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strong joints and bones

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by KilaDaKilla, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. what can i supplement my pup with to offer stronger joints and muscles...i want her to grow as strong as possible...thanks
  2. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    I wouldn't supplement anything if she doesn't need it. Just feed her the best kibble you can get your hands on. Genetics will work out the rest.


    I use K9 puppygold. It is not the best i am sure, but it is the only they had at petco. I have been using it for 10 mon. on all my pups and it seems pritty good.

    31% protein
    28% fat
    4% moisture
    3% fiber
    2% ash

    It is also good for if you want to feed dog food rather than puppy food. Adds all the things for puppys that dog food lacks. put it in the kibble and it kinda "up grades" the kibble. all natural.
  4. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    This is a topic I'm concered about also. If you remember, my squirrel dog was attacked and suffered a bad leg injury, and I'm concerned about the cold weather having an effect on him. I see adds for healthy bones in the cold and wonder if I need to give them to my dog.


    You have read the contents. usually it is the same stuff that is in the kibble. The stuff that i use is also for weening/nursing puppies, so it is harmless
  6. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    I always recommend asking a vet, but if anything, I'd use some type of glucosamine or chondrodin. Most supplements for joints have both in it. Shark cartlidge is ok, but I haven't had any luck from anyone I've talked to about it. At a young age though, you shouldn't need it. A good puppy vitamin should be fine, but ask a vet first, you could over do it.
  7. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    I agree. Supplimenting a pup can cause problems if they are given too much of something for ex too much calcium . Thus , unless you talk to a vet that has a strong background in nutrirtion or a holistic vet before giving the pup suppliments I wouldn't do it

    As for the dog that had the injury. If this is a dog and not a pup, the suppliments that NCBlackandWhite suggested may be helpful to you. Also fish oil or Salmon oil which have natural antinflamatory properties are good
  8. best advice i could give you at this point and time since she is just a pup,is feed her the best dog feed you can find in your area and your able to afford.and dont let her do to strenuious excersice like spring pole work or flirt pole work.this will harm her joints and such just feed her good and let her be a pup and you wont go wrong.
  9. Yes, I too believe you are intending to do too much for your pup. Does he have any deformities such as bow legs,etc? If not, then all you need to do is find the best quality food available in your area. Also, let it play to exhaustion and pet it as much as possible. Quality feed will take care of the body and petting will take care of the soul.


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2006

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