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Tosa Inu

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bull and Terrier, Dec 13, 2009.

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  1. damon

    damon Banned

    Don't forget though that the old type tosa still compete and win against the heavy pit influenced tosas, it's not as though the pit blood as wiped out the old school blood. Also like I've said before, pit blood as been used from the start
  2. damon

    damon Banned

    Will do mate
  3. D.Dogg

    D.Dogg Big Dog

    Damon. So why don't you get a Tosa. Make it available and see who will hook into it.

    Till you are handling said dogs yourself. You are just speculating and spreading such as truth. How can a man even think of spreading any info with out hands on experience.

    This is the rumor mill and you sir are at helm.

    So till you have your own Tosa that you are calling out any APBT with. Shut the hell up. Many of our APBT friends over seas where dogging is legal await your call out. LMAO well they know you won't bring anything from virtual to reality. Cause you don't do reality.
  4. damon

    damon Banned

    Unless i get one from japan theres no point at all as most in europe are nothing but useless show dogs.

    Put it this way id rather believe a dogman from japan and clips ive seen than dreamers like you who have only read on them in your stratton fiction books.

    Many of our pitbull friends await me? Ha the only men you know are keyboard warriors.

    Like i said the pitbull is not the premier fighting dog in japan, if it was the tosa would vanish.
  5. jt ellison

    jt ellison Big Dog

    Im still waiting to hear ONE gamedog you matched Damon as i said it before and will say it again your a FAKE that simply plays on a keyboard wanting to be a dogman , but your all talk . What are you talking about when you say and i quote Tosas are reasonably game or sort of game , they are not game are not matched for gameness and you have as much understanding as a chimp about gamedogs you FAKE
  6. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    You don't seem to get it do you? The only reason why the tosa inu is the dog of choice is due to japanese nationalism. Dog fighting in Japan is nothing new, they first had the akita. The akita was an all purpose working, hunting, and protection dog and dogs used to breed were fought. The winners were bred. The akita got curred out by the british and american dogs so the Tosa inu was created. This also didn't go so well so the sumo rules were implemented. These dogs fight rounds and there is a stupid noise rule. You match a tosa inu via cajun rules and it will lose badly 9/10 times. Also I've never seen or even heard of tosas ever making a game scratch, and this is evident in the balkan states and in Russia where the fight game is much different. There is no sumo or cajun rules, just two dogs unleashed with the match ending when one of the owners decides to concede, or if one dog dies. The tosas get their asses handed to them by the CAOs and Ovtscharkas consistently.
  7. damon

    damon Banned

    You contradict yourself bigtime you idiot, first you say that the akita was the chosen fighting dog but was replaced once it couldn't compete. Now you say the tosa is still preferred due to nationalism! Keep on diggin
  8. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    How did I contradict myself, you're just two stupid to put two and two together. The akita, a dog that is uniquely japanese, was the chosen fighting dog. Once their dog of choice kept on getting their ass handed to them, the japs decided to infuse japanese dogs with european and american dogs to 1) create a better fighting dog and 2) still being able to call it japanese because they utilized a japanese breed. However, that failed miserably and so came the use of sumo rules and voila, you now have glorified mutts beating the superior dog due to a technicality. The sumo rules implements a noise system, and game dogs are known to be very excitable, especially with loud yelps due to their high drive. That alone means the dogs will lose. Then you have a time limit because tosas lack the stamina to fight rounds with the exception of the tosa pit mixes. When tosas are brought out of their element, they tend to cur because they are curs you idiot.
  9. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    Staffordshire bull terriers definitely cannot compete with the apbt, but there have been quite a few that have proven themselves game. There have been a few game staffs, but I've yet to have heard of a game tosa, let alone see one.
  10. damon

    damon Banned

    Typical bullshit you speel, the pitbull as been in tosa breeding from the start, it's nothing new! Did you watch a pure tosa go 1 hour against the ultimate canine? And trust me the dogs are tested harder than the exhibition matches that are on show, I bet you didn't know that females are also tested behind closed doors, like I said do some research boy
  11. damon

