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Breeding to a well bred cur?

Discussion in 'APBT History' started by NC, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    no one bred bully after he quit because he died some say maurice put him down others say his son killed him, and bo was bred after he quit i believe he was actually brought out again, and when the owner of jimmy boots said he would be proud to own benny bob aslso that says a lot about his quality
  2. Sadie we can "what if" all day long, but the fact is that after he quit he was never bred. No one was forced to cull him and anyone of the people involved with him could have taken him home and bred to him,,, but none did and there is a reason for that.
    If we stick the the facts and what actually happened, all the men involved with these great dogs that later turned out to be curs did the same thing with them that I and I think most serious people who feed these dogs do with a cur. Now maybe yall know a lot more than these old timers but I sure don't, I'm lucky to know half of what they have forgotten so I do the same thing I was taught to do and that was taught to the person who taught me...etc. These great old timers did know what they were doing, so I will just try and do the same things they did and hope to have some success. It worked for them so no sense in trying to reinvent the wheel.
  3. Boze, after the match with Benny, Bully was laying down resting, some stories say on Carver's back of the station wagon and others say he was laying under a tree. But the dog was alive and no one was working on him, that has to be a clue don't you think? And Boze,,, those men could bring a dog back from the dead. When you speak about the "quality" of dogs like Benny, you are only talking about his fighting ability right? because as far as his quality as a gamedog,, it stank.

    There is a reason why these dogs are called "gamedogs" and not roughfighters or some other name.
  4. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    2 out of the 4 ch's and what other dog out of that litter was matched
  5. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    but two of the 4 ch's quit so how is that good and that was just one litter name other litter where he had more than one ch in
  6. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Well gringo I am no one to question what those men did I believe they had a way of doing things and did what worked for them I don't claim to know more than those men. I do think that most on this thread have said once bullyson quit he was then as cur so that means he was always a cur one that produced honey bunch who left her mark a being one of the best female producers of all time not to mention midnight cowboy and others. So that cur had a great impact on the breed and had he not been bred before he quit we wouldn't have many of the dogs that stem from him and his offspring. I have to wonder if those men would have felt any different had they known he would quit do you think they wouldn't have bred him Anyway knowing he would produce Honey B and the others the reason why curs have been bred is because those men knew something that maybe we didn't it's been done before wether it's something you or anyone else would do is really irrelevant as a man will do what he wants to do regardless.
  7. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Please post Ch Dogs you have bred I dont even care if they stoped after they made that title, I still respect the Ch. So Please Share!
  8. cincyboy

    cincyboy Big Dog

    im sure u would luv for me to do that lol!
  9. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    its good depending on what you want if you get a liter of six and four are match quality, and by match quality i mean really quality not just doing dogs for the sake of doing dogs then that stud is throwing good dogs, dogs quit for different reasons and dogs lose for different reasons so four out of six make it to the square then that is a good percentage
  10. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Lmao Hell if I told u that u would get 1 ch every other litter u would be breeding that dogs balls off! This guy LOL " name another litter where he had multiple ch" as if a ch a litter isnt good enough! LOL
  11. venom

    venom Top Dog

    As if 4 ch in one litter isn't good cuz two quit lmao
    I can't fk with this board sometimes maaan
  12. Sadie I believe (and hope) that had Bully quit before they would have culled him just like any other dog that was a cur. We can speak here in retrospect and know what the dog produced (supposedly) so it's easy for us to say, oh yeah he produced so and so I would have bred to him,, but those men did not have that luxury, they lived the moment and at the time they did exactly what they would do with one today had it quit.
    I think that saying that because Bully produced so and so is why people breed to a cur today is a very sad excuse and not the way this breed is meant to be. There can never be a good reason to breed to a cur and there are thousands of them not to.
    By saying you would breed to a cur you are defining yourself and your dogs. Once you accept that it is ok because it is bred like this or has produced that, then when you have a rough cur in your yard that won one or two for you, you will think to yourself it's ok to breed to him because after all he did as much as Bullyson did and they would breed to him so why not my rough cur on my yard who is also well bred?
    There can be no excuses and no leeway. If you don't do it for yourself at least do it for your dogs. You don't and never will have the advantage of foresight into what a dog will produce so just do what's right and breed to one of the abundant proven game dogs that are out there.
  13. gillagan

