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What's Cookin?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by YellowJohnJocko, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Ramen, squid balls and spring rolls. Can't complain.
    AGK and F.W.K. like this.
  2. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Ain’t got shit on she crab soup
  3. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Your food preference is in question lol
  4. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

  5. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Some German food however I really don't know what I just ate.
  6. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    bamaman likes this.
  7. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Now if I could roll something up and be home more life would be perfect lol
    Revelator and F.W.K. like this.
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I eat 1 real authentic taco and start making up dishes lmao.
    It was acutally really good. I cubed up a porterhouse and cooked it in a pan with oil, green chilies and onions. I then put it a folded tortilla and threw it in hot oil. Topped it with salsa casera, radicchio and baby spinach and Saffron rice on the side.

    Revelator, ben brockton and F.W.K. like this.
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Damn good food. Screenshot_20231104_144455_Gallery.jpg
    AGK and Revelator like this.
  10. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    The groups horizons are so much broader than mine.

    It is funny that the military carried me to a number of places around the world and 'their foods' never really stuck with me. Never got excited about trying new foods.

    On a mediterranean deployment once we were underwater for about 50 days, surfaced, pulled into Haifa, Israel. Coming off the pier/base I saw the Golden Arches of McDonalds. I didn't see the point in going any further.

    In England I went out on limb for Fish and chips. In Lamadalena, Palau and Sardinia I stumbled upon Stromboli. Maybe my biggest stretch.

    My wife on the other hand enjoys the pics you guys post as her and my son 'love food' and will try just about anything.

    They say I am just stuck on boring.

    I really do not go further than salt and pepper when cooking and the occasional use of pepper when eating.

    This plate is from a convenience store grill on my way to work. They make a mean pork chop sandwich in the morning as well.

    This plate pushed a turd as well anywhere.

    Stuck on boring I guess. LOL


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    Ssdd, Revelator, F.W.K. and 2 others like this.
  11. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Damn slim12 hanging out with pure power and bak I'd figure you been to a few places they season chicken lmfao
  12. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Bak was on fish kick on one of the weekends we rolled.

    I swear that guy knew where every fish joint was from here to the mountains.

    Just out of the blue he would say, "Take the next exit". And it would be some kick ass fish joint in the middle of nowhere.

    Purepower was the most country dude I ever met. He could smell chitlins from two counties over and I would say "not today Big Man".

    Funny you mentioned him because he was the talk this morning. One of the last dogs we bred together threw a male that titled last night.

    Every dog he ever owned had "twenty penny nails in his mouth and cut shit up like a Husqvarna chain saw".

    Small world.

    tomjones2 likes this.
  13. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    Food and dogs two of the many IMG_20230722_181104976.jpg pleasures in life.
    tomjones2, ben brockton and Revelator like this.
  14. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    BTW it the meal is salmon curry with noodles and cherry tomatoes.
  15. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    According to Bobby Smith, the best BBQ meat in the Dallas area was at a gas station that also served as a butcher shop. I thought it was curious, it was run by an older Black couple and Bobby was right, the meat tasted delicious.
    tomjones2 likes this.
  16. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    Not curious, but a gas station and a butcher's shop in one, which was a culture shock for me LOL
  17. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Wagyu Picanha steak.

    My son is really into expensive meats and expensive bourbons.

    I think he is living way beyond his raisings, but he works and pays his own way.

    This was incredible.

    He got this from Snake River Farms.


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    Revelator, AGK, F.W.K. and 2 others like this.
  18. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Snake river farms is really expensive beef. Your boy absolutely does have expensive taste lol
  19. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Over this side of the world. The places with the best food are usually little hole in the wall spots.
    Revelator and F.W.K. like this.
  20. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member


    The best fried chicken on the planet was in an old dilapidated building we called the "Green Fly Restaurant". The big green horse flies were ever present.

    The older black lady at the front may say, "Can I help you?" or she may say, "WTF do you want?" and on some days she would say how she was sick and tired of white people trying to eat like black people.

    You smile, take it like a champ and get the very best fried chicken in the world with long neck Budweiser's that was so cold I thought the glass would break.

    Straight hole in the wall.

    Revelator likes this.

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