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Pup Seems to Be not growing so much

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by c10d, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    My pup Mia now is 10mos and it seems (though she definitly has grown since we've had her) has not really grown much. I've had her since she was about 3 months.

    From her pedigree, I posted it up and it was something I didn't really know much about (yeah I know, I didn't do my homework on bloodlines before getting her, but did read a ton about the breed as a whole), members said they saw watchdog, Raging Bull, (uh ohh here's the big disappointment...) Gotty, and someone said rowdytown.

    Anyways, no shes not blue first off, shes solid chocolate. And she's not fat, but she just seems short to me for her age, her head seems small, and she just looks like a little puppy lol.

    I'll post some pics of her and post pics of her pedigree. I saw the mother and father of her, which were nice athletic-looking dogs actually. And I also found one of the brothers of my pups mom, which looks like a pit on the larger side.

    It just seems weird how small Mia is.

    Here is the link with my pups mom's brother lol so her Uncle(?) http://topqualitypa.tripod.com/id1.html

    Here is her pedigree... C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel\My Documents\Aquilino_s_Camia_.htm

    And some pics... BTW she is about 42lbs



    And this is her the night I got her at 3mos...
    [​IMG] lol I havnt seen that pic in a while, shes a cutie

    She definitly has grown, it just seems she's growing very slowly or something I dno if that's normal
  2. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Let me see if this will let me post the ped...

    <!-- This document was automatically generated at www.sitstay.com/pedi/ --><!-- Created with Pedigree Generator 2.2 -->Pedigree for Aquilino's "Camia"
    American Pit Bull Terrier/Chocolate/Red Nose

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=8>Sire
    </TD><TD width="25%" rowSpan=4>Sire
    </TD><TD width="25%" rowSpan=2>Sire
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    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=2>Dam
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    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%">Dam
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=8>Dam
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    </TD><TD width="25%" rowSpan=2>Sire
    </TD><TD width="25%">Sire
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%">Dam
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=2>Dam
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    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%">Dam
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=4>Dam
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    </TD><TD width="25%">Sire
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%">Dam
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%" rowSpan=2>Dam
    </TD><TD width="25%">Sire
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width="25%">Dam
    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Please leave this reference line here so others can benefit -->This pedigree page was built for free at SitStay.com
  3. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    42 lbs is normal size
  4. Oh she's a beauty. A general rule is that they get taller in the first year and thicken out in the 2nd BUT why do you want her big? Just asking cause small pitties are a wonderful rarity these days and are heavily envied by people who know pit bulls. Plus I noticed my girl went through spurts. She's a beauty anyways
  5. Oh I just saw her pics....AAHH she's perfect. Why would you want her any bigger? The bigger they get the less agile they get, maybe focus on muscle and strengthening because thats how her structure looks already. A nice lean muscly bitch instead a fat house dog hippo, ha ha!

    I wanan kiss her face. I love the pic with her ears back...I know that face all too well "get that camera outta ma face"!!!
  6. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    she looks good to me . jager isnt that much bigger hes 9 1/2 months 48 pounds.
    mia still has alot more growing to do. maybe not in hieght but she will fill out alot more.
  7. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Yeah she just seems like, so small though lol, height-wise and just her structure. She's like a little puppy still. I mean I know 10mos is still a puppy, but she just seems extra small. From those pics she probably looks bigger than she really is too

    Thanks, and Mia says thanks, she knows she's pretty haha.

    Yeah that's what I've noticed with my rottweiler and doberman also, that they were taller and "lanky" the first year or so then bulked up. I dont necessarily want her "big" but just rather muscular and sturdy. Whens she's playing with other dogs she just looks like a little worried puppy lol
  8. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    LoL yeah she's always holdin her ears back for the most part unless she gets really alert thats when they go up and forward.

    And I definitly agree on the lean muscley bitch rather than the hippo looking dogs I see a lot of people with.

    Thanks Jager. Yeah I'm sure she's going to grow more, but its not only just the height, shes short length-wise also.

    I mean I'm not as familiar with apbts as many of the members on here so I'm sure there are smaller apbts out there...maybe I'm used to how many of them are bred today are just a lot bigger. Im constantly getting friends and what not saying things like "why's she so small?" and I say "Real american pit bull terriers are not usually bred to be large dogs" and they insist theyre supposed to be comparable to a rottweiler on the smaller end. lol but what ya gonna do
  9. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    Post a stacked pict of her so we can see her structure better. How tall is she???

    She may be short backed and have shorter legs due to the dogs behind her but really all you can tell from the picts is that she is a cutie and her weight looks perfectly normal

    her being chocolate as opposed to blue has nothing to do with what her structure will be the way she was bred will determine that
  10. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    lol i know what you mean . but dont worry she'll get there naturally, but you'll see results even faster if you work her, exercise her hard ,they love it . and in to time she'll be able to hang with the other dogs trust me im going through the same thing
  11. I dont know anything about that pedigree, but I do about a couple of those lines, and I would have to say, you are very lucky she only the size she is.
    I think she is beautiful! I would not worry, but keep taking care of the little thing, we have one that almost 2 yrs and she only weighs 32 pounds!
  12. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    read RED COCAINE'S threat I WANT TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING maybe it will teach you something
  13. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Ok so I JUST took some pics of her, but I couldn't get her stacked, she kept running from me since I had the digi camera. Shes afraid of weird objects like that, the clothes baskets, the vacuum, etc lol shes a goofball.

    Dno if you can get anything from these pics...




    Also, I dno how to correctly measure height so I just did it from the floor to the top of the center of her back. That was about 15 1/2 - 16 inches from floor to her back.
  14. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I think she is pretty and looks to be a normal size but I do have one question. Who is she registered with? I ask because she has an awful lot of blue dogs and blue bred dogs in her ped and I find it odd she is red.
  15. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    dont stress over it cause she isnt . and by the way she looks great those pics. if you want i would gladly take your from you so you can get a hippo. you just pay the shipping a handling to sandiego california.lol .jager would love a good looking female around :)
  16. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    Yeah shes actually a light chocolate, but in the pics looks red. She is a rednose though.

    I actually got asked this question before in a thread a made months ago due to the "blue dog" lineage.

    She's reg'd with the ADBA. The link I posted in my first post on this thread where I said something like "this is my pups mother's brother" which is also a red dog. I mean it could it be possible that her papers were pulled at some point but who knows.

    Her mother was multicolored, white/black markings/brindle markings/brown markings.
  17. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    LoL she says thanks for the compliment. and no i'd not rather have a hippo, jw why she seems like shes such a lil puppy even at 10mos
  18. c10d

    c10d Big Dog

    I also just googled some of the dogs from her mother's mother's side and they seem to be red dogs.

    Here is a kennel with some of the dogs sharing some of the other dogs in her lineage. These dogs/pups actually resemble Mia also...

  19. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    ahhhh ok that kinda makes more sense now.
  20. MIKA

    MIKA Big Dog

    I think she is Beautiful!! I would work her and spend as much time with her as I could and ENJOY every aspect of her growing up. Don't listen to your friends opinions.

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