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Number of times to breed a female

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by debodebo, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Let me first say that I do not plan own breeding anydogs because I have not earned that right. I was just wondering how many times do ya'll think it is safe to breed a female and how often. Their are alot of byb around were I live in Louisiana that breed their dogs alot. They might give them a brake every once in a while. Isn't this terrible for their females and will the puppies be less quality after she has been breed a certain number of times.
  2. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    I have seen pple breed every 6 mos from the age of about 2 until they are 7 or 8 yrs old,,this example is BYB.
  3. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    I feel like it does take something out of a female everytime she's bred. I can tell you that when our girl was bred eons ago, she was never really her old perky self after her second litter. Albeit that may be an extreme example, but I feel there's no reason to breed a female more than twice, maybe 3 times if she's an awesome producer. They've got to have time to just be dogs, too.
  4. Attila

    Attila Guest

    When I do it is at least three cycles in between. Back when I was running coon hounds some times two full cycles in between on the grand night champion bitches. I don't breed under 2 1/2 years old and over 6 so 3 breedings was about it for me. Now I don't have as much of a demand or reason to breed so it will be far less. But 3-4 was about it. Having a litter takes allot out of a dog. I give Higher doses of vitamines during the pregnacy and during the time of feeding pups up till about 3 weeks past weening the pups. Upping the feed and levels of protien in the feed. Also adding calcium to the meals to maintain bone mass and density of the female. I find that it takes fare less time for the mom to recover from the process this way. My major concern is the health of my bitch. In that the pups are always taken care of. Also keeping up sanitation. Using a Iodine water mix to wipe off her teets every day twice a day to keep them sanitary as well. Same stuff we did on the dairy cattle. They also need more minerals during the pregnacy and lactation cycle not just the calcium. Others have their own ways but this is mine.
  5. good post. Hey attila Bell The other dog of mine that we talked about was bred 5 times before i got her. . I think the breedings is what aged her so fast. She is 5 years old now and looks alot older than that. The guy I got her from was a puppy mill furshure BYB. He bought a jeep dog the other day and was bragging how he is going to use her as a brood. I fellt so sorry for that dog. He was telling me that I need to breed Bell one more time. I am like no whey man she is a retired pet for me . She is just going to be loved and that is it. Now she will get a chance to live as a pet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2006
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  6. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Five times! dang poor thing. No wonder she had some problems you need to keep her put up and away from that idiot. We need to build a $h!t list of people to never buy or sell dogs too. The person that he got the dog from should be warned. Well that is unless that person is the same way. I should meet this person maybe I can help him realize his errors. I suppose he didn't wait till she was old enough to breed either. Man that is wrong.
  7. I was thinking the same think. Overbreeding a dog is killing a dog.
  8. Game Face

    Game Face Pup

    I believe that u should breed at least ounce a year from the age of 2 - 5 makein 3 breedings in a dogs life time. Unless she's such a great producer and yeld a low number of pups, too many pups take a lot out of a dog an she can por with 2 litters if she's good.Then let her live her life!
  9. Nigerino.com/

    Nigerino.com/ CH Dog

    Been keeping and breeding thes dogs fo over twenty five years. As long as you are taking good care of your dogs they enjoy being moms and can be bred way up into there old age. Pups should be taken from them at the age of five to six weeks and the females should be dried up of there milk. There are many things to do but if done right it can be a good thing.
  10. i belive only 1 litter per year and no more than 4 litters in a life time.thats just my own opinion though.with my dogs i find if you breed them this way it doesnt take to much out of them and they have proper time to recoup after their last litter.and like cujo said i always take the pups off the mother between five to six weeks,and dry the mother out.
  11. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Thanks everyone for your input. It seems that the majority of responses are saying to only breed a female three or four times during a lifetime. This sounds like a resonable amount of times.
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  12. well in all my years of breeding that is the number i have found to be healthy for the female.and when you really sit down and think about it she has produced many many dogs.
  13. VIPPIT

    VIPPIT Pup

    How you dry the mother out????

    I would like to know:)
  14. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I am really glad you asked the question. That way other people can read it and learn also. I don't know of how many people I have met over the years that breed the life right out of a dog. It can be sad. Plus when you do take good care and don't breed as often you can still show and pull. Move on to get more championships to continue to prove that the girl is worth her weight in gold. Or at least in feed. lol. rep to you.
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    When you take the mother away she dries out naturally. (Stops producing milk).
  16. just take the mother away from the puppies.
  17. Nigerino.com/

    Nigerino.com/ CH Dog

    When your pups are four weeks old it is a good time to set a bowl of water down by them and take each pup and set it's mouth in the edge of the water, some will take right to it others will catch on each day. Do this each day plus put a hand full of dry puppy food down for the pups each day at this age. By the time they are five weeks old they should be eaten and drinking on there own. I take their mother away around five to six weeks old but for the first week I will pup the mother with the pups just for five or ten minutes a day to let the pups take some of the presure off the moms tits. It is very important to rub your hands under your female each day to feel for any hardness. This should be done a few week before she gives birth and three weeks after you take her from the pups. If you feel any of hardness she should be given a three cc shot of penicillin for three to five days.

    Two days after you have taken your female compleatly off the pups it will help if you cut her food intake in half for two days, even limit her water intake for those two day, giving her water in the heat of the day but taking it away at night just for two days. This will dry her up a lot faster than just taking her away from the pup. As soon as she is dry for sure it is good to feed her extra each day for a few weeks to get her back on the right track.

    Also most moms will not want to eat or drink much for the first few days after giving birth, this is normal and she will go right back to eating and drink in just a few days. When she does start eating, feed your normal amount but feed that two to three times a day until it is time to take her from the pups.

    As far as how may litters a female can have and still have a healthy and happy dog. I tell you if I find a female that clicks just right with my stud and she is healthy and happy with pups there is no set limit she can be bred and still have a very good life.

    Feel free to pm me for any help.

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