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Told you so

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Fritz, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    And Fritz, don´t mind Keystone, he is living in a world of his own.....
    I guess sometimes he neither understand what he is reading nor (and that´s worse) understanding what he is trying to tell others.
  2. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Hey Key lets get back to the sheep topic.
    There have been some germans looking after you and you greeted them with a sheep in a wheelbarrow.... so what did you do to that sheep..... just to get the story finished???? ;)
  3. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    teenage girls to be precisely .................................
  4. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    You also driving dead teenage girls in your wheelbarrow.... Key you nasty little perv! ;)
  5. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    So how you proceed anyways before driving a corpse around in that wheelbarrow?
    Fuck first kill later or kill first fuck later?
  6. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    did you know that yoda does the voice for Grover during the day, and seeks the force by night?
  7. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Where´s Key at? Come back here Käsekopf and entertain me!

    McCoy who the hell is Grover?
  8. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog



    ..i understand what your saying fritz...we too used to use only raw, we used to be able to get a large off head-meat/hearts/etc...in big bags..then when the foot+mouth hit over here it got harder to get a good contact for wholesale.,hence a-lot switched to a good kibble,,.i get what your saying about the way some write about feeding raw like they invented it..as for cooking the raw only certain pieces and only blanched..but meat is the natural diet...mmmm..
  10. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Where I differed greatly is that I was feeding more raw nuts and seeds than meat -- ground down, of course, for digestibility.
  11. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Nuts ok because of the acids and fats but seeds? What seeds are you referring to?


    ..i'd add small mix veg broch/carrots/etc....also couple nuts....out off interest was watching a wildlife docu; on tv one night there was a pair of wolves raiding a vineyard eating the grapes..???..i all-ways taught that grapes were/are dangerous to dogs..but they were munching a-way grapes+apples..in mainland europe ...??????
  13. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    I had a female that was after grapes like hell! Where I live we have many fine vineyards and when on a walk she checked by occassion and as soon as the grapes where good enough to be brought in she ripped them of, carried them home and ate them!
  14. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Mostly sunflower, occasionally sesame.
  15. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    What you use as fiber?


    ...i use a small bit all-bran...or other hi-fibre ..what everybody else use..for a good grip..lol..
  17. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Virtually any vegetable under the sun. I'd grind up, say, half a cup of raw sunflower seeds and add them to, say, celery, cucumber, lettuce, string beans, or whichever other raw vegetable run through a blender.

    Best I don't try to include my complete feeding program here, for it'd run article length. I wrote a whole long article about it in my Man Meets Bulldog, those of you who remember.
  18. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    See me I´m going like this:
    Good dry kibble as a base, then either what comes in by hunting, like deer or what I can get at the slaughter house. Then sometimes I add curd or cottage cheese, whole eggs or fresh meat. Also raw bone some vegetables etc.
  19. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Giroux' CH GUNNER was fed table scraps. Sometimes the roads to success leads around the cat's ass. We will never be able to analyze it all into an all encompassing answer.


    ...funny that you should say that tdk...one off my neighbours (RIP)..mena,,she was a saint off a woman would do anything to help ya out type...she all-ways kept a small lap-dog of one type or another..poodle/terrier..mix..but she fed all her dogs table scraps+a little bit off cheap kibble..well every one off her dogs..went to live over 14 ..or very close ...she allways swore by her way ...food for taught..

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