    damon Banned

    Please tell me is gameness everything in these mix matches?
  12. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    Wow you're a fucking idiot, and you're the one that's talking bullshit. Btw, it is "spill," you moron. Why do you think the apbt was used in the fucking breeding and creation of the tosa inu? Did you not comprehend or understand my post? The apbt fucked up their akitas so they decided to cross in the apbt in with other large mastiffs to create a bandog, and then add in a minute amount of japanese dog DNA so they can claim the dog is 100% of Japanese origin. These dogs were still getting fucked up and then came the use of sumo rules. Also these dogs are not tested hard at all, and I do know that females are tested. You realize that when they test, all they do is put two dogs into that cage and watch them go for about 10 to 15 mins. or so. It is 10 mins. of watching two slobbering dogs grab onto each other and if none of them make a noise, then they are considered match worthy. Have you actually seen videos of them being tested? Stop bullshitting and stop spreading bullshit fantasy stories. Also no, I have not seen the tosa inu go an hour plus against the ultimate canine. I did however see a tosa/pit mix go against an apbt of questionable origin (looks to me like a OFRN show bred dog) and that questionable dog still scratched back. I also saw that the tosa pit mix did nothing but grab and pin the dog for an hour and could not finish despite going as hard as it could. Both dogs are PATHETIC, but at least one showed the potential of gameness.
  13. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    Yes, gameness is everything, and apparently tosa and LGD fanatics know nothing about it. They claim their dogs are game just because their dogs can dominate a smaller dog or another dog. However, that is not gameness. Your post earlier stated that a tosa is "game enough to beat a staff," well show me just ONE game tosa inu. At the very least there has been game staffs and even game amstaffs. However, there has never been one game tosa inu, and there never will be.
  14. Ignorance strikes again... The Tosa started off as a 75lb dog, not 200lbs. It's the big curs that are less Tosa if you want to argue that. The Tosa is still a work in progress...so yes, other dogs are still mixed in on occassion. Mainly the APBT due to gameness. Many Tosa's receive no new blood and win just as often. That does not indicate the dog being a mutt, and the dog in the video certainly has no fresh APBT blood at all. Pit has been in the Tosa's creation from the start. That's like saying a Pit is really the little terriers used to create him and he's just a mutt. You continue on talking about Tosa's losing to LGD's. Just go play frisby with your petbull and be sure to jack him off afterward's.
  15. 3596

    3596 Pup

    the real tosa that weighs 160lb pit weight would give our gamedog a decent throttling.the weight & moderate gameness along with biting power,wrestling atts,would just be to much.thats even against a ch or grch gamedog all under 50lb.but as you climb up into the higher weights with the catchweight boys things would start to balance out real quick! alligator,hank,mayday,powells ch boots,trussells dum dum 70lb+ then the tosa would be asking if he can quit.but most here should be honest,160lb's is alot of dog even for the big boys,let alone the little guys.
  16. damon

    damon Banned

    You are a fuking dumb ass twat, it was the tosa that the Akita was matched with and found wanting you moron!! And how the hell do you know that they are tested for 10 minutes jackass? If the pitbull struggles against these slobbering 10 minute curs than that says it all you muppet! Like I said the tosa in the video is a true fighting tosa, not the slobbering showdogs that you and other idiots believe them to be
  17. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

    If them Tosa's do beat APBTs it is only due to the size difference...they act and fight street curs, anyone with general dog sense can see they are curs... if some fool can't see its only the size of the Tosa that makes them win ...it is like asking Manny Pacquiao or Floyd Mayweather to fight some heavyweight.... the Tosa from all videos Iv seen fight and act like street curs
  18. damon

    damon Banned

    Yes because all the videos you've seen are probably street curs, so if size is the only factor than why don't German shepherds, Rottweilers, mastiffs etc regularly beat bulldogs?
  19. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

    Iv seen all the videos you asked me to look at...and they ware street fighting curs owned by people who know little about game dogs...
  20. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    If tosas were the best of the fighting breeds then everyone would use them, plain and simply put, but I don't see that anywhere other than Japan. Don't you think if they were #1 on the list everyone would want one to match yet nobody hardly owns this breed in the u.s. and if they do they sure as hell ain't matching them. Geee, I wonder why that is? ( this is where I just roll my eyes) LOL.
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