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Unbelievable Encounter With Cat Owner Today!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by dgs, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. dgs

    dgs Pup

    So wait a minute, just because the women compliments my dog I'm supposed to bend over backwards and not say a damn thing about her cat running loose in the apartment complex? What's wrong with you people? It clearly says in the lease guidelines as well as signs posted around the complex,

    "Cats are not allowed to run lose. They must remain indoors at all times. If they are caught running loose they will be turned over to animal control"
    Of course the apartment complex never inforces the second part. Every day I've walked my dog now I've had loose cats running around with collars on (meaning they belong to someone) hissing at my dog, swating at my dog, and generally causing my dog to go nuts. Simply because these people think the rules don't apply to them. For the record my dog is ALWAYS on a leash, he is never off the leash, but that doesn't mean squat. If he is crawling under a bush or something and he sees a cat before I do I might not have time to react and then there is a fight.<O:p

    You people are unbelievable. I was trying to protect this woman's cat because the bottom line is not only would my dog kill it, but so would the other dog owners who have big, cat unfriendly dogs (of which I know a few). But she doesn't care about the cat anyway, so I'm sure that cat went right outside again when I walked away. I'm supposed to avoid all kinds of area's to walk my dog and inconvenience myself so she can keep her cat out and break the apartment complex rules, I don't think so!

    "Giving the breed a bad name," screw you people. I love my Pitbull, I'm the biggest advocate for the breed you will meet! And that is precisely why I came on strong with this woman, because maybe I thought if she was fearful about her cat being injured she would keep it in-doors at all times, LIKE SHE IS SUPPOSED TO ACCORDING TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT SHE SIGNED. So I guess if my dog gets blinded by that cat someday, or rips it to shreds further giving the breed a bad name it's "okay" because she complimented my dog and I shouldn't complain. Yeah, okay, that's great logic, NOT! Man I'm steamed reading this replies, I thought this was a more mature message board, I'm obviously mistaken. Later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2007
  2. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    I was thinking the same thing(well, all but the JC). I cant believe you would..... I dont even know how to say what I am feeling about what was posted here. You should study and learn to be a breed advocate. Telling folks that your dog will kill their animal when you are not paying attention is flat out stupid. Then threatening to call the authorities on her.... you must not have much experience with this breed, or you would not be acting like this.
    Honestly, what you posted sounds so stupid that I think it was made up, and written poorly!
  3. must say i have to agree mr mark. some people shouldnt own bulldogges, thats for damn sure........

    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
  4. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    You fail to see where you went wrong , after reading these posts i'm guessing none of this sunk in huh ? Your neighbor could've been an aly but instead you got all in her face securing that she will not like you now and will probably harbor anger towards you. God forbid something did happen your could've been aly now will turn to be against you.

    I hate free roaming cats too, there is no use for them but who made you the cat police ? If a cat has the balls to swat at my dog then there will be one less kitty in the world. I'm suprised you have so many daring cats in your neighborhood, most cats I see run like hell from my dogs.

    Sorry your feelings got hurt over the posts that you read however unlike you this is not our first time at the Rodeo. You could learn alot from the people that post here but if you feel you must leave then good luck to you and may you never need aly for it seems you like to burn your bridges.

  5. BullDozer

    BullDozer Top Dog

    glad to see you on the board bulldogger -->
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2007
  6. dgs

    dgs Pup

    I have nothing to learn here. I have a book shelf full of dog care books, three of them specific to the Pitbull. I've owned two other Pitbulls in the past seven years, I'm a very good dog owner and very knowledgeable of the breed. I wasn't coming here to learn, I was coming here to share experiences. But not worth my time.

    There are a lot of clueless people who posted here who obviously think they know it all. And for the dude who thinks I made this story up, yeah, right buddy, because I have nothing better to do then post made up stories on a messageboard. Get real.

