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What happens to the old dogs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by idgie, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    DJ is only expressing what works for him. "Better safe than sorry" is a pretty good philosophy. I don't think it would be wise to have a small child too close if a big powerful dog got worked up over another animal. I've got scars to back up that little bit of wisdom.
  2. twiztidpitz

    twiztidpitz Top Dog

    I think I know of one you are talking about. He keeps some of his untill they day they go. CH Cowboy was 13 and finally passed early last year. I made a memorial burning for Ed, he loved it, almost cried!
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  3. Well, in my kennel when the age of retirement comes... well I take care of him/her as best as I can... no more rolls, not even school (it depends the age, of course)... I just want to give my friend the best for the last of his/her days... I used, now I take care.

    But this is just my personal behavior, I think everyone it's free to do what they want, have no problems with nothing about this.
  4. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Well, I know I don't really fit the criteria, but let's just say if I find the dog worth feeding, it will live and die with me. Unless there are really extenuating circumstances involving his/her quality of life, in which case I'd look at other options. But working animal or no, I think if a dog has earned the right to stay with you while its young, healthy and productive, then that right should extend into old age.
  5. i think you can break any gamedog if you start right when its like 6 weeks old. and turn it into a pet. i have a heavy inbred kingfish eli ofrn dog. hes been in here for 6 yrs with never a problem. as far as trying to bring a dog in that grew up on the chain im not to sure about that. but one thing we agree on no HA at all will be tolerated at AT THE LAKES KNLS.

  6. FourCorners

    FourCorners Banned

    Its not about thinking like a PET owner. Its about thinking like a human being. With your post it shows me that you take what you have on your yard for granted. You need to pay this breed and your own dogs more respect. These dogs will do whatever you want it to do and will put itself into battle and die for you but you dont respect that. Instead you will go and cull the dog like its nothing after all its done for you and that my freind gets no respect. I am not a pet bull owner what so ever i own bull dogs and they can back that word up so dont give me that pet bull shit cuz i dont want to here it.
  7. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Honestly, I've never owned an older dog. But, I can say right now that if I had one that gave all that I could ask for, I would let it live out in peace on my yard. That's the least I could give it for giving me all it had. It only seems right.
  8. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    I think Minor's post was more in reply of the idea of giving all retired gamedogs the chance at pet life. Gamedogs weren't meant to be pets and even in old age they aren't going to be easy house dogs. The best option for the dog and the APBT's reputation is often death. Just because he accepts that, doesn't mean he lacks respect for his animal. If anything, I think that would show more respect!
  9. simms

    simms CH Dog

    IMO there's nothing wrong with Minor's post. There are alot of ppl that do actively cull thier stock. If you dont want to think that it isnt being done like that....think again.

    Some make a pet and some dont. This breed isn't for everybody! I dont advocate the Idea of rescue or placing these animals with in the public. I dont advocate the sale of this breed to the public.

    It is not reasonable to expect a working kennel from any working type breed to susstain all of the animals that are bred. If one cant cull dont breed!
  10. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I agree......
  11. Well spoken.
    This is a question of intelligence, heart education and the Respect before life . One cannot learn certain things, for example, human intelligence or on dogs covered gameness. For these things are responsible genetik and the mercy of God. Do not waste your time with it to people something to explain what they cannot understand, even if they wanted it. They think they know all, so let them. Think of it, no second of our life is forgotten. Everything is held on picture for picture. There comes for everybody the day where he must explain .... the clock ticks.
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  12. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    FourCorners, Where did I say what I do with my dogs? I didnt, a thread was made and I gave an honest answer as to what does happen.

    and youre wrong, these dogs most the time will not do what you want them to do, they will not scratch in the end if you want to get down to it and they will not die for you either, most of them will not even consider protecting you, more truth for you

    For your information, I've never sent an old dog the the sand pile because it's of no "use" to me. I'm just another minor league player with a few dogs, always have been and always will. I've always kept few enough dogs to have that personal bond with them, others have to many dogs and/or dont choose to, their dogs are 100% stock and thats their choice.

    Owning bulldogs is not Disney World, culls are not going to ever be sent to adopt-a-pit rescues and most the older dogs are not going to be adopted out to family homes.
  13. Btw this has nothing to do with Disney, I know many culls in russia or poland that live in family homes or as farm-dogs or hog-catcher. I bet in your Country you will find the same. After all I saw it works. Why not.
  14. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    Youre right, the things that are done and are neccessary with these dogs has nothing to do with Disney, you are correct.

