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ukc vs. adba

Discussion in 'Dog Shows & Events' started by BoiBoi, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I myself will show w/ any club who comes nearby. I have shown under ADBA type formats & UKC type formats. My dog has placed in either one. I just condition him more for the ADBA format & leave him at chain weight for the UKC format.
  2. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I agree with you. I dont care about papers either. My dogs cant read.
  3. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    yeah i seen it when it first happened.but see still i don't care for it.it was intended to be for dogmen and their dogs,not poodles and them toy dogs or them labs and such.so to me they turned their back on us by doing that and the only reason for them to do it is they are greedy and want more money.they had their hands full enough as it was never mind adding other dogs to the mix.so as far as myself i will just keep my own ledgers like i used to and it will serve me just fine.
  4. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    bump......got another question for those experienced show people. If a dog is registered with the adba can it be shown in aadr shows and ukc shows also. How does that all work
  5. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    I am not a showdogger. Nothing against it, just not my cup of tea. Maybe if shows were around this area I may have checked them out, but there are none.

    When I read the original question, the first thing that came to my mind was that I do prefer the way ukc registers their dogs as opposed to adba. Meaning, if the parents are not registered with ukc, you will have to submit pedigree, photos, and then have an official from ukc come and look your dog over before they will ever register the dog. I like that better than photo's and ped registering a dog.
    As to standards, UKC did not start of in the show ring, so to say that it did is false. However it has morphed. Heck, in the standards of both registries there used to be a weight limit, now there is not one. I am really unhappy with that. But even when the weight limit was there, there was a 10# difference in the two registries. UKC not faulting the heavier dogs.
  6. must say one thing. the aadr is the only club that supports the true gamebred bulldoggee. thats it plain and simple. i remember one time when i used to go to adba shows, and the judge (think it was a greenwood) kept telling me to turn my hound around because he was fired up. told me a couple of times. sorry that it didnt matter which way he faced. he was very excited and let everyone know about it. needless to say havent been back to one of those....

    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
  7. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    If that is really true, the ones running that registry would be locked up, and so would everyone who has registered with them. Food for thought. You did say "true gamebred"
  8. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    bumpity bump bump....can someone answer this question for me
  9. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    You can take ADBA papers and use them to get UKC papers, and vice versa. I don't remember what the AADR requires, but they seemed pretty open when I was looking into them. Presumably, you would have no problem registering with them if you've got legit papers elsewhere.
  10. for the AADR, you can go to one of there shows. and get registerd then. its cost $5 if you get it done at the show and $10 if mailed in. all you need to bring is your ADBA 3 gen pedigree.
  11. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    thanks Baha and shady thats all i needed to know
  12. Dtwo

    Dtwo Big Dog

    Actually, you need 4 generations and they don't want to see ADBA or UKC papers. You fill out the 4 generation pedigree by hand.
    Here is the single registration form:
  13. i guess if you look at it like that, it would be true. i think everyone knew what i was refering to. that is a good point. the aadr is the last registry that wants a gamedogg to act like a gamedog would be better put.....

    all is sport
    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
  14. Boi Boi, I cannot answer your question, but I do have a comment...

    I too have read the UKC standards a while back and they are much like the ADBA to me as well, if not identical.....

    But the only problem I ever saw with it, is that ADBA seems to be the only one of the two holding up to these standars/qualifications.
    I say this becuase, they (UKC) take in staffy's and others and call them pit bulls and they do not fit the standard...???
  15. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    yea i hear u, that part is BS because a staffy is not a apbt so its kinda weird to group them all in one category. Does that mean that at a UKC show if u bring a true gamebred apbt will u have to compete against showbred staff's? I'm not sure how that judging could be fare because both breeds of dogs have a certain standard
    1 person likes this.
  16. I know, that was primarily my point....
    they accept these breeds (basically) and call them APBT's but when it comes to showing and the standards of both, they are not the same.....makes no sence to me, unless I have been informed wrong or read wrong, which is possible, but I dont think so!
  17. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    ADBA will register an amstaff as an apbt.
    And to take an adba dog and register it with the ukc, you not only need the pedigree, but there must also be a viewing by one of the ukc officials. Not so if you register a ukc dog with the adba. All they need is the ped, and a photo.

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