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All The Way From Dubai...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by inkdogg, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    Just wanna introduce Lil Maximus ,Just got him yesterday....

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  2. AxeMan

    AxeMan Pup

    you're all the way from dubai, or you got the pup from dubai!?
  3. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    Im from Dubai n so is d pup .. Hopefully one day i can get a pup from d States...
  4. AxeMan

    AxeMan Pup

    that's some pretty green grass for that part of the world...
  5. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    lol Ya its not all sand here anymore....Oil changed d looks of dis part of the world... wish der mantality would also change hehe...
  6. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    tell use if the have the working dogs there and hi .
  7. 6sN7s

    6sN7s Top Dog

    nice pup

    there shouldnt be any money problems for these oil sheiks to start themselves a new hobby
  8. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    ish lunak lol
  9. AxeMan

    AxeMan Pup

    didn't take long for the peddling to start once dubai was mentioned LMFAO
  10. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    Der arnt any good Dogmen here ....ive heard of guys matching but its all backyard stuff .
    Kingkong at the moment import of APTB or any kind of pitbull are banned.... :-(
  11. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    lol .............
  12. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    Here the colour of the nose is very important.. so u can imagin der knowledge about the breed...
  13. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

  14. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    INKDOG :The Navy took me there, while i was still in. i think it was 2007 or 2008, but the architecture is beautiful out there. they were starting to build that tallest building in the world while i was there. Me and my buddies went to the Hard rock cafe right next to the UAE college out there. we met some girls out there and they showed us all arround Dubai. you guys know how to drive. for yall that dont know those guys are driving like 90-100+ mph CRAZY. YOU gusy got some pretty girls out there and thats not no joke either. And the mall is crazy they have an indoor ski hill in the mall in the fucking desert. im talking about you have to have big bucks shopping in there because the stores are high end like ARMANI & PRADA type of stores. Beautiful place, i hope i could visit that place again soon....
  15. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    i always said the best thing about the middle east cities is the tal buildings in the cities are actually shopping centres which u can go into where ashe or america they are bank building or insurance companies or sometimes hotel. good for nothing tall buildings.
  16. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    yeah i guess it depends were you are at. alot of those tall building were busineses, apartments, condo's, 5 or 10(whatever it goes by) star hotels, banks, restraunts, corporate buildings nothing to much different than here in our US cities. it was just that everything out there was new and alot of developement was going on all over. and alot more money is heavilly invested in Dubai, i dont know why. maybe becasue it is a kind of safe haven in the Middle East for safe money flow for the world to do business at. i dont think there are any other Middle East cities that could compare to Dubai. I ve been to Bahrain( very nice in its own way) too becasue of the Navy, but it cant compare to dubai. i think that Dubai is the only city out there that has skyscrappers like our US cities. Except theres is alot nicer ones
  17. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    arabs are traders by bloodline. thats their thing. and they spend money lavishly too hence the skycraper in the city.

    and its not because its a safeheaven..its because there is no shari'a law applied there and the whole cities is just full of foreigners.. and my uncle who called from saudi he was telling me last week about dubai, he said the emirate people are not very happy about whats going on in dubai, they feel like its losing its identity as a muslim arab/middle eastern city, for example they serve alcohol in dubai, and they have night clubs.
  18. NatureBoy

    NatureBoy Big Dog

    WTF.... dogs are a hobby and a way of life... peddling is for internet dogmen! JMO
  19. The biggest fake ass country in the world, its all fake, and these folk trying there damndest to be like us ``western `` folk lol. After years of foreign investment, they now tell property owners that they dont actually own their houses after all, but only for 100 year lease.

  20. inkdogg

    inkdogg Banned

    Der d world,s tallest bldg in d background....

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