    I don't need a women who tells me it's okay if her cat dies and she'll get a new one to be "my ally." And who made me the "cat police?" Excuse me, I'm a responsible pet owner, and the responsible thing to do is call people out when they are breaking the rules. Whether that be not picking up after the dog when it poops, letting the dog run around off the leash (another no-no in my apartment complex), or cat owners who think they are above the rules and can have in-door/out-door cats when there is no such thing allowed in this apartment complex. I did not say in a defensive tone "my dog is going to kill your cat because he's a big bad Pitbull!" To repeat myself since it didn't sink in for most you, the exact verbage was,

    "My dog is very cat aggressive. I watch him as best as I can but I can't always watch him 100% of the time. I would hate for him to accidently get a hold of your cat and hurt it or possibly kill it. Additionally I would be very upset if my dog was injured accidently by your cat"

    I didn't think I had to spell out exactly what I said but apparently I did for you people to get it. Then I went into the bit about keeping the cat inside. It was only after she got defensive with me for no reason, that I threatened to report her to the building management. A responsible pet owner would have said, "you're right, it does say that in the lease agreement and the signs posted EVERYWHERE that pet cats are not allowed to run loose, so I will take my cat inside and abide by the rules of the apartment complex." However not only is she not a reponsible pet owner and could care less about rules or the safety of her animal, but neither are most of you.

    Yes, I will be leaving. Nothing to learn here (it's ironic you people think I should learn about the breed when it's obviously the other way around), and certainly no desire to share with people like you. I'm sure there are some very nice, understanding, non-judgemental people on these forums (many of them posted in my previous threads), but this thread has soured to me to being a member of this forum. I hope some of you who posted on this thread pick up a book or two on Pitbulls, or dogs in general, because it's you that needs an education in responsible pet ownership.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2007
  7. simms

    simms CH Dog

    You have got to be kidding...LOL

    You know that the dog is cat agressive, you shouldnt be walking it in your appartment complex. You dont watch your dog, you should handle your dog. Your an accident waiting to happen with your attitude.

    Who are you to assume that I dont care about the welfare of the pet population....LOL

    A responsible APBT owner goes above and beyond.....not what is only convient to them.
  8. Mr Mark

    Mr Mark Guest

    Hey PurplePig, you are right, I apologize for using the Lord's name in vain like that. I'm a very good sinner unfortunately, lol. I hope I didn't offend any other good Christian folk out there as well! The rest of it can stay as is!
  9. WWII

    WWII Banned

    You could've just nodded your head and been on your way. It was just a cat (yes, strong double standard). I don't worry about my dogs with loose cats. We have plenty here and they aren't a nuisance.
  10. BullDozer

    BullDozer Top Dog

    I am curious, so you are saying you've owned three pitbulls in the past three years while living in your apartment?
  11. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Ok, obviously you need to be taught the the adhesive side goes down.

    Now you have read books and have owned 2 APBT's in 7 years none the less and this some how makes you an expert ?

    I don't see how you chewing out a neighbor over a stupid cat was helpful to you when this lady was being nice to your new dog. You should take friends of this breed in your complex where you find them, you got more enemies than you realize. If you wanna shoot yourslef in the foot be my guest. Maybe your knowledge of the breed will win them all over in the future.
  12. Suki

    Suki Guest

    IMO, it wasn't such a bad thing that you pointed out that her cat should be indoors, especially if it's the rules of that complex. but, to say that your pit bull would kill it doesn't do this breed any good, as far as reputation goes, and God knows this breed has enough of an undeserved bad wrap, as it is.

    but, if that cat was not UTD on its vaccines and say that dog cornered it, believe me the first thing that cat is gunna do to defend itself is bite and scratch, and if it has rabies, guess who could also catch that if said cat sinks its teeth into that dog? not to mention the extensive eye damage a cat can inflict on a dog.

    but my manner probably would have been more suggestive instead of defensive, especially since she started out being friendly and complimentary.
    like, "you might wanna keep your cat indoors for safe measure, due to the possibility of it getting hurt", etc.
    no doubt tho, keep your dog ALWAYS on a leash and act responsibly, and obviously away from cats if he has a tendency to be aggressive with felines.
  13. thanks

    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
  14. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Damn, I was hoping this guy wasn't as bad as he sounded from that first post but his responses to our critisism only confirmed my fears.... another ignorant, arrogant pit