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CH- game or curs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by MACH0, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "look stupid" LMAO old goat. you win 2-3 then you can laugh your ass to the bank. who care what folks say because that cur just paid for themselves by winning 2-3. aww hell plenty of "game" dogs have prove cur right after showing they were label "game". i guess till you see a real hardmouth dog you will never know llmfao.
  2. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    *laughing* why is it the forefathers always think it was better in their time *laughing* i think the dogs themselves have progressed its the dogman that has digressed *laughing* its a different climate now o.g. (interesting brakedown) the "core" is now several different cores in several different regions (none of which im on the inside of *laughing*) and why i say the dogs are better is becuz of the fastlane... but you have alot of pet breeders im sure it was a time that if you saw a bulldog that you could almost guarantee that it was a game dog... but now adays you have bullys and alot of other imitations that ppl have now... or they want game dogs in the ped but dont want a gamedog (those ppl) and true o.g. ive never seen any of the old dogs or know any of the old men but 2 me its almost like basketball or any other sport... with all the training tools or whatever... but i would like to think that if you took any dogman from before and lined him up with a "REAL" dogman of today... he'd go str8 through him.... imo
  3. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    and you know what e.b. i was sorta up in the air about it too after reading alot of different threads here... but after reading either a post that naus or preme wrote (coulda been r.g.) it clicked... basically if a dogs quit then its a cur... now its up to you to feed that cur or not *laughing*... truly.... im @ peace knowing if my dog stands the line he's a cur... and i gotta find some excuses to make thats all *laughing*... and if i had to i would say he was a cur but other than that i would just say he lost *laughing*... me personally i dont believe in picked up game... so the dog was game....but you werent? Now thats what im moving on to understanding... I thought everybody did this for a "dead"game dog *laughing*
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2010
  4. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Why wouldn't that be the best style? It's the style where your dogs mouth is on them and they can't put their mouth on you. Who wouldn't want that?
  5. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "Why wouldn't that be the best style" because it's a personal preface. there's some real nice backend dogs that can finish quick & take little damage. a head fighter ain't the answer to everything you look across. a good backend dog that gets in the killing spot will physically breakdown a hog quickly & systematicly. are head fighter good dogs sure they are but they ain't the "best bar none". like i posted earlier you bring what you think is worth a bet.
  6. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    If dog A, B, C, and D were equal in every way such as gameness, strength, mouth, ect. The only thing all 4 of those dogs did different was their style. You would have to give the nod to the head dog. Simply because he is going to be the one that is going to stay out of the most trouble because of his style.
  7. eddieem

    eddieem Big Dog

    Don't believe in picked up game...if the dogs clearly out classed and has no shot why leave him down...imo that's a disservice to the dog
  8. eddieem

    eddieem Big Dog

    Some backend dogs take a beating trying to get there
  9. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    I agree, give me a head dog anyday !
  10. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    that's still just opinion & speculating on what if's. if A,B,C &, D are equal then the backend hound will finish. like the O'l saying goes " the best defence is a good offence". if your the type that wants to be there all night & hope you can stay till the cur comes out. that's fine because it's your preface & that's your money. others may bring something that is looking to take you out asap & don't care about how they do it. its hard to stay on the head if your backend is gone in 30.
  11. csotelo9388

    csotelo9388 Big Dog

    it wuld b hard to get on the bak end wit ur head in the other dogs mouth
  12. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

  13. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    if your worried about a hard one. these dogs ain't the right things for you. because " scarred men don't gamble"
  14. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    There is always gonna be a style that is superior to others and that is not an opinion. Think of it like this, in MMA Royce Gracie proved that gracie Jiu-Jitsu was superior to boxing, wrestling, kick boxing, karate, ect. The boxers thought they could land that first big punch, the kick boxers thought they could land that big kick and none of them ever did. Now MMA is a mix of all styles but one thing they all have in common is they know BJJ. BJJ is that head dog in the dog game. A head dog style is superior. Thats just the way it is.
  15. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    ben, there's been plenty of hard game dogs . you just need to get someone to show you .
  16. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Royce Gracie how much did his bjj help him last time out in ufc ? or against Kazushi Sakuraba ? both wrestlers. it's plan as day that wrestling is the new bjj it ain't 1999 & the bjj folks ain't at the top of the food chain. so that statement is more then laughable. frank edgar sure does have BJ's number & his bjj is as good as any grace's. so you ain't really helping with those examples. now if i agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "there's been plenty of hard game dogs" sooooo where did say there wasn't ? if your going to post towards me at least think before you post.
  18. csotelo9388

    csotelo9388 Big Dog

    good head dogs have beat good end dogs...good end dogs have beat good head dogs...its the luk of the draw...but if i were to bet on a stlye it wuld b a good head dog.take away a dog weapons (his mouth) n he's in fr a looonnnngggg day.now if u have a very powerful,n fast animal then mayb he can with stand the head hold,get out of it n do his damage on the bakend.just depends on the dogs
  19. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    hihi , go play in the street ben . these dogs ain't for you .
  20. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "depends on the dogs" that's right. "but if i were to bet on a stlye" that's preface & your money. ".its the luk of the draw" that's the truth. style is obsolete if there's no substance behind it. if one was truly superior to the other there's no need for a show. for every headfighter there's a backend hound & folks willing to set one down & vice versa. so to say one style is superior to the next is totally assinine.

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