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wolf cross game dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by masta of game, Sep 3, 2008.

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  1. wolfgirl

    wolfgirl Pup

    I actually own a wolf-hybrid/ pit. He is tan in color, with medium to short hair. He is very big, like his dad, and carries more triats of the wolf-hybrid than the pit. He will take down other pits and anything else. His birth brother has taken down and eaten a full grown wild hog. They can be very dangerous if not raised and trained right. Mine, looks like a dingo, with long legs, and pointy ears. His brother looks like a hyenia, becuase he is large, but is the blueish brindle. They are extremely cuddlers though, and big babies. They have a stance like a german shepard, with a pit head.
  2. wolfgirl

    wolfgirl Pup

    wolf hybrids will take down a pit in a heart beat! it has accidentally happened here a few times when they get in the yard.
  3. grave digger

    grave digger Top Dog

    Man fuck that, that say man biter all over it...........
  4. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    i wouldnt fool with it but i wouldnt mind seeing it just out've curiousity. I've seen stranger crosses...
  5. TJRED

    TJRED Pup

    Bad idea. My friend had 2 wolf crossed dogs and they were sketchy as hell.
  6. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    lol double Cutters would be nice.....but rally is right what would the wolf bring to the apbt except long hair and a bad temperment?
  7. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    A furry cur!
  8. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    not a damn thing all dogs started out as wolves ffs,now why the hell u want to breed right back into it just get a damn wolf if thats what u want
  9. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Statement of the year and its only January, LMAO!
  10. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    No offense,but there's "pits' then there's bulldogs.Let it keep taking down your neighborhood curs,when it crosses paths with a real bulldog,it'll cur and run,if it has legs left to run on.LOL:D Seriously wolves are curs,they snap,bite,make lots of noise and when something goes bad,they run.I've seen wolf hybrids,even had a couple wolf/chow mixes once when my ex wife brought a couple home with her.There's nothing a wolf can add to the APBT to improve it.
  11. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    Aint for me, but if it tickles someone fancy that's on them, Proof is in the pudding, I know what I want my dogs to do...
  12. Jrouble

    Jrouble Big Dog

    High Contents are Shy, unstable, dont listen well, piss and shit everywhere no matter what, and they are never trustable, even if hand raised from birth.

    Don't believe me, talk to my dad who has scars from his waistline to his neck from 4 of them turning on him after 6 years. He stabbed everyone of them to death with a leatherman knife that was on his belt. And he raised these fuckers from birth, bottle feeding and all.

    There were 2 Wolamutes and 2 Husky Hybrids - you NEVER turn your back on those bastards.

    They are fucking shit curs, and our bulldogs would rough them up on a frequent occassion in yard scraps. Wolf hybrids are fucking pussies one on one, and rely on numbers to do everything in their lives, they are crafty little fuckers, and they did kill a few bulldogs, by starting them and then running back into their yard where there were 4 of them waiting.

    1 on 1, I've NEVER seen a game bred bulldog go even close to going down to a wolf hybrid despite the massive weight advantage... the hybrids curr out before the bulldog is even warmed up.

    So all you guys talking shit and theorizing... shut the fuck up - I've seen it with my own eyes, and ya'll are full of horseshit - if I had a scanner id pull out the photo albums and post the damn pictures although they are old and grainy.

    Crossing a wolf with a game dog, is like taking the biggest 1 on 1 pussy you've ever met in your life, and crossing it with rambo. Why the hell would you wanna do that? You'd create a dog with the very real potential to kill you where you stand at any time, that would curr out in hunts as soon as the going got rough and he realised he didn't have 15 pack mates backing him up and destroy everything that REAL game dogs are really about.

    fucking shit pisses me off... apologies in advance to anyone who doesn't like my language.
  13. anytime you breed a mutt thats what you get. terrible idea. the dog would be ugly and probably a cur. since wolves depend on a pack whe an apbt stands alone. plus the apbt is already the best all around dog for any sport. you cant make it any better only worse.
  14. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    where do you come up with these ideas Masta? :eek:
  15. popper

    popper CH Dog

    totally stupid idea.... wolves fight for survival and never fight till the death. match a pit against a wolf and i gaurantee u , if that wolf doesnt kill the pitt in 1 to 2 min he is runniung. why in the hell would you wanna ruin a perfect specimen working dog. great drive, game, stamina, size , and heart
  16. Jrouble

    Jrouble Big Dog

    Spoken like someone who has a clue :cool:
  17. wolf girl needs kicked off the site. if she thinks a wolf can mess with a pit shes high. and has no business talking bulldogs, people like this piss me off and need to stop ruining the breed. want to know the truth reed what jrouble wrote.
  18. a wolf could never kill a pit in 1 to 2 min. your crazy!
  19. grave digger

    grave digger Top Dog

    I seen a video throw emule downloads if you have a emule program type (mountain lion vs pit bull) or (pit bull vs mountain lion) a breeder was game testing his dogs, with this mountain lion that he had cage up no BS. That dog had of been 85-95 lbs or so, a ML if I'm right is about 80 or 90 lbs i think, and that dog was on that ML like Brock Lesnar was on Frank Mir. So a hybrid wolf take down a pit doesn't mean spit, what you need to think about was that hybrid wolf and that dog pound for pound, and was that dog game bred?
  20. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    I think a wolf would murder a pit rather easily. I've seen one that a bobcat got a hold of and it wasn't pretty.

    But a wolf/apbt would be an awful mix. A huge waste of time.

    A wolf wouldn't make the second scratch. If the dog lasted that long.
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