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bloody yard Accident Picture Heavy

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by sedaliapitbulls, Dec 11, 2006.

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  1. diggit

    diggit Banned

    i dunno about everyone else but i wouldnt..... they dont have broken bones or torn flesh, the damage isnt that bad.... and you said you woke up to them like this? well... if you didnt see it then they stopped themselves...... (use your imagination) (not game)

    i had a few accidents and they looked worse one accually didnt make it...and i dont consider them to be game......

    JMHO.... just thought i would let ya know, not trying to give you a hard time or anything (dont worry your dogs will be o.k) just make sure you wash them everyday.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2006
  2. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    You seem to have it under control and they should be fine.

    As far as them being game dogs, that is for you to decide not members of this board.

    Diggit, is that picture in your signature titled "Barefoot Bulldogger"???? LOL
  3. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    There was a post about Diggits post. I was why everytime she post you can see where she posted but you can't find the post. Is it just my computer?
  4. mopardave360

    mopardave360 Big Dog

    Me too... I can't see her posts either for some reason...
  5. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I believe it has something to do with the fact that she has too many negative rep's or something like that
  6. mopardave360

    mopardave360 Big Dog

    Oh... Well then that explains it. I hadn't seen her posts for a while now.
  7. diggit

    diggit Banned

    anyhow for the people that can see my posts...... i was showing a friend my dogs and i was bringing them out one by one, i didnt wanna track mud into m house. i brough magnum out and he didnt like the idea of his half brother standing there LOL... ouchies... i think magnum "burned out" with his nails on my feet, that will teach me.
    at least i was lucky enough he didnt take me mud skipping.
  8. Both dogs seem to get to be doing better. I had to squeese some puss out of some of the wounds but the swelling seems to be going down this morning. I,m keeping visious inside still princess is less serious of condition so she is outside but I am still keeping the wounds cleaned everytime I go see her. I will post updated pictures asoon as the wounds are getting better and the swelling goes down.
  9. Doggy

    Doggy Pup

    Was Princess able to eat to well with that big ol' pumpkin head ?
  10. Yah see ate just fine suprisengely. the swelling has completely gone down.

  11. triple anti-biotic cream shoud be packed into the holes after they are washed. actually peroxide is bad it could push dirt further into the would. should use betadine to clean. also you want to keep the wounds open to heal from the inside out. other that that sounds like your doing everything you can. one other thing should those pics be on here?

    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2007
  12. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    The OP is no longer a member of this board, and one of the dogs in question is no more, so I don't see the point of this staying open.
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