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best dog of all??

Discussion in 'APBT History' started by bulldog426, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    what dog do you guys think was the best match dog in history?? i'd have to say J.P. colbly's pincher. 24 wins is very impressive, i've also read some places that says it was somewhere from 24-40 wins. but whichever it is, that is quiet impressive. http://apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=5650

    then there's others like jeep, eli, maverick bullyson, just to start off with some off the top of my head. all great bulldogs, but i haven't heard of anything having more wins than colby's pincher, if anybody knows of any please feel free to tell me.
  2. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    MHO, I think Bob-tail Bob was the better of the two Colby dogs. Pincher was great no doubt but he was often times faught at smaller dogs thus giving him some of those 24 W's. Bobtail was a smaller dog and had 21 W's being more evenly matched. I run nonthing but Colby dogs and I'd be proud to have owned either dogs but if I had to choose one.....Bobtail would be my dog.
  3. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    Tudor's Blackjack 16xw or his Son Blackjack Jr. 9xw all kills, but you could also say Billy Sunday, Jimmy Boots, Centipede or Billy from WAY WAY back when. There are too many to say the best of all time. You can pick a best of a era and then that weight class.
  4. I try to choose a different dog each time one of these threads starts up so how about I go with...(*spins my wheel o' great dogs*)...Indian Bolio this time. Indian Bolio it is lol.
  5. jr Pit Guy

    jr Pit Guy Big Dog

    Colbydogs is correct about Pincher. Also, I would like to say, to my knowledge, Jeep became famous for his producing abilities. Don't get me wrong, he was a bulldog in his own right, but he was only matched four times. How about some of the smaller dogs from the past that became undefeatable, and were placed into no weight limit classes?

    Everyone will have a different answer for your question. A better question would be best producer by percentages.
  6. chbk

    chbk Big Dog

  7. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    Talking about this dog on another board,Pit General...a real dog eater !
  8. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    Sadly we will never know how much of a dog he really could have been.
  9. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    It is impossible to say who is the best, if it was possible everyone would have that dogs bood. Also many of the best dogs and blood lines have some of the same stuff in them be it carver blood loposays blood corvino, colby whatever it may be if you reduce it enough it goes back to all the originals anyhow, but to say "who is the best dog" is too broad of a statement considering you can take that 2 ways also, are we talking the best game dog or best dog with the best mouth or what? This ? in my opinion can only cause arguments and never deduce an answer everyone would agree on.
  10. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    didn't know that about him being matched against smaller dogs. didn't know about bob-tail, guess that would classify him as being better being he was within his own weight class. and also sometimes a bigger dog don't always have the advantage, smaller dogs can be faster and have more energy from what i've seen sometimes, but i don't see why somebody would match a small dog with a big dog.

    guess i should've specified a little better, as in the best match dog. how i found out about colby's pincher i was reasearching one of my dogs pedigrees and he's way back in the pedigree about the 11th or 12th generation.
    me and a friend just got 2 colby dogs the other day, a male and a female, and i think they are going to satisfy us.
  11. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Glad to hear you guys will be happy with your Colby dogs. last time I heard or saw someone make the comment that they was happy with their Colby dogs was never. I never hear that statement because there has been no Colby dogs in the past who knows how many generations to win anything. I love it when I hear someone who talks about a dogs pedigree like they know whats going on. I always hear oh that dog is Colby Gator or that dog is Chinese Red nose or that dog is Blue Chinese man...and I dont know how to reply because I feel I will offend somenone or I will have to start over at the beginning of history to educate them and so I just give up because it isnt worth it....but just as a hint go ahead and make those dogs a pet and fix them or give them away, if you want a game dog then do your research before aquiring a dog.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2007
  12. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    they are off a repeat breeding, this was the third time, their sire and dam were bred, and i've saw their older siblings in action before. doesn't hurt to try to see how a dog turns out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2007
  13. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    OK Ill start here, do you have a ped I can look at? If not I wouldt count your eggs before they are laid....its hopeless man, I am not trying to be a D!ck I am just trying to tell the truth man, I have NEVER seen any Colby dog ever matched bred or even in the top 4 of a winning game dogs PED in the past 20 years so I am just trying to save you time and $ dude look for something off something within the past generation....Mr.
  14. Alright...the 11th or 12th gen back has little (actually none) bearing on the later dogs. The first 4 gens back are the characteristics that effect the pups. There are throwbacks, but looking back further than 6 gens will tell you very little about what characteristics are showing up in a pup today. I think misterdogman went a bit far with the "never" and "noone" comments, but I see where he's coming from.

    Yes, Colby's Pincher was used as both a match dog and a test dog. When JP Colby wanted to see what a dog had back then they were measured by seeing how long they could last against Pincher.

    I'd like to see a ped on your Colby dogs...post one if you get the time.
  15. Just a question...Is CH Bass Tramp's Redboy ROM included in that statement? He was basically a Colby dog looking at the ped.
  16. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    yes he was and I never saw him...read my statement...and to be technical i wouldnt say he was a colby dog...would you ?
  17. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    didn't say it did, just said that's how i stumbled upon info about colby's pincher, and that's a different dog than the bitch i got the other day. which the dog that has colby's pincher in the pedigree, only has about 2 colby dogs other than pincher way back which one of em is colby's dime, and the ohter i can't remember right off hand. i know a dog that is in a pedigree 100 years ago don't mean squat.
    dogmen, no offense taken. and i'll show u the ped when i get the paperwork in.
  18. Not technically, but his sire was pure Colby...he's heavy Colby to say the least. I did actually read your statement, and was aking about a particular dog that is in the 4 gens of dogs that have won in the last 20 years [​IMG]. Some people consider Redboy to be basically a Colby dog, and I was just asking your opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2007
  19. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I would stick to my statement then, In the past generation would you pick Redboy or any heavy Colby dog over any other... I would say .....NO.... since in the past 20 some years I could think of a 1000 dogs I would pick before redboy....Also consider time, in the past 5, 10 or 15 years name one dog that is based off of real Colby blood and basically tight, that is a GRCH or even CH and used today as a base producer and still in demand....Thankyou. Mr.
  20. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    You don't get out much do you ? You should not be downing a line of dogs that has been around for over 100 years. There are some really good dogs out there still , just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they do not exist. Do some homework and you can see whats around.

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