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boxing fans...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by peppapig, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

  2. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    feck...im itching to tell you's.....lol:dogstare:
  3. crazy horse

    crazy horse Big Dog

    jim robinson:dogdrink:
  4. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

  5. redbill

    redbill Big Dog

    he fought Henry cooper and sunny Listen before and after he changed his name. peppapig come on spill the beans must be a trick question:)
  6. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    no they didnt.....only one man did it......;)
  7. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    ahhhh fuck it....ingemar johansson.....
  8. Lipcurl

    Lipcurl Big Dog

    ingemar johansson lol
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    well if he fought cassius clay, then he also fought muhammed ali the same night.
  10. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    he fought both clay.....and ali.....:D
  11. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    ya but so did smikin joe frazier, so did george foreman, and all the others.

    i dont get it pep?

    thats like saying who fought batman & bruce wayne!?!
  12. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    apparentlyingemar johansson was only man to fight cassius clay and ali......but.....ive looked back and it seems cooper did too.....so it seems the fight records i looked at were wrong....if so ill hold my hands n say.....peppapig you wanke:(r.....lol...but....i know what i saw....so feck it....im right....:D:D:p:D
  13. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    yea but my point is EVERYBODY THAT MUHAMMED ALI FOUGHT, was fighting cassius clay too! cassius clay & muhammed ali=the same person

    so again, what the fuck are you talking about? lol im confused as shit as you seem dead serious about this. lol
  14. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    ill put it this way ffs as you seem a bit slow....=apparently ingemar johansson was the only man to fight a boxer called cassius clay....and then at a later date fight a boxer called muhammed ali....yes....every one knows its the same person ffs.....but....thats not the point...the point is hes supposed to be the only man to fight him under both names....
  15. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    oooohhh ok so he faught cassius before he changed his name, then fought him again when he was ALI,

    ok i got it now.................thats all you had to say pep, i was confused
  16. oldtymer

    oldtymer Top Dog

    Henry coopers first fight with cassis clay was a non title fight,that was the fight that cooper nailed clay in the 5th i think it was,clay was saved by the bell. When clay came out in the next round he worked on coopers cuts and the fight was stopped with clay winning. They met a couple of years later and by now clay had changed his name to Muhammad Ali and Ali defeated (our enry) cooper.:cool:
  17. damon

    damon Banned

    Ali didn't fight johannson mate
  18. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    i swear damon....thats what was on the record......he was the only one to do so....i checked up n saw that cooper had done so too....n now ive just feckin looked up alis record....n theres no record of ali/clay fighting johansson......so fuck knows.....but i saw johanssons record n what it said......im confused dot com.....
  19. oldtymer

    oldtymer Top Dog

    After johansson was beaten by patterson,ali sparred with him for two rounds all the time mocking him,but i did'nt think they actually fought as in title or other .
  20. molly

    molly Banned

    hehe,which of Ali's opponents appeared in the film "The Fly" ?

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