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5 Month Female pup help

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by c10d, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    I just noticed that my 5 month old female started peeing a lot more starting yesterday. Like she'll squat to urinate way more frequently on walks and whatnot and doesnt even have like any pee to get out, she just squats like shes going and lets a tiny tiny dribble out.

    What age do females start getting their sexual hormone release? Could it be linked to the fact that she may be going into heat or something?
  2. it could be i know my female is due anytime now and she is peeing more
  3. jessiepbg

    jessiepbg Big Dog

    I've heard that this could be a symtom of bladder stones, but I'm not sure if they can get it when they're that young. It's probably a good idea to take her into a vet for a quick check-up.
  4. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    This most definitely could indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI). My advice is to take her to the vet where they can collect some urine & test her for an infection and crystals.
  5. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Uh oh I hope it's not any infection or stones :( I'm taking her to the vet all the time it seems, in the last couple months I've probably spent over $600 not including her Canadae, her toys, leashes/collars, etc. but I'd do anything for the little chicken.

    What age do their bodys start releasing their sexual hormones though? Or get their first heat?

    I think I'll wait and see how she is tomorow and if she's still doing it a lot then call the vet.

  6. wally81

    wally81 Pup

    i am no expert but 5 months seems a lil young for the first heat....i think most are like 10 months to a year.....
  7. first heat can happen anywhere from 6 months on.what i would recomend though is take her to the vet and get the tests Mia suggested that way you know for sure whats going on.because it sounds to me like it is a infection more than anything,hope i am wrong but thats what it sounds like to me.
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Thats why they always say, the cheapest part of buying a dog, is actually buying the dog ;)
  9. wally81

    wally81 Pup

    i learn something everyday....
  10. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    I agree with Texas Pit Dog. They can come in from 6 months on. I also agree that this sounds like a UTI. Hope everything works out for the best.
  11. diggit

    diggit Banned

    i have noticed the same today about my 4 mo. but she pees a lot. when she squats :-S
  12. well i tell ya what i noticed with females in our breed,they always seem to piss a river even as little pups they pee a lot more out than other dogs.maybe it's just me but thats what i seem to think.as long as she is peeing when she squats then i dont think you have nothing to worry about.
  13. mikefromMD

    mikefromMD Top Dog

    My first thought was a UTI, but I'm no vet.
  14. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    It's a slight UTI and she has meds for it where she gets 1/2 pill every 12 hours for 12 days. It already started helping after 1 day
  15. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    If I read the thread right, that she's going all the time while on walks, she could just be marking. I know both my female dogs will walk and sniff and do a half squat and pee, especially when in heat.
  16. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Thanks for the update! I was wondering how things were going with her & yourself as well.

    And way to have a watchful eye. ;) UTIs can get VERY ugly & cause serious problems if left untreated.

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