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real dogmen quotes..just for fun

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by lockjaw, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    lmao - I heard one like that before. Said by an old beagler:

    "I call him Sooner b/c he'd sooner eat sh.t then run a rabbit."
  2. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    "Only believe what you SEE in this game." TripleJ
  3. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    yeah ,haven't heard it in awhile,use to hear it from local guys when I was just a kid,riding my bike around, eating oranges out of the orange groves feilds all day.
  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    A fantastic one I was told today, speaking of a patterdale:

    "Bitch was so mean she lifted her leg to piss". LOL!
  5. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    shit i had a girlfriend like that before.
  6. How long have you been together? [​IMG]
  7. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    Each time you put a scar on a dog you take so much out of him!
  8. masta of game

    masta of game Banned

    damn how many times did i do that lol.. papers aint shit in the box.. gr ch 35 !!!! anyone
  9. steinlin

    steinlin Big Dog

    Q -"What are you going to do with that 20 minute cur, Ralph?"
    A -"Gonna go out and find a 15 minute match!"
    Ralph G

    "If you want to see how serious a man is, in the game, make him open his wallet everytime he sees you."
    J. Lewis

    "I like a small dog, in a big dog's body.."
    J. Lewis

    "Damn..looks like he's held together with cat gut and piano wire.."

    "Soon as you get near to the top of that 'MOUNTAIN', there's always someone trying to grab your coat tails and drag you back..so LOOK OUT!"
    Don Mayfield from Lookout Mountain

    "I don't plan on taking this sandwich to any big banquets, anytime soon."
    J Lewis

    "Lack of air? If it does'nt make you a cur, then it will make you dead"

    "Gameness? Just another word for overmatched.."

    "Screw your gameness, gimme the first bite!"

    It like lottery ticket, I want to scratch first.
    Mr Kim
  10. crazy horse

    crazy horse Big Dog

    he d of won if it hadnt been fer the other dog :D
    make him wotever color you like man will always admire a born fighter:cool:
    an ounce on a bird tis a pound on a dog n a stoone on a man ;)
  11. Chump

    Chump Banned

    "I love the taste of fresh dog milk with my coco puffs. It makes me want to punch a horse." - Chump - Dog Man Extraordinaire
  12. shongo187

    shongo187 Pup

    "it aint how your dog lives its how they die that determines their worth" Tom Garner<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
  13. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    Give a fool a good dog they will find a way to screw it up.Give a average dog to a good dogman and they will find a way to win with it.
  14. jack the lad

    jack the lad Big Dog

    She's named stick because she never come's off.;)
  15. New England

    New England Banned

    Some talk it and read it and some feed it and breed it!
  16. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    peddlers do that too ! ;)
  17. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    im pretty sure its

    I aint betting my dog will beat yours Im betting mine will be gamer then yours
  18. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    don't be surprised when they quit. be surprised when they don't.
    if you do not kn ow what you are looking for, there is no way in hell to know what you are looking at....
    and my all time favorite....
    paper will cut...but it will not scratch.....US1
  19. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    EARL TUDOR - 1939 - Original quote appearing in letter "If you tell a man there are 270,678,984,341 stars in the universe, he will believe you. But if you put up a sign saying "KEEP THESE DOGS SEPARATED, OR THEY WILL FIGHT", that man has to make a personal investigation".**

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