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Please give advice.. Licking

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Malachi has had this problem licking his toes and inbetween his toes until it is raw, red and infected the vet game me some drops called tresederm to put on which takes care of the the fungus and bacteria but I want him to stop. I have tried the bitter apple spray and he does not mind that stuff at all. He runs about times a week for about 2 miles each time. It is cold here have not been able to take him as much. Also, his nails get too short from running and his nails and paw pads start bleeding. Anyways, I was thinking about putting cayenne pepper on his paws hoping he would hate the taste and stop licking. I am not sure if that is safe for the open wounds or his digestive system any ideas? He is not stressed and gets to play a lot and exercise as much as we can with the horrible weather in Kansas. But I would appreciate any suggestions.
  2. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    Ohhh...don't do the Cayenne Pepper!!! Just put the medication on before bedtime so he is asleep and it gives it some time to work. Once the fungus clears up he will stop. A fungal infection itches and burns...I think someone on here had a remedy with Hydrogen Peroxide...Do a forum search.
    malachi likes this.
  3. Breogan

    Breogan Big Dog

    Ask Atilla about the cayenne pepper thing. He said it helps the blood clot and only burns the mouth, not on wounds, but I've never personally tried it so like I said you'd have to ask him.
    malachi likes this.
  4. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    <TABLE class=tborder id=post122792 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- icon and title -->[​IMG] Stinky dog feet
    <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I had Mac to the vet today due to his feet smelling more like frito corn chips than normal. He has a yeast/fungal infection between his toes and the vet gave me a great "home remedy":

    1 part white vinegar to 1 part hydrogen peroxide, wipe between pads and toes with a cotton ball three times a day until the infection starts to dry up, then use once daily. (Do NOT let dog on carpets/rugs until feet are dry -- can cause bleach spots.)

    If there are any open sores/lesions from the infection, use panalog (animax) cream sparingly in conjunction with above mixture, until healed.

    This solution also works on dogs like shih tzus and bichons that have yeast infections under their eyes (where the fur is sometimes stained dark) -- just do NOT get the solution in their eyes. Use a small cotton ball or q-tip.
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

    Here is that thread .....
  5. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    dont know what to say about your poor dogs feet but about the weather here i feel ya and hang in there its almost SPRING!!!!!!!!! yesterday it was sixty degrees today its about forty,dont you just love spring time in KS?tomorrow maybe a blizzard,maybe a tornado!LOL
  6. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    If his feet are feeling soothed, but he just has developed this new habit, try to replace it with something else. When he starts licking the feet stick a new tasty nylabone or something in the way so that he can obsess over that for a while. Over time he should stop, so long as the foot issue clears of course. Offer a replacement behavior in the mean time. Something else to lick is a good start. Good luck with that!
    malachi likes this.
  7. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    I heard of a new product called Yuk 2E Anti Lick Gel that tastes like butt funk to them so they will not lick. I haven;t tried it yet but I am going to.
    malachi likes this.
  8. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    LOL...Butt funk...That would stop me!!!
  9. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    my vet gave me a spray to stop one of mine from licking just like yours,, it had anticeptic in it and something like sulfur to make it taste bad,,, and he hate it,,, it comes in an arerosol can easy to apply

    correction---- it was in a small push down top bottle like a slender pump hairspray bottle
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2007
  10. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    I dunno, the cayenne might help...it does not hurt in cuts, I would slap some on a burn or small cut real quick on a busy night when i worked in a kitchen. Also, maybe some tea tree oil? Many say it's a better (and cheaper) anti-fungal/anti-septic than anything the vet will give ya. I have used it on my dogs and it works well. And it has a very pungeant menthol smell that perhaps your dog will not want to lick....the stuff will make your eyes water if ya get too close, lol.
    malachi likes this.
  11. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Looks and sounds like a lick granuloma to me. The vet gives me a topical called Synotic/Banamine for my dog. It can be caused by lots of things, allergy's, boredom. Tinker has a problem licking the base of her tail.
  12. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Your dogs keeps on licking his paws, becasue its irrated, I would follow the vets recomendation and let time heal, for future use it always good to have a bottle of cephelexin on hand, kills most infections dead.
    malachi likes this.
  13. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    my vet told me the same remedy last year
  14. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    So I am trying the tea tree oil and so far he has licked it and does not like it. But he is acting a little funny now. So we will see. I am still using the Tresderm drops too.
  15. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    acting funny?? Ummm, you may want to dilute it a bit, like one tablespoon per cup of water. Try putting it in a spray bottle. I think digesting that stuff full strength is bound to make anything act a little funny.......:)
  16. NC

    NC CH Dog

    I dunno about the cayenne pepper not burning in a cut.. I know with the Department Of Corrections we use OC pepper Spray which is nothing but liquified cayenne pepper.. now I've never gotten it INSIDE a cut but it sure as shit burns when its on the skin. It feels like a nasty sunburn for a few hours or until you can get it washed away.
    malachi likes this.
  17. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    the difference is that cayenne powder is only about 20,000 scoville units, whereas pepper spray is pure capsicum oil and measures about 500,000 scoville units or more. Never get that stuff in your eyes, trust me, lol. :eek:
  18. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Well, Opps I am really jacking up my dog now. I put the tea tree on full strength what should I do now. Should I wash it off?
  19. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    lol, yeah maybe. I don't want to see your pooch get an upset stomach, which I think is about the worst that would happen. I've used it on my dogs for other skin irritations, both full strength and dilute, and to my knowledge they've never even tried to lick that stuff. Maybe wash it off a bit and give your dog plenty of water. There's nothing on the bottle I have that warns about damage caused by ingestion, but it does say for external use only.
  20. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    external use only...um yeah... :eek:

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