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please help! my dog has blood on her waste!

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by daxie, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. daxie

    daxie Pup

    Please help me, on wat to do my dog was recently breed and she has tied for 3 times. I guess she's now pregnant. The first bred was on Sept. 21. She was given ivomec 1 week before she started her heat. so i didnt dewormed her again prior to breeding. She was in good health but just this morning, i noticed a blood stained on her poo and she having watery waste.

    Why is this happening, im worried, is is possible for her that she's having worms??? or having amoeba?? or miscarriage??/ please help me??? what will i do?? what will i gave her???

  2. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Bloody and watery poop sounds like coccidia to me, but there are other things with similair symptoms. After reading your post, it seems to me that you have no clue about breeding dogs at all. If I were you I would call my vet immediately for an emergency spay. But, I am assuming that you are like the majority of people who own these dogs and you will not even consider this option. You will opt to have your dog birth a litter of pups and possibly die in the process. Here's a few questions for you to think about during this time:
    1. How old is your female?
    2. Why is she worthy of being bred?
    3. What do you do if she has complications during the birth?
    4. Will you choose to save HER life over the puppies?
    5. Do you have homes lined up for 10 pups?
    6. Are you willing to hand feed all those pups when their mother dies?
    7. What will YOU do with all those puppies when your buyers back out?
    8. Have you been to your local rescue to see all the unwanted APBT pups?
    9. Would you bet YOUR life that your pups will not end up in rescue?
    10. Are you willing to take back any pup you produce even if it is 7(+) years old?
    Vicki and (deleted member) like this.
  3. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Well, is it coming out of the poopshoot? if so, I'd say ieither worms, or that cociia whatever, or parvo. You better get the dog to the vet, electrolites, and stop the diareah! and read that post above this one 4 times and call me in the morning!
  4. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Take her to the vet NOW.
  5. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    For the love of God, why would anyone be on their pc asking people they don't know what they should do in a situation as potentially serious as this? Would you go to an internet forum for parents and say "my child says she all of a sudden can't see, and she's walking into walls and stuff. What should I do?"
  6. diva

    diva CH Dog

    I agree! Please take her to the vet!
  8. Some Learn The Hard Way...and Unfortunately ...its The Dogs Who Suffer The Most.
  9. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Yup, get to the vet ASAP. You dont want to try and home remedy something when you have no clue whats going on.

    It is something that is in her lower GI track. If it was upper GI track, her stools would be dark and look like tar since the blood would be going through the digestive track.

    I would check around your house before you go, and see if anything has been chewed on/missing, and if you have rat poison, make sure the bait box hasnt been chewed on, or is missing.
  10. daxie

    daxie Pup

    Thanks, i already have her checked with our vet. The vet administered meds after examining her waste. Thank you
  11. daxie

    daxie Pup

    1. How old is your female?
    1 year and 10 mos
    2. Why is she worthy of being bred?
    she has good temperament and a quality parents
    3. What do you do if she has complications during the birth?
    i'll take care of her and bring her to the vet, which i already did
    4. Will you choose to save HER life over the puppies?
    Of course, i'll save her even if i lost her puppies.
    5. Do you have homes lined up for 10 pups?
    Yeah, absolutely
    6. Are you willing to hand feed all those pups when their mother dies?
    Yeah, very much
    7. What will YOU do with all those puppies when your buyers back out?
    I'll take them back and take care of them my own
    8. Have you been to your local rescue to see all the unwanted APBT pups?
    No, because we dont have unwanted APBT in our locality
    9. Would you bet YOUR life that your pups will not end up in rescue?
    Yes, definately
    10. Are you willing to take back any pup you produce even if it is 7(+) years old?
    Yeah, surely.
  12. daxie

    daxie Pup

    Why should some people wud act like they are really master or perfect about breeding??? being a member here, i guess i have all the right to post questions that wud benefit me in taking care of my pregnant dog. Why should you so angry and asking me those things??? ISnt it clear that i my dog was bred??

    You dont know how much we love our pit, so please stop telling those peole your are good coz its doesnt really help at all... instead of helping, u fool around and send me that stupid questionare??? of course, i love my pit, im willing to do everything for her, in fact i already toke her to the vet and now having meds.

    My purpose of asking here in the forum, is just to ask for good opinion and not to be scolded?? how dare you tell me negative comments??? i think i was asking the question politely, right??/ why should you so damn to understand???

    Dont pretend to be an expert coz you never was. Please give a good and exact answer to those good question raised.. ok???

    By the way for your information, here in my locality pitbulls is not having a ballon population, unlike your place that your have a lot of unwanted dogs...

    My puppies, even if they're still in their mom's womb has already their good and safely home to live in.

    Anyway, sorry but i just wanna correct those bad comment??? please give a nice and polite answer....
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    No wonder this breed is put into trouble not just by the "thugs". Thank you, ma'am for becoming back yard breeder #6,778,364. Would you like your certificate now? Or are you just waiting on the big $$$$ those pups are gonna bring you?
    ChiaPit likes this.
  14. my friends dog had the same thing he took her to the vet and it was parvo
    hope i spelled that right.
  15. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    Because of the spelling, I have no comment whether to defend or oppose....Coz I IS Smart.......ha jk
  16. I'LL SAY IT AGAIN - Some Learn The Hard Way...and Unfortunately ...its The Dogs Who Suffer The Most.

    1 year and 10 months? Do you know that you're dog is not even mature yet. Her own body is not done growing and developing. Now, she's in a position where she has to develope the bodies of 10 other living beings instead of her own. Her immune system is not fully developed and neither is her personality, psyche, or temprament. Have you considered these things? Just asking. Are you telling me that you have the means (the space, the time, the money, the patience, the knowledge, the experience, and the balls) to keep that entire litter if it were necessary. That could be 12 puppies plus what ever dogs you already have. You are able to do that? If so, which is not likely...I applaud you for being one of about 100 people in the WORLD able and willing to do so.
  17. nickbronson

    nickbronson Banned

    I don't know if that person was exactly trying to be mean. They were simply asking questions of why you think you should breed your dog and what would you do if something happened to her. I'm not trying to be mean or jump all over your case or anything, but some people did have a point in telling you that it was alittle, well, not smart to get on the computer asking what do they think was wrong when it was clear you should have been at the vet. My dad and I have two dogs, Bronson and Nick. I know if something like that was happening with one of them that my dad wouldn't be on here asking what was wrong, he'd use his common sense and take the dogs to the vet as soon as possible. I also do see your point though in asking what people thought it might be, but if your dog's poop is bloody, that is a good indication that something is wrong, if it's just watery, it could just be runny poo, but the blood, that shows something seems to be wrong. I do understand you were just asking if they knew if it were something and if it had happened to their dogs before and they might know what to do. We all do understand you love your dog and was only trying to do what was best for your dog and ask if anyone knew anything. I hope your dog is okay! :D

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
    BoogiemanBlood likes this.
  18. nickbronson

    nickbronson Banned

    You have a good point with some of this.

  19. daxie

    daxie Pup

    Are you telling me that you have the means (the space, the time, the money, the patience, the knowledge, the experience, and the balls) to keep that entire litter if it were necessary. That could be 12 puppies plus what ever dogs you already have. You are able to do that?

    Of course!!
  20. daxie

    daxie Pup

    yeah, she pretty fine now.... Thanks

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