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More then just a Mutt

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pit#5, Jul 17, 2009.


    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    maybe ambuldog or old english buldog pit mix who nose
  2. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    Collage dog happy and nice her first pic #64 to #69 & #78

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  3. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    I stood out of car door to take picture and dog walked into the car, Owner had to pull him out <O:p</O:p

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  4. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    I took some pictures of these dogs #33 - yesterday I was invited into home
    To see the liter of pups from Brindle female White dog is Brindle dog’s great grandmother White dog is Italian mastiff Cain Corso with 50 percent APBT Red nose and was mated to red nose producing a bitch which was mated to Red nose (This Brindle mother the result) Brindle mother mated to APBT red nose the owner told me he is trying to develop a line of Red nose I was wondering with all the 50 percent red fathers why is it taking so long to produce what I consider a real red nose look ?? Just the same his dogs were great with one of my kids, very friendly very obedient I like one of the pups named Floyd with blue eyes I figure they will turn green. Now a days many people maybe misguided compared to the past but people are on autopilot and breeding these dogs with some kind of belief, and in a way it’s still amazing since the dogs out of the BYB are loved by many people and treasured as much as a fast lane dog by some, If you have a dog that is Roti GSD mix with a little Lab what do you call it A Mutt. But, APBT , Mastiff , Cain Corso ECT. NOT A MUTT!! They are a dog and a half
    My future push is to visit people selling the BYB or real APBT when I can I want to get to the root of it

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  5. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    More pics from the common folk

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  6. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    2 dogs in cages strong looking , healthy , I admire his responsible way to keep

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  7. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    1/2 pitbull1/4shepard1/4dingo quiting wasnt an option,he had broke through a door jumped through 2 windows to get to other dogs knowing he had no chance.been to deaths door 3 times and and never bowed to no one.R.I.P HARLEY!


  8. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    So are all "druggy types" who happen to live in a "bad neighborhood" doing wrong by the dogs or is it that that's what y'all think is going on? And I ask this because Like I say I came to know these dogs on a friend's yard who lives in such a neighborhood (kinda since he was back up in the mountains at the time it wasn't exactly a neighborhood but the whole county was considered bad) and he was doing right by them. And taught me to do right by them. Maybe it's just cause we are country people and these are city "druggy types living in bad neighborhoods"?
  9. nah.uhh

    nah.uhh Pup

    Sorry if someone else said this already, haven't read the whole thread... But I've Said it before, ill say it again.
    If any of the following are true,
    1. You don't know your dogs lineage or your dogs lineage doesn't trace back to bulldogs
    2. You dog is adopted
    3. Your dog is purchased from a byb(some gator mouth )

    you HAVE A NICE DOG.
    Your dog is not an APBT or a "PIT BULL", you might own bull breed dogs but your dog is no more apbt than an AMSTAFF. The closest breed to your muts is the amstaff. If it isn't a working bred dog it isn't an apbt. you say you own pit bull mixes. Isn't that what the ambully is? You don't own a breed if it isn't from purebred dogs. Please for the love of dog breeds everywhere, stop being imposters. Admit your dogs aren't apbts.

    I've said it before, when one of those MISBRED MUTTS bites someone, it shouldn't be in the news as an apbt, as all real dogmen know it wasn't! Pit bull mixes didn't cause bsl against them, LIARS that owned them doomed them by labeling their misbred blood a "PIT" bull.

    its insulting to have people walking around with dogs pretending like they are something they clearly aren't. Most of those mutts are below par curs, why are you lying telling anybody they are performance bred animals?
    Sometimes I just don't know what's going on with the world...
    But please, since bsl only affects you pet owners, stop labeling your mutts as anything but mutts. If you don't know what it is then YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. Don't pretend to.

    Q. If someone is selling a "thoroughbred racing horse" in the newspaper from joe nobodys winning line. Price 10000$ should I buy it? FYI the horse has no pedigree.

    A. some flippin idiots would buy the fkn horse and tell everyone they have a "thoroughbred racing horse from Joe nobody" when all they bought was some wild horse that liked to run.
    You don't have a racing horse. You have a horse. Be happy
  10. nah.uhh

    nah.uhh Pup

    This mentality is the same as the vets that deem dog mixes at pit bulls and kill them. IF THE MAN SAYS HIS DOG IS A FKN MUTT, WHO ARE YOU TO COMDEMN HIM TO A LIFE OF BEING A PREJUDICE STEREOTYPE. He is happy with his DOG for you to tell him his must be a pit bull would be to say a Somalian must have some Jamaican in him. Or that the Irish guy must have some Russian in him. People like you make laws = bsl
  11. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Last two posts are damn good and I agree.
  12. mlmaas

    mlmaas Top Dog

    one mans trash is another mans treasure i guess. i had a doberman..adopted it.. wasnt a working dog.. i didnt call it a doberman mix. dogs are dogs man,

    live and let be.
  13. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    dogs might be dogs but apbt's are apbt's therefore they are different than most dogs. more dog than most you might say.
  14. nah.uhh

    nah.uhh Pup

    Your doberman wasn't a doberman if you adopted it. I don't give a fk what you think you owned, I've whelped apbts that could pass for dobermans. Black and tans, red and chocolates. I could also say they are rotty dobe x. If you can't prove it you should keep your mouth shut. If you don't know where the dogs trace back to you should keep your mouth shut.

