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Most Ripped Photos

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by c.knight, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    wow every picture of him is awesome!:D
  2. hammatoed

    hammatoed Guest

    Kona 20mnths..just strarted getting her into shape about a month ago:D

    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2009
  3. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    roper 3 years old
  4. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    WOW!:eek: that wicked, GREAT job!
  5. hammatoed

    hammatoed Guest

    what you feeding roper? supplements fish/flax..creatine.?
  6. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    2 meals a day 1 raw one kibble with 2 eggs 3 times a week. his kibble is supplemented with super k9. weightpull, walking for 2-4 hours is how we get them in shape :D
  7. hammatoed

    hammatoed Guest

    just started adding a splash of fishoil,boiled eggs,oats to there kibble..figured its gotta be better then straight kibble .!?! sorry for rambling;)
  8. LilBoogieMan

    LilBoogieMan Big Dog

    That dog is nice!
  9. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    You know Roper is the shitt!
  10. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    [​IMG] Great looking dog
  11. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Thanks rocko, I am glad someone notices.
  12. mlmaas

    mlmaas Top Dog

    bubu is awesome...vascularity on the back is ridiculous
  13. coldriver

    coldriver Pup

    this is just a quick one I found of Hailey...upload more later..

  14. XXLbully

    XXLbully Big Dog

    shes a pup, but I think she don't got bad genetics. think she got nice muscle tone

    she was about 3 mo in the pics.


    here she was 4.5 mo
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
  15. QWERT

    QWERT Pup

    No wonder he is panting!! ;)

    The Arnie of bulldogs :D
  16. QWERT

    QWERT Pup

    Lean, Mean and Mighty Unclean :)

  17. masta of game

    masta of game Banned

    more like lean, mean the black machine LOL

    awesome looking dog :D..
  18. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    Also to Qwert:

    Beautiful dog!!!
  19. Muttkip

    Muttkip Big Dog

    NOW that is a bulldog!!
    <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
  20. diva

    diva CH Dog

    Star and Bella

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