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grow food not lawns

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Blackpoison, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    Just curious Lakewood if you agree with "those folks" that claim that having minorities living next door brings down the property value? It's not just "rednecks" that think that way.
  2. The way I look at the whole situation is this. If I've worked and saved to buy a property in a particular neighborhood, that is the way that I want it and expect it to stay. I don't discriminate on who, what, when or where people buy homes. If my neighbor has the Amazon growing in his yard, I'm not happy. If he decides to breed cock roaches, skunks or poisonous snakes, fine. I choose dogs.
  3. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    Well we live in America where we have freedoms. Good for the guy and his garden, front or back it's his property. You or your neighbors don't pay his taxes so why should he conform to how you want him to live?? Maybe he doesn't like dogs??? Get rid of those............nah!! That's anti-american!! So is dictating if a person should grow vegetables in his front yard or grass. Is this really the country our ancestors fought so diligantly for???? We're fighting in court over vegetables? Seriously?????? God Bless him and his garden, and hope that when the shit hits the fan that he shares!
  4. I wonder how the neighbors are dealing with the front yard Amazon? I would think that there would keg parties galore. Plenty of bushes to use as the urinal...
  5. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    Isn't that good for the Ph?Maybe I'm thinking of something else.
  6. Yes. Healthy for you as well. No need to wash either.
  7. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

    sorry for your loss.
  8. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    I hope this guy put's his driveway out back just to mess with these bellends.
  9. You know what they say, there is always Russia or Iraq for those that don't buy into the American Dream....
  10. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    didnt know amazon grew mainly tomatoes and onionss lol

    JRSPITS Top Dog

    It could be worse, he could spray roundup and kill all the vegetation. My local odrinance says nothing over 6" but it doesn't say I must keep the grass alive. I wonder what a dead lawn would do to my neighbors' property values lol.
  12. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

    LD, without getting into the legalities of it, if you believe that your neighborhood is/looks a certain way because it's the consensus, you and your neighbors DON'T own anything. that belief system is exactly what the REAL owners want it to be. people(citizens) don't/can't own property do some research. it's obvious you don't have a clue about the subject with comments such as, "makes a ton of sense" and "loons".

    nevermind. believe believe believe. . . dream dream dream

    if it were to be by choice knowing what i've experienced and learned in life, Russia and Iraq would have been much better places to be born.
  13. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    People neeed to get some business so they don't have to worry about others. That is NOTHIN like living next to a crack house, I don't even understand the comparison. What if he doesn't like peoples plain jane lawn? As long as its not trashy who cares, an eye sore is an opinion. I think having my yard look like the "amazon" would be cool.

  14. So your a commie. Nice to see that we don't agree. As far as not knowing the legality of the situation, again, your very far off. Nuff said Jim R. Hopefully, we can converse on a subject that we both agree on...
  15. Some people live where there are certain standards that are clearly outlined when you choose to move into said communities. Where I live, I own the adjacent lot. I'm not allowed to build on said lot. I'm not allowed to donate said lot. I'm also not allowed to keep said lot "unruly". About the only thing I'm allowed to do with it is pay the taxes. So, i guess the people that are arguing this point don't know what is like to live in said communities. No worries. Different strokes for different folks.

    Nice to see you Dream. I guess we have another thing to argue about.
  16. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Look at the pictures of his neighbors' fronts, I don't think he is living in one of "those" communities. LD I understand your point but the man made sure his garden was within regulations and not breaking any rules so none of that is an issue.
  17. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

    lmfao. . .

    wowerz. legal expert, classifist AND definitely racist(all defined by your own comments on this subject). sounds like a well bred sheep. i highly doubt there is anything we would agree on since you really like to use the phrase "to each their own, BUT my opinion since i don't agree with you is you are(insert label)". LOL again, sorry for your loss. enjoy your opinions, beliefs, profits and dreams.

    hahaha funny shit meng.

  18. Did I not read correctly? When you wish you were born in Russia or Iran, that sounds like a communist to me. So, like you said, we have nothing to converse about. Or, TO EACH THERE OWN.

    I'm not a classifist, nor am I a racist. So, meng, have a nice nonexistence!
  19. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

    no you didn't read correctly. and your comprehension in below average but not as bad as originality. since you asked...
  20. In below average? I guess you should have passed, stayed for the 5th grade. Whatever dude.

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