    --- on a side note, arguements about hung pedigrees and such with apbts bring to question whether I think they are purebred if there is questionable lineage.

    My answer? The apbt is a dog that was bred to fight, if the mutt can fight and can reproduce the trait, the mutt is an apbt. (this is true even if that mutt by chance, happened to be a purebred Stafford.) You can put it to breed as an apbt, the dog would be an apbt. The only standard for a purebred apbt is whether it is worthy of being bred.

    The only way the removal of bsl will do any good, is if you tards are willing to do some research on your "breeds" and realise you are the ones lieing to the media!

    Is expect GD, BUT NO..... If gamedog.com doesn't understand that unworthy dogs (neutered shelter dogs) are not apbts, how the hell do you think pbc and other petbull forums will be able to cope with the fact their choice of breed... Isn't owned by them. How do you think adopted "gsd mutt" owners are going to cope with the fact that their gsd isn't a gsd.

    You "pet bull" owners cause bsl by lying to people telling them you own a purebred dog. To own an apbt x, it to own a dog off of working (for the sake of this arguement.... Or showing) stock, bred to anything else! If the dam or sire has no known lineage, you don't either. Shit hurts my head. I should just go back to where I came from and hope when I come out you idiots understand.

    In 3 generations i can create an "mutt apbt" without using an apbt, or a "mutt doberman" without using any dobermans or any "unknown" breed. Looks don't mean shit if the dog can't do the job it was bred for. I can make all the lookalike mutts I want, they aren't apbts if they can't walk the walk.

    For all you know your dobe could have 50% apbt in him. Have you met his littermates? Man... I guess I am just beating a dead horse...

    If EVERY pet owner can't come to grips with the fact that EVERY adopted dog that doesn't trace back to a breed, it isn't a cross. It is a mutt. Plain and simple. Its a flippin dog man... Be happy.
    Stop saying those pictues you are taking of shelter manbiters are apbts. Please. I'm out.
  15. nah.uhh

    nah.uhh Pup

    Mybad doberman dude, I misread your post. Ill redirect that last missile

    ..... Unless your saying the dog was a doberman???????????? If so if the dog bit someone you'd say it was a doberman?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
  16. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    in ONE generation you can create a mutt not three. you are completely contradicting yourself by talking of "creating mutt apbts" in three gens with no apbt. "pitbulls" are fucking mutts. i own american pit bull terriers
  17. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    well said lee. nah.uhh and shakaz, your missing the point of this thread. not sure if youve both missed it all but, pit.5 started this thread ages ago to simply show how many people in his area have "pitbull type" dogs , if he sees them he walks up to the owner[if applicible] and has a chat to them about their dogs and asks for a pic or three, they usually tell him what they "think" it is and then hes on his way, nothing more nothing less. there is a couple on here that he has added his own opinion into the mix to what he thinks the dogs may contain but thats it.
    he never has once claimed any of these dogs are real bulldogs hes just written what he was told.

    if you take the time to check it out from the start you will understand his point more.

    hope this helps a bit.
  18. nah.uhh

    nah.uhh Pup

    I didn't contradict myself. I can create a dog to look like your showbred pos in 3 generations.

    I apologize I meant to say I can create a breed of dog based strictly on looks in 3 generations. Meaning I can take 2 MUTTS(just like any byb).. breed them, cull, bring back, cull and bring back, and the dogs will look how I wanted them to.. I can then bring my litter of "whateveryouwantthemtobes" to an animal shelter, sign them off as shitzus and the shelter will adopt them out as shitzus. Even tho none of the foundation Dogs had anything to do with a purebred shitzu.

    Yes in one generation you can completely destroy any purebreed. The working apbt can only be destroyed by producing working dogs that can't produce working dogs.

    "pit bulls" aren't mutts, "bulldogs" aren't mutts either for that matter, if you hang the right papers on him..."Good dogs are where you find them" and the dog isn't a "pit" or "bull" anything if it can't perform or produce performers.

    And it better be known fact that most pet bulls on petbull websited are mutts. Atleast 90% of them.

    On to my next point. Your show dogs aren't real pit bulls either. They might have the name, but they are bred for a completely different purpose. Their purpose is the same of the amstaff, to stand there and look pretty. When the breed name was made, people started breeding only for the conformation standard. The bulldog apbt and the show apbt are different breeds, bred for different purposes, by different groups of people, with very different values. The show apbt is no better of a dog than the amstaff. The working apbt can compete in the show ring against showbred apbts, but is still a working dog first and foremost.
    Don't get so caught up in the name apbt.
    Just like marrying 2 royal families, you aren't bettering anything if the families blood isn't worth anything but the name..

    High heels aint shit if your bitch can't dance.
  19. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    OOOHHHH, okay.. It's a general type thread nothing specific....I'll admit I read the whole thing and never really "got it" but yeah you did clear it up JY. thanks. and yeah I agree with Lee. Actually I'm thinkin he'll fit in well around here. Welcome L.
  20. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    yeah shakaz, something tells me lee will fit in just fine.

    and just for the record nah.uhh, im not sure what you were impliyng with your last post down the bottom with "your showdogs" wheather it was a generalisation or pointed at lee, but i know he he works his dogs for a fact and has for years. from the little i know he is also pretty picky about his blood and what runs in his yard, and ive never seen a pic of a dog he owns that would pass for an amstaff.
    but im sure he can look after himself.:D:D

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