    gillagan Big Dog

    Gringo stop wasting ur time trying to teach a fool, u should know some just don't understand. I was watching a movie a few days ago and I'm not one to watch tv. But the name if the movie was warrior, and at the end there was a good fight and if I watch it u will see the gameness in these men but when I ask every one what man was game they all pick the wrong one. A d it was this movie at this time that showed me that not many men understand what gameness is and now matter how u tell them they just dont get it. Shit it gives me goose bumps every time I picture it.
    Just wanted to let u know ur a smart man and have a very good understanding of what u have and are very good at putting it in words.
    And with all that said I still need the pic. Of anna, acea, chi-town.
    I had to put them names out there because they are game on game on game no quiters in them shits.
  14. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Thank You gringo for taking the time to answer my questions I am just thinking outside the box I do not think its ok to breed to a known cur I just know its been done for whatever reasons.I think you have the right principals when it comes to breeding game dogs. I was just curious but I think you are right there can never be any excuses or sacrifices at the end of the day you still have to sleep at night I get it.
  15. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    NO One Is saying that it is ok to breed a curr, But Yall Are judging a dog NONE OF YALL SEEN, Yall Are Talking out the side of your mouth. And Facts Are Bully Was Top of his game in his time, And ANY dog can on the right day be BEAT!!! And On the Right day ANY DOG CAN STOP. You dont think so. LOL then you havent been doing anything but lieing to yourself. I remeber Laughing in a well known breeders face when he told me he bred these two dogs and ALL the pups just had to be game HA lol , thats about how I feel about this stupid thread, Bully has been long deaa befor half yall were born. I heard the words from the people there that bullyson had no chance and shouldnt even been in there, but hindsight is 20/20, and no one said bully was bred after, From what I was told bully started freaking out like he was on drugs every time someone tried to help him he bit at them, so who cares he died he is gone , Im sure if yall had pups down off him yall would have culled everything off his curr ass if yall hard asses had some , WTF Yea Im sure you will cull everthing yall got the next time a son beats, a sire. What ever that is part of it, I love all the new age dogmen.. Lets do some real numbers . fact is the sout east has seen more Ch dogs and better type match dogs of the bullyson blood then any where and the fact is some of the gamest dogs have came down from this line so say what ever you want but if it works it aint broke.
  16. gillagan

    gillagan Big Dog

    Na some of the gamest dogs came from Decon, hunter red, bingo, jessi rods midnight, tombstone, bolio, alligator. I have seen a few good dogs from som tight bred bull breedings but most had to be crosse into maverick blood (and that's another story).

    And to help u better understand I my self will let u see that I did have heavy blood based on this family.

  17. Icepick

    Icepick Banned

    People can say what they want about Bullyson, but I would bet that most on this thread would have owned him or bred to him if they could have,, cur or not. Triple J is correct people are basing their judgement on watered down information, where the people who were at Bullysons show, when he supposedly quit cant even agree on the facts.
  18. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    one thing we can agree on is a few guys didn't make it back to there house after the show?
  19. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    Okay let me get this right. We are not supposed to form an opinion based on the many accounts of this match unless they conform to yours. It is okay as long as we say he was drugged, bred to much or the stars weren't lined up right, but if you say he was a cur you need to just STFU. Well guys the match is part of history. History is and will always be debated. There are departments in universities across this land based on it. I am sorry if my opinion of your sacred cow does not agree with yours, but it is based on what people who were there have said. Plain and simple he sat out his scratch and turned his head away from his opponent. This is the one thing most who were there agree on. I don't know what all you greats call that, but around here we call that a cur. I wasn't born when they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. I guess this did not happen either. I didn't see it, yet I am pretty sure it caused a bunch of destruction. GH even quoted Carver as saying he would lose some gameness by adding bullyson to his line, but that's right I wasn't there so let's ignore that fact. From now on I will ignore facts when forming an opinion and let y'all tell me like it is.
  20. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    maybe rubbers gettin rubbed out

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