my GSD was a Pit Bull.. one guy asked if I'd breed him to their Bully bitch because that made German Pit Bulls - which are meaner and smarter than a normal Pit Bull - Oh yeah man.
  12. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    That dude should've been slapped too!
  13. My wife has an Amstaff and a few months back we took him to get one of his shots. A vet came out and played with him for a couple of minutes and then turns to me and says wow hes going to be a nice Rottweiler. WTF. Vets dont even know shit these days.
  14. Poisoned

    Poisoned Big Dog

    I was a bit to dumbstruck to do more than say "Uh, No thanks." And sidle away..

    Also, on the GSD, he is stranger-aggressive, and a man and I got to talking about him.. he happened to be a GSD BYBer, and asked if I ever wanted to stud my GSD out, I said no, even if he was a good physical example of the breed, I didn't like his temperament - Esp. not for pet dogs.. HE told me "Oh, that's fine! I've been in GSDs for years, they mellow out if you breed them, and it's normal for the males to be aggressive." LOL I've been in GSDs my whole life.

    Oh, and apparently Pit Bulls were bred to hunt bear - which makes them HA.

    People astound me with their intelligence every day.
  15. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    i got one better,i once had someone tell me that they are called pit bulls because they were originally bred to work in mining pits.pulling charts and such...:rolleyes:
  16. lrk

    lrk Big Dog

    At the park one day playing ball seen this guy walking a red bulldog around. Just an all together good looking dog. So I approached him complimented his dog and started a conversation. Well turns out his bloodline was "red rednose" he had a Walmart chain on him doubled as a collar which he proudly told me his dog snapped all the time needless to say I just smiled as I walked away.
  17. NobleKnls

    NobleKnls Pup

    Well, the one that comes to mind is this....
    One day I was at the trailer park helping my buddy work on his truck. I had brought my little pup with me to do some running around. My buddies neighbor comes out and tells me Mr Boudreaux is his uncle, he called him by his first name so i believe that part to be true. This is the funny part. He asked me if I knew why when bulldogs "sit," their asses don't touch the ground. I was looking at my pup and noticed he was sitting, but his actual ass was about 1/2 in off the ground so I was curious. Come to think of it, I very rarely see a bulldog just relax there rear end enough to actually sit all the way down. So, the guy proceeds to tell me that them bulldogs are originally from Iceland and its so called in Iceland that the breed passed that trait on b/c if they would have sat their asses on the ground they would have been frozen to the ground.
    I told him, you learn something new everyday and went back to working on the truck... The funny thing is, he knew Mr B and his son by name so I can only imagine that they told this man that dumb shit one day at a family reunion or something...
  18. green machine

    green machine Top Dog

    thats funny right there. lol
  19. Big thumbs up on this 100% agree !!!!!!
  20. ANY story that starts out " one day i was at the trailer park" is ALWAYS going to get my attention,,,,,, :D

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