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MA: Pit bulls in 'deplorable' conditions

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by Vicki, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Pit bulls in 'deplorable' conditions
    Sentinel & Enterprise Posted: 07/27/2012 07:02:19 AM EDT

    FITCHBURG -- The last blue pit-bull terrier poked his head through the rear door at 444 Water St. Thursday evening, his first whiff of fresh air in what must have felt like forever.

    He took one tentative step forward before he started trotting, tail wagging in full circle like a propeller, greeting the team of police, firefighters and animal-rescue officials who saved him and three others from cages in a filthy, baking basement.

    By 6:15 p.m., three hours after a utility worker called police about conditions in the storage building, all four animals were on their way to shelters to begin their recovery.

    "It appears they'd been down there a considerable amount of time," said police Sgt. Matthew Lemay. "It doesn't appear that the cages, or the dogs, had ever been cleaned... There was no power, no food, no water."

    Officers and firefighters had to make an emergency entry through the building -- which formerly housed the Registry of Motor Vehicles but is now privately owned -- after smelling a foul odor and hearing the dogs' cries from inside.

    Fitchburg Animal Control Officer Suzan Kowaleski and her assistant, Mike East, took care of the first of the four male pit bulls, who escaped the basement as soon as he could. He was silent in the back of the department's air-conditioned truck, except for his tail thumping on the side.

    Lemay declined to name the building's owner, and it was unclear who was keeping the dogs in the basement. The building is being used for storage. It contained car parts and broken-down motorcycles. Some beds on the second level indicate people may have been squatting in it.

    "It's the worst I've ever seen," Lemay said. "It's deplorable."

    There were feces and urine throughout the building -- the waste was piled 8 inches high in some places. The Fire Department provided breathing devices and fans, but the stench lingered hours after the doors were opened.

    The dogs were kept in cages, about 4 feet by 4 feet, in the basement of the brick building. The only air came from a single, foot-high window at ground level.

    Lt. Alan Borgal, a state humane officer working in the Law Enforcement Department for the Animal Rescue League of Boston, said the ammonia from the dogs' urine was the worst he'd ever smelled.

    "This ammonia smell is horrible, and it can actually be very harmful to the lungs," he said. "Your eyes burn. Even with a mask on, your throat starts to burn. In 32 years (of law enforcement) this is the most pungent, acrid odor I've smelled."

    The dogs' temperament despite their situation was positive. All of them had signs of past injury, especially to their paws, Lemay said.

    The person responsible for keeping the animals will face at least four counts of felony animal cruelty, he said. Officers at the scene questioned a man who said he was walking and feeding the animals, then told him to leave the property.

    Because there were more than three dogs being kept there, Borgal explained, the site constitutes an illegal kennel operation. None of the dogs was licensed with the city.

    Officers declined to say where the animals are being sheltered.

    Pit bull is brought out of the former Registry of Motor Vehicles building on Water Street in Fitchburg on Thursday. (SENTINEL & ENTERPRISE / BRETT CRAWFORD)

    Pit bulls in 'deplorable' conditions - Sentinel Enterprise
  2. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    That dog actually looks really good and healthy. Could this story just be a cover up to take someones dogs and put them down?
  3. Eagle

    Eagle Big Dog

    That dog looks more Rott than anything...not an ApBT.
  4. you get bulldogs with those markings now and again
  5. rroscoe

    rroscoe Lightner Hemphill / Colby

    Yeah everyone is going to say you can get that color ,but I see a rot mask on it Patern looks like a duck walks like a duck ..Still a good looking dog though ...
  6. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

  7. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

  8. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  9. Goemon

    Goemon Banned

    LOL...black and tans been around. They are not the rott mask and dobie. Sorrells at least had pit dogs.
    The biggest fakes are the now common "widow's peak" dogs. The Wilder dogs crossed with coonhounds, which Jake admitted.
    They began popping up in the 80's. Some are trying to say these masked dogs are Old Family Red Nose. LMAO!!!!
  10. Redboy09

    Redboy09 Pup

    I was thinking the same thing!
    @rroscoe & @Eagle: Hell, my bitch just threw a litter of pups with 3 black & tans! & where I live a coyote had a better chance of sticking her than a rottie.
  11. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    I think Azuma is a game bred rottweiler-doberman mix myself.....
  12. bulldogg

    bulldogg Pup

    its hiliarious that these "dog men" dont even know about tri-colors...they been around especially some good sorrells dogs
  13. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    you get the hard mouth from the rott, the speed and agility from the dobie, and who the fuck knows where the gameness comes from LOL
  14. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    Heard good things about Sorrels dogs of the past. I don't personally give 2 fucks what it looks like as long as it's a bulldog!! Hell I read a story about a "bird dog" that whipped some ass. Would've taken that over any pretty pedigree pre 76' of course. What I noticed was how healthy the dog in pic looked getting back to subject and clean.
  15. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    yup the dogs did look like they were well fed and they looked sharp too if you watch the video
  16. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Oh god this is a repeat of the Sorrells thread. The guy who thinks those dogs are crossed with rotties got his info from the science channel enough said LOL.
  17. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

  18. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    They look a lot like UKC showdogs but there's no telling. Anyway they look clean and healthy to me. And if they were really kept inside and never let out would they be that friendly...? You'd think they'd be shy and scared if they hadn't been used to people.
  19. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    They look like Classic Bullies to me ...
  20. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    So UKC showdogs... lol

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