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ADBA now registering other breeds!!!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Miss Conduct, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    First off, I will have a blessed day thank you.

    Second, this has nothing to do with human races, so stop the "I'm a victim" routine. I'm white, my sister-in-law is black, & my married last name ends in a "z" if you can figure it out. So don't talk to me, or any of us, like we are the KKK.

    Third, if you cared one bit abou the true APBT, you would be opposing this measure. Look at what the UKC has done to the breed. Look at their standard at how it's changed to suit the fashion trends of the ages. At the UKC show I went to, the couple of true to standard APBTs I saw were just quickly looked over by the "expert" judge as he put up a 95lb dog in first. It was a disgrace to all APBT owners & their dogs. That show sang the praises of the overweight, floppy flewed dogs bred for their head size & chest width. Nothing more. It's just a shame that there is a possiblity that the ADBA will become this way.

    However, it's all about the money at this point. Face it, the true APBT is an endangered species & the ADBA would rather cover their ass so they won't go out of business when/if BSL kills all of our dogs.
    Titch_Pitbull likes this.
  2. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    I'm curious to see what changes are going to result from this. Will they start letting altered dogs pull? Are they going to offer other events like agility and whatnot? What's going to happen to the APBT clubs? How do the current ADBA judges feel about being required to judge other breeds, or will they be bringing in outside judges? Will their standard for the APBT stay the same? I'll suspend judgement for a while, and see where this goes.


    Okay i got the scoop. They say that with all the laws being passed they are under the gun. Yes they are regestering other breeds, but it is only for stratigic reason, not for money purposes, but for positive press. They are sending letters to everyones home. They say there pit bull program will stay the same. I guess some law in cali. was passed that all abpt have to be spayed etc. they are taken to court by alot of orginizations. She said alot of other stuff, oh and a % of the money taken from other breed reg. is being put to fighting these apbt laws. i dont know what to say, but if you care just call and ask to speak to the sup. and she can all the things that i forgot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2006
  4. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I call bullshit.


    They know about the out rage in the pit bull community. With all the people that oppose it i wonder if they really will make more money, with all the lost customers
  6. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    But yet:
    Who's the crying hypocrite now?

    And I love this statement. It truly sums up how you feel about the breed, therefore, I could care less what your input is into this topic:
  7. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Oh, they'll make more money. Because there are countless owners/breeders of other breeds that are looking for a new registry to peddle their pups under & having a "unique" registry such as the ADBA will surely help them up their prices. Plus, now the ADBA can get in on the puppy mill/pet store action. That's money in the bank.
  8. jasong

    jasong Big Dog


    You are so quick to jump the gun and pass judgement on everything. Do not try and lecture me on the true APBT. I have been on this forum just as long as you (minus 1 month) and have read and educated myself on this breed and practiced what I preach. My comment on the hospital was a figure of speech and nothing more. Just b/c you are a modirator doesn't make everything you say the truth. I feel you and may others are passing judgment on something without any fact to base it on. It's funny to see you all act like this and then turn right around and get mad at people that look at our dogs in the wrong manner or have a preassumption of them. Try to be a little less hypocritical and judge only what you see in the mirror. And on that note I am out the door. i'll check back tomarrow b/c I'm sure you will have a reply in an attempt to justify your hypocrisy
  9. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    LOL. I have no "hypocrisy" to justify. However, I did notice you skirted the issue of your own hypocritical statements. Good day.

    Oh, & just to refresh your memory, you've already been called out on several different occasions for implying peole were racists & for calling/implying others were dogfighters. You also defended the rights of people to breed whatever dogs they want to & for whatever reasons (primarily bluffs). This doesn't sound right coming from someone who loves the APBT breed.
    MASON likes this.
  10. jasong

    jasong Big Dog

    only one was double registred and she is dead so no i do not have any dogs registred with the ADBA. Nice try though. And no I do not believe in fighting my dogs but they are papered to the original standard (except my first one which is no longer alive. Please do not try and make me look like an ass b/c it is not working. I have a answer for every attempt to discredit.
  11. jasong

    jasong Big Dog

    Your a modirator yet personal atttacks are suppose to stop. Talk about hypocrite. LOL you humor me
  12. i kindove thought something was up when they did an agility demo at nationals.
  13. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I doubt this will affect us much. Most of the foo-foo dog ppl are going to stay w/ the AKC & many of those who don't have AKC dogs already have an established relationship w/ CKC.

    I will say I didn't see any "American Bullies" or "Oklahoma Pulldogs" featured on the ADBA site. I wonder if they will register them ...?
  14. PrNc

    PrNc Pup

    It's funny the video in the front page still as "The American Dog Breeders Association, established in 1909 is the oldest largest worldwide registry, dedicated exclusively to the American Pit Bull Terrier."

  15. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    From what I understand, the ADBA was created specifically for the APBT because no other registry would recognize our breed. I know that the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) does NOT recognize the APBT. I have never used any other registry and am at a loss as to what I will do now. I would like to keep the faith and believe that this is a strategic maneuver to take the heat off, but am concerned that the standards will change.

    I'm going to talk to a couple of the ADBA judges I know and see what they say.
  16. pancho

    pancho Guest

    I can remember many years ago when the UKC was the leading registration for pit bulls and the only dog they registered. Later they began to register fox terriers and american eskimo. Now they register almost all breeds. ADBA had so many fake papers many were not interested in ADBA dogs. Things changed later and the ADBA became more trustworthy and more people used them. I do not know in the last few years how the ADBA has changed.

    I can remember setting at the table many years ago with a person who was making up a pedigree to register a dog with the ADBA. He took dogs off of several pedigrees and made up his pedigree and sent it off to ADBA. At that time the man was a very well known and respected member of the dog community who matched and bred many of the dogs now in ADBA pedigrees. Now he is a very respected judge for ADBA.
    I was also present when another man who matched a few dogs and was later very well known for his pull dogs did the same thing to register some dogs with the ADBA. He is also now an ADBA judge.

    What is inside of your dog is more important that where they are registered.
  17. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    I dont know theres something about the website that seems fishy
  18. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Look in my signature and follow the link and you can read about our Association. The number there is for Artie and he is the President and registar. He would be glad to talk to you. Email him he will email you back. He is older. and a great fellow. We would be glad to have any and all of you. No he does not have a big fancy site with lots of goo and doo but he is honest and keeps a good record. Artie Dunn is the man. Delta Pit Bull Breeders Association is the name of his kennel association.
  19. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I am writeing them a letter and sending my dogs papers in. I will be registering with AADR. What other registries are good besides AADR??
  20. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    HAHAHA and can you see those prissy ass owners in dirty jeans or cut off shorts and t shirts ... lol . I always liked ADBA shows because they were so much more laid back......

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