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Elevage Vanelle / Vanelle's Kennel

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by AnAdmirableMan, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. I just watched this guy Vanelle's interview on social media, where he was talking trash about Chico Lopez. The very same Chico who Vanelle sought out and acquired blood and enabled his program to succeed. But apparently he started to feel insecure, so he resorted to attacking him. What an asshole.
  2. why is it bad if you are disappointed in someone or something and tell your opinion about it?? your opinion can only be about what you experience yourself.. otherwise, if Chico is attacked in the online space, he has only himself to thank for it.. why don't they attack you or me on social media? because you didn't give it and I didn't give it a reason .. that's all.
    Chico is driven crazy by money, his face is too big and he often says things that make me laugh.
    I have no business with him, and I never will, but I can give my opinion based on what I have seen or heard him say.
    Staff0rd likes this.
  3. Vanelles is an insecure, dishonest clout chaser. He achieved his success by exploiting chico Lopez’s strong bloodline, but he stabs chico in the back. Vanelles is a bad person. And no I don’t believe you at all. The dogs are clearly Chico's genuine passion, not a scam like yours and many others in this field. That’s why he has traveled the world to teach people and establish shows and organizations and education without any charge. You and your peers have done nothing for others. Chico has been a vital resource in many countries that lack the opportunities we have. He is one of the rare people who values quality over quantity. And Chico rejects numerous clients because he cares about his dogs’ welfare and happiness. He is unlike you or the other sellers and breeders who are driven by greed. I doubt Chico would ever deal with you. He says he don't deal with kennels and low level dog fighters. I bet you have used intermediaries to get his dogs.
  4. Chico deserves all the money and flowers for his contributions
  5. I personally believe there are great people on this forum, who also love and respect and support chico..for what he has done for the real breed.
  6. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Lol, ehhh unlikely my guy. I aint ever seen anyone worship that man like you do.
    The guy you're worshiping is a total slimebag. I'm not sure who I find more nauseating to listen to, Chico or Cali Jack. It's a real close tie.

    You aint going to find too many folks that look at him in the kind of light you do chief. Sounds like you aint ever really dealt with him before. I was just watching Tuf Kennels Bully him on FB. Chico has 2 defenses when challenged, #1. "I'm calling the cops" or #2. You're blocked.


    I'm not debating that he's had some good dogs here and there, some are highly questionable as to who they went into but as a man, the guys a total grease ball. It's weird to see a man ( I assume that's what you are) talking so lovingly towards another man. That's ahh, really zesty there buddy. It was like reading a homoerotic novel lol.

    The thread itself is real feminine. Who cares what someone said about someones else. Chico aint gonna do shit about it. Lol.

    This is 3rd party gossip type shit like a middle school female would be worried about. Do you have a dog from Chico or just his biggest stan? :-?
    tomjones2, PupDog15 and Bloodline74 like this.

  7. you know nothing about me you unfortunate idiot .. :)

    Where did you hear me advertising my dogs, you clown?
    You wouldn't get a dog from me, but neither would Chico, only if I think you're worth it, you can wipe your ass with your money !
    Because real dogmen don't breed for money, you stupid shit !
    kneel before Chico and love him.... you fucking idiot.
  8. Chico is a retired dog man. He says it on his social media. He earned it. he is the pitbull ambassador. I think it's gay to hate on the ambassador and dog man so much when the breed is already in shit. I know chico is a hardcore guy but should be respected. I don't get the hate at all. It seems like infiltrators, the public dog fight talk. I don't want to argue with you, I was just saying, this guy Vanelles is an asshole. His program is based on Lopez blood, but he is out here screaming about chico in interviews. How gay
  9. Are you Vanelles ?
  10. Bloodline are you vanelles:)):)):))
  11. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    You can fill in the blank with any one you wish, be it dog man, sports icon or celebrity, I have never figured out the man worship.

