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barking game dogs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by hammer head, Jun 5, 2011.

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  1. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    got a pup (which is rare for me)....but she wont shut up. Others are fine but she acts like a damn collie!

    I dont tolerate barking dogs as its a bad sign..........but she is throw back in my family of dogs ie. brindle marking in a pure red litter.
  2. nobody

    nobody Banned

    LOL, a young 1 to drive you crazy.
    Wouldn't know bro, i never had barking dogs and the pups that i had in my life only barked if the doorbell went off and even then i gave them a quick hush and after a while they stay silent.
    Do not know why some dogs keep barking but i think it is more a personal thing then genetics if the rest of your dogs were silent.
    Sometimes it is the way they have been raised.
    I know of 1 bloke who's dogs been taken by the police even tough he has them outside in kennels because of the noise they produced mean while i can have 6 dogs in an appartment with out 1 noise beeing produced.
    How does the pup react to corrections in the barking ?
  3. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    she lives outside so she isnt corrected often but its more when she excited.......she is going to met her sisters soon so that will shut her up, lol!
  4. nobody

    nobody Banned

    If it is not a constant barking out of nervous behaviour i would not worry that much, even tough i also like the quit dogs after beeing around more then 90 pups in my life (also litters of friends) i would not pay to much attention to the barking if it is out of excited behaviour, indeed 9 out of the 10 times when a young 1 has met up with other dogs they do get silent, since they get some how more aware of what they can do.
    from my own personal experience i know young dogs can overreact against other dogs or getting overhyped about wanting to go at them but after they have met up it changes them.
    I was just thinking the other way around, had it with pups the next free space i have wil be filt with an adult or a prospect of 15 months, lol
  5. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    How is barking a bad sighn?
  6. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I was thinking the same thing Mike. Don't think I ever had one that didn't bark. Some more than others but all of them bark when they see something of interest unless its another dog in which the bark becomes a scream. I wouldn't say its a bad sign just annoying one.
  7. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    first we had that you could tell a cold dog by the eyes, now we have barking is a bad sign. its a dog , some will bark, some will not.
  8. nobody

    nobody Banned

    wel there is a certain type of barking in combination with the dog's general behaviour that can indicate bad signs but like i said in earlier post i would not worry about it, special if it is because of excited behaviour.
  9. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    A dog cant bark and close its mouth .

    The boy and his sire play real hard but she barks while running in circles. She snipes on them both but is quiet on1-2-1 basis
  10. mlmaas

    mlmaas Top Dog

    Some dogs are just loud. Barking is just another form of expression for dogs.
  11. Blanco

    Blanco Big Dog

    ^^Yep. My boy only screams though. Rarely barks..
  12. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    When friends are around and we are in the house or garage they ask how I know whats outside when the dogs bark,scream or cry. LOL They have different sounds for people,cats,rabbits,coyotes,horses and other dogs. And now that its warm even the toads that wonder into thier chainspots. It use to be annoying for all of them to be barking at once but they have learned to shut up when the back door starts to open. lol
  13. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Yep mine to,open the back door and silence.
  14. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    what in the fuck?
  15. NGK

    NGK Top Dog

    Back before 1976 when a dog barked while in a match it was a bad sign, some said any noise from the dog was a bad sign while being matched. A dog barking on chain is a different ball game, saying its a bad sign is a silly statement, its like saying you can tell their style by the color of their shit, lol.

  16. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    Dogs bark, it's not a bad sign, get a bark collar or learn to deal with it.
  17. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Its the ones that scream and make deathly shrill are always nice to listen too.
    dont yall think think?
  18. Tigerlines

    Tigerlines Banned

    i think "HH" is beeing "provocative"refering to "talkers" not "walkers"..lol.
    you cant speak with your mouth full.
  19. NGK

    NGK Top Dog

    That and give you a little "let me go nip" lol
  20. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I have one that never shut's the hell up man oh man it's annoying he's so vocal it drives me crazy LOL... He is a redboy/Jocko dog LOL A few folks told me the Redboy/Jocko dog's are loud and like to scream so I am not sure if it's just a trait or what. But I know I bought him a nice little present and when he start's his shit I shock him and he shut's the f uck up! LOL Barking is normal though so nothing to be alarmed by they are dog's I should hope they would bark. Some bark for different reasons hungry, lonely and want to get your attention. And then some just bark just because those are a little more annoying trust me I know LMAO!!
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