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Female Pup.. How's she Look?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Hammerkennels, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Here's a Pic of my female Freyja.


    Good looking dog, how old is she and does she have a ped......
  3. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    Can you post a pedigree please.
  4. mikefromMD

    mikefromMD Top Dog

    Looks older than a "pup". Great looking tho, how old exactly?
  5. I'm at work right now so I can't post a ped.

    Will try to later this evening.

    She is very athletic and very human friendly.
  6. Her DOB is 12/13/05.

    So that would make her 10 months.
  7. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    She's a pretty girl.
  8. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Beautiful dog.
  9. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    she's very pretty!
  10. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    Very pretty girl!
  11. nice looking dog,cant wait to see how she is bred.
  12. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Big girl. Looks like shes loved, and well-taken care of, so I'm happy :)
  13. Thanks for the compliments on her.

    I am in the process of putting a roof over my kennels because she gotten quite good at jumping the 6 ft. fence whenever she sees a cat!
  14. yah the american pit bull terrier are the good little excape artist. Meanwhyle I would reccomend a nice chain setup to keep her sucure. Also Pit bulls tend to chew right through chainlink If that is what you have I would secure the kennel with like a kattle pannel or horse pannels to keep her from chewing holes in the kennel. other than that she is a verry pretty dogs.
  15. Sedalia,

    My kennels setups are top notch. Kennels are welded rod not chain link.

    Soon as the roof is done they will be 100% escape proof.

    Pics of my kennels are in my gallery if you want to take a look.


    Not to be in your "buzz" but i want to build something like that next year when i move. How much would something close to that style cost to build?
  17. diva

    diva CH Dog

    She is beautiful
  18. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    I LIKE THE KENNEL SET-UP,,, THATS WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MINE,,,have one setup close to that for smaller ones but i need to make me one like that for my bigger ones
    when i get my shop building up,,
  19. Gamefase,

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Cost of a kennel setup like mine could vary quite a bit.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> Would you be putting the inside portion of the kennel in an existing building or building a new one? My inside kennels were framed off inside my 40’ x 60’ pole barn so I didn’t have to build a separate building.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> Would you be heating/air conditioning the inside portion?

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->Would you be doing the framing and concrete work yourself or hiring it done?

    I did all the work on mine and would have to say it came in around $8,000 .

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> But that price could easily double if you hired someone to build it for you.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> PM me if you have additional questions.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
  20. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Love them reds, just like me. LOL

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