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Gameness vs. Mouth

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Dream Pits, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    well rose i would be a fool if i answered that. but through the years i had my share of good dogs & good times. there is a huge difference between selling sex & running shine compared to selling death like ricky did.& im not even touching fat bill because i don't know what he did or didn't do so i won't gossip on that.
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    well yardboy considering bolio been dead 40 years i doubt it.
  3. garland

    garland Pup

    whats mouth when your dog dont have stamina to sand up.
  4. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    If some dumbass wants to poisen himself to death i dont falt the person selling him his poison. Let the fiends cull themselfs.
  5. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    If he used the head style then he was a head dog. And I'm sure he was a destroyer but then that couldn't be right because earlier you said a head dog couldn't be a finisher, just a head dog and nothing more:rolleyes:
  6. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

  7. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    LOL yardboy just because a dog hit the head in his only campaign show hardly is a testament to what type of dog it was. now keep reading your stratton books yardboy im done with you because there's no point because you read nothing more nothing less lol.
  8. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    :D I thought that was what we all do.
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    redgoodbye lets just hope you never have any kids that cull themselves. folks make mistakes but sometimes they don't get a chance to learn from them. & entire family have to live with it not just the dumbass that made the mistake.
  10. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    lol i agree. it wouldn't let me just say "this" my aunt is a recovering addict but honestly the fiends, pipers and heads can cull themselves. nobody forces you to open your wallet and buy drugs from a man. if i have a shopping addiction and go broke buying clothes i'm not gonna blame macy's for being available. or blame the bp for selling me cigarettes and a case of beer. people make decisions and life is harsh. some survive, others thrive and the rest die off[/offtopic]

  12. You just will not admit that what you said makes no sense. I thought all dogs that hit the head are shit eating curs. Your words, not mine.

    As far as the Stratton books go, I guess there is a ton of stuff written about the history of fighting dogs. I'm sure when you put your book out that his sales will go way down. LOL.
  13. ROSE

    ROSE Banned

    It's sad but true.only the strong should survive and reproduce.a weak link always destroy's the chain.I lost relatives that choose to destroy their lives but as the saying goes,LIFE GOES ON.rather it's drugs or natural death.
  14. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Yes some folks make mistakes. Others make mistake after mistake causeing there family friends and society as a whole a great deal of pain. Some dumbasses continue to do this untill there dead. The burden thay put on there family was put6 there by them and not the dope dealer see it aint the dope thats killing them. Thay are killing themselfs. It aint the dope or the dope slangers who are killing them and causeing there familys and friends pain. I can buy a gun from a gun dealer but I am the only person who can point it at my head and shoot. Im so fucking tiered of people makeing excusses for folks who dig there own graves. I have had people close to me die from drugs. Thay were dumbasses who culled themselfs no madder if I liked/loved them. That changes nothing. The responsabilty falls squarely on the lap of the fucker geting High to death. I cant knock a man for doing what he has to do to feed his family.If he gets ritch by not playing by societys rules, so be it! the drug dealer is the one risking his freedom to feed his family and he alone will be the one suffering from that lifestyle witch by the way is not a glorious lifestyle for 90% of folks slanging drugs. Thay risk everything from death to Prison to feed there family and take care of there own.
  15. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    he said BP tho!! damn....i aint seen a BP around since i was like....10 lol
  16. How did we get into addiction? I thought we were talking about Bolio being a shit eating cur. He only had one match and went to the head. That makes him a bulldog, not a head dog.
  17. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Stratton is a stand up educated man who loves the breed and risked his own freedom to protect the breed and its fancyers. The fact that he himself wasent active in matching dogs makes him not HARDCORE enuf for some badasses.:rolleyes:
  18. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    wasnt bolio considered an ace?
  19. What you said makes perfect sense to me. I think we are both missing something.

  20. Yes. Much to valuable to match a second time. According to Ben, any dog that goes for the head is a shit eating cur. If they go to the head, they are not head dogs, they are Bulldogs. LOL.

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