    You really think culls are given after care at shows, taken home and fed cup cakes until the proper ABPT Lover is found to make it a house pet?

    you know better

    I dont send old dogs to the sand pile but I never bring a cull home and dont know anyone that does.

    In my country I did it ONCE and the cull ended up killing 2 pet turtles and ended back at on my door step because the owner said it was mean to chain the damn dog. This is why culls go to the pile, theirs nothing to worry about

    you can powder coat anything you want, this is a gamedog board and I will tell it how it really is until I'm told not to
  15. BB-Knls

    BB-Knls Pup

    Hmmmm, now I'm gonna get a whole lotta critisime ..........but then again it is what it is !

    On with it........
    It ALL boils down to SPACE AVAILABILITY + ACTIVENESS of the Dogman in question !!!!

    How you figure to gonna keep on feeding old dogs who don't produce ( they ain't hunt dogs anymore otherwise they wouldn't be bred, so that's a long past station to boot !! ) anymore when you have ONLY room for 8 - 10 dogs max ??
    Answer: ....you don't, you cull what is not needed and is taken up VALUABLE SPACE that is much needed by YOUR CURRENT hunt dogs !
    If you wouldn't do this you'd be feeding simply only old dogs within no time and your yard of 'hunt dogs' would now be changed in a NURSERY HOME !!!
    Point blank.

    If there's a GR CH or really great dog ( once in a lifetime make NO mistake about that ! ) then of course that 1 could stay for the remainder of his natural life and that extra mouth to feed would simply get by unnoticed.
    BUT, 8 old dogs...10 old dogs...30 old dogs, hell that is just NOT manageable at all.

    Also I DO NOT believe in "sending a hunt dog into a pethome" as my opinion is this....Their's enough lunatics out there already that don't need my old dogs to get rolled out at the age of 10 and up by punkwannabees and the likes, + HOW OFTEN do you find a home that is REALLY SUITABLE for retired warriors ?????
    I tell ya, this happens once , MAYBE twice but then it's done for. Ain't no one keep on taking old dogs for the remainder of there life AND be as careful as should be with BULLDOGS.
    ( ahhhh doggie is old and limp, he can walk off leash as he harmless now !!! BAM , your old dog just hit the neighbors shepherd now shit is gonna hit the fan !!!
    'Say fellow' the lawman asks, 'where you got that their fighting dog from that just wrecked that neighbors shepherd ?' 'Oh so&so gave/sold me this here old dog' the fellow replies. And then MY yard gets to be raided...nah I don't think so, this scenario ain't rollin' with me. )

    Damn, if I ain't selling/giving away pups and prospects then how am I just gonna do just that with senior dogs ? I just don't get it.

    Bottomline here is this,
    No more function then thanks for all but your sons-daughters-grand kids and great grand kids are stepping to the plate and your chainspace is much needed here so ya gotta go.
    RIP to an old warrior.

    The King is dead, long live the King !!

    Culling is a process that starts when they get born and has NO time limit attached to it, till they pass on they be checked !! In school, in the hunt and producing wise, at ANY given field of the trail...if they lack they get culled. Ain't no other way around it.

    Let the bashing now begin LOL !!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2007
    CRG likes this.
  16. Big Rod

    Big Rod Big Dog

    I agree with both Minor and BB. And I for one dont need the truth powder coated. People just need to remember that serious fanciers of this breed BREED AND CULL their stock. Not just own a "pet". Most of us here just have the mentality of a pet owner and cant seem to grasp the whole culling aspect. But just because you dont understand it doesnt mean you should condem it.
  17. Searcy Jeff

    Searcy Jeff Top Dog

    There's no "set way" in what to do with old dogs. Everyone has their own way in dealing with their dogs. Same goes for feed, conditioning, etc etc. Some of us might agree with the way of others and some don't. Unless you are feeding and picking up dog shit in another member's yard, leave them be. :)
  18. Sid Finster

    Sid Finster Big Dog

    I don't think anyone here is seriously arguing against culling dogs that don't work out for whatever reason.

    The question is what does one do with a great performing dog that is now too old to work or breed? Apologies to those who understood the difference.
  19. simms

    simms CH Dog

    The "Greats" do live out thier lives in most yards. However average and great are two different deals.
  20. Rockstar has said he is not able to think back on culls, otherwise he would become mad. I read this in one of his Posts. The problem is one can ignore everything for some time, however, sometime it comes back. Everything is stored precisely.

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