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Told you so

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Fritz, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Bluebull in all honesty, everybody that has some common sense that happened to have dogs with Bonnie in their peds breeding away from that bonny influx. NO ONE that is serious gives a shit about his dogs.
    All he was able to do was talking peoples ear sore and selling his shit to beginners and people who fell for his cheatings.
    Remember he was asked to put some proof to his super secret heavily ducked purest of the pure bullshit dogs and he never came up with it. Answer is simple, he can´t!


    ..thats what i'm getting at..dih...should gonna,,different direction ,,but true ya have to test em ...back then....the whole gang be down on ya pretty soon..lol...
  3. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    what you mean bleu he gave js opinion
    you really think fritz don't understand what i am asking him ?lol
    you not interesting in the historia ....is it because you don't have history yourself?
    bleu the langauce thing is only used vs me ...when somebody really does not know what to say else lol
    90% of the english speaken ones ...are knowing excektly what i am saying here
    on the board
  4. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    fritz i have heard what you write here ..cople of times .....to me it sound as talking in a circle
    evry area have his own champions and his pups of champions ..
    don't say here you are/have been pup peddler ...you don't sound like that ....you like writing ....and you happy when people buy your book ..that is very normal ..
    i don't said you are ducking ..i just told you some of my experience ...........
    and aske you because i am shure many here on the board like to hear from the past
    who was ducking who and why ......ect .....who had the highest understanding according to you on that moment ..you where around (5 years)who was the biggest wheeler and who was the biggest dealer .....
    how many diffeent competitions around according to you when you where there
  5. billbulldog

    billbulldog Big Dog

    I feed my dogs many things but in every meal I'll add fish mainly mackerel or pilcherds


    ...ok key,,,ducking...spot-picking...etc/etc...or just common sense dog-man...lets say we were back in the 40's/50's....and ya were in the game..ya have a good dog..note i say a good-dog,,not a demon..a little better than average say,,so ya find his weight..then ya go looking for something,,then ya hear there's two dog's same weight,but one's a demon,,ya know by seen him your dog won't have the beaten off him,,but the other dog ya see ya think your's will have a fair 50/50 chance of beaten.which will ya go into..now is that spot-picking or common sense.....????????????????????
  7. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    bleu when you have a weight .........
    you send this weight to al people you know ..(area.country)letters before lol
    al letters at same moment post
    no common sence lol
    first one who react ..is it


    ...now you know that it don't all-ways work out that way....thats why some keep quite about what they have,,unless it was a demon..and opened to all comers,,now if you have a decent dog,common sense or spot pick/?? will tell ya to check whats around first...now ya can call it spot picking ,,but the facts are people do/done it...spec; for it's first one.....


    FOR once i do agree with ya key..if ya have confidence in your dog,,ya should be open to all...but a-lot off times it just don't work that way..spot-picking//ducking...etc/etc....but back in yesteryear say ya have 50 dogs and ya saw a show,,ya can/would say to your-self..mmm..old geogre would beat that dog..may-be i will try and get it on with that guy..and tell him i have one that would whip his winners ass...now he might have better dogs than geogre but he still decides to go with geogre...???????????....so..?
  10. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Who was ducking whom? I'm sure I could name a few dogmen I considered the "ducking" sort, but it'd feel like malicious gossip naming them. There was, for example, a California dogman who wouldn't match into Steinberg despite that it was Steinberg wanting to match into the man's Gr. Ch. That the man should deny Steinberg a chance at his Gr. Ch. seemed and seems to me a genuine example of ducking.

    On the other hand, if I had a pretty good dog of my own and was challenged to match into one I knew my dog had no chance against, I'd skip that one. But I wouldn't call that ducking a match, I'd call it common sense. Why should I give money away and get my dog beat up just to prove a point? That'd be insane.

    But in a case where two guys are matching unstipulated dogs and one bows out because he's awed by the other man's reputation, that too, I think, meets the definition of "ducking."

    There has to be a balance. The challenge is in walking that sometimes fine line between ducking a match and recognizing the sheer insanity of proceeding with it.
  11. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Well said, the eye of the beholder

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    the people ...can name them lol......it are the ones that are dealing al thier live's with
    with average ........several of them changing a ped in a hour ...pushing fake peds
    .and shout on the ones who are open al their to live's to anybody......givinf them name's
    telling bad things about them ..just to protect their puppy bisniss ....
    we talking here for the next generation


    ...nicely put.... FRITZ...and i'd say to anybody back then is if ya had the confidence in your dog don't be put off by anybody's reputation...if they have a very good rep ,it meant you work harder,,and be ready.....fritz i don't know the story about the GR:CH...if he was actively looking to keep him out,and avoided ya then yeah he ducking/skipping ya...but if the gr ch was retired and he was useing for stud/not open...well...the dog has nothing to prove..??????
  14. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    look bleu in 2009 a big average dogman came to this board and told al mayfield/keystone genes are curs ...+ givin name's
    it was the reason i came to this board and stayed hanging here lol
    in the 25 years before he wrote that he refused to go in one of those dogs box wise
    so it ment the batlle had to be done here on the board more or les ...lol
    because of my bad english ..its getting better by the day (i can say because people tel me lol)people thought/think ..its a battle ...but the only reason i wrote it ....for helping the new generation to see ly's .....and make them attent when in the mood for pups
    ...and now after 5 years ..the man is not speaking
    here anymore for month's already
    left a cople of topics behind ...where the last qeustions are stil not answered
    for me this is one of the biggest example's of somebody that give name's to other people ..with only one reason to keep them on distance ......
    so when i read people who are giving name's to people ...i am getting more attent ...
  15. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    No, this Gr. Ch. went on to win several more even while ducking Steinberg.
  16. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    On the other hand, if I had a pretty good dog of my own and was challenged to match into one I knew my dog had no chance against, I'd skip that one. But I wouldn't call that ducking a match, I'd call it common sense. Why should I give money away and get my dog beat up just to prove a point? That'd be insane.

    i think this is ducking fritz lol......
    you never know what happen its Always 50/50..
    if you loose it can learn you 2 things .....have left to much of him at home
    or i need better
    or you are in it pure for the money
  17. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    It's always 50/50?

    Now you're doing stand-up, right? No such thing as giving odds or playing the odds? The lowest rated college team has a fifty-fifty chance against the highest rated? C'mon, man, think before you speak. Otherwise you quickly lose credibility if you haven't already.
  18. How long were you in dogs for fritz ?
  19. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    I was in the dogs no longer than five years. How I got into them and how and why I got out makes for a compelling read. I put all that into my memoir titled Writing One's Memoir Sucks. I published it, but only just recently "unpublished" it, made it unavailable. I love writing life-based fiction and literally hate writing specifically about myself, trotting myself out onto the world stage, as it were.
  20. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Keystone the reason why people ignored and not ducked you was that no one in all of Europe considered you as a serious person at all!
    Could it be they didn´t like you at all and never considered your dogs to be worthy as a competition? Think about it!!!!!!!!

    All you are doing in your bitterness is talking dumb shit about people that have proven way more than you ever did and don´t need you around them.
    You know you are nothing more than a drug addict that fell for a peddler, YES I CALL THE LATE DM A PEDDLER, and tried to fool other people with your crappy dogs!

    So if you can sleep better by thinking people ducked you, well if you can handle it better that way...... lol!

    You have been asked over and over again to come up with your achievements...... well beside of foolish babbling you came up with nothing, zero, nada!

    So so stick with your illusion but quit annoying people with your unfulfilled dreams!

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