    Chico bought some good dogs, he had a few good wins, he fabricated a bunch of stories and found a way to sell 'real pitbulls' to celebrities and pro athletes for huge $$$$$$$. He found a way to make his mark and he should be commended for making his hustle/finding that path.

    But at the same time, he has done nothing spectacular in the dogs. When talking of the all-time greats no one ever includes Chico, except for maybe Chico.

    I liked the analogy with Chico and Cali Jack. I would offer up that Jack wrote a great book and that book helped and can help a lot of people, so he has that contribution going for him.

    If there is celebrating needed it is for the fact that he figured out how to make money off dogs and that will be his biggest contribution to the game.

    ben brockton and AGK like this.
  12. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Oh, well, why didn't you just say that before? If Chico said it, then it MUST be gospel! :))

    Then again, he also still calls Ch Seiga a GR CH even though he fouled out on her fifth show so honestly, honesty isn't something that man is known for. This sites been around since 05. That's thousands of threads on here, you aint finding pro Chico threads anywhere unless you started them ( Or he did) . Lol.

    Worship Yahweh not some sleezeball of a human....

    Out of ALL the actual greats out there, past and present that have contributed to these dogs, you picked Chico to put on a pedestal? Unreal, but to each their own. Lol.

    This thread reminds me of the movie Misery. Lmao is that you Kathy Bates? :-?
    Staff0rd likes this.
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I'm still curious how you became so star struck on him. Is it just the things you've read about him? or you have dogs of his? or what? It's not very often you see a man complimenting another man like you take up for Chico. That's highly unusual to do for someone you don't actually know or are related to in some way.

    My next thought is, maybe you're just a kid and the behavior would be more explainable.

    My last thought though is, maybe you're just trolling.
  14. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    Every somewhat or very famous dog man has his fans and haters. So do C.L and CA.Jack ( yes good book he once published). Both have quite a big mouth, like to brag, ridicule others and exaggerate a lot and are very focused on money. Maybe that's where the aversion comes from.
  15. Staff0rd

    Staff0rd Pup

    Chico Lopez bloodline isn't even his own...
    He bought all those Awesome Buck x Tinker dogs, and gave no credit whatsoever to the breeder!

    Chico is nothing other then a peddler.
    Bloodline74 likes this.
  16. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Well said.

    I enjoyed my time on Jack's page/forum. He is very knowledgeable and he put a ton of information in one place. I never had issue with any of the book or the stories or the accomplishments.

    On peds online Jack was trashing a guy about his housing and how the very least he could do was build one of the one piece plywood boxes that he 'invented'. I pulled up one of his first videos and it shows Poncho on a chain set up with a sky crate for a dog house. I posted back that maybe he should log off and build one of those plywood boxes. I was immediately a 'fuck-tard' which was his go-to.

    It is one thing to have nothing and in turn offer nothing and even further do nothing. But to have something, then offer nothing and be-little people that are asking.....entirely different ball game there.


  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Lol. He sure did have a way of getting underneath ones skin.
  18. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    What happened to Jack? Completely out the dogs? Don’t know how anyone can get the bug and be able to just walk away. Remember he has a forum years ago even before the days of his peds site. Enjoyed his books too tbh when brand new to the dogs, even if just for the info on after care.
  19. Staff0rd

    Staff0rd Pup

    Yeah he out.
    Think he's a private investigator or something now these days
  20. You are a cheap fuck tard you are the money crazed mofo not chico. Chico has achieved success in various fields that are unrelated to dogs for a long time. The dogs are his passion not a scheme. He wants to benefit and contribute to the breed not use it as a prostitute like you. And you have concocted a false allegation about Chico being a storyteller. Chico has been in the trenches more than you. You are a deceiver who never accomplished anything remarkable. Chico has numbers that surpass STP or your daddy Tom Garner who testifies against dog men and put them in prison. Chico entered the highest level of competition and emerged victorious. He has produced numerous champions, grand champions, DOY, BIS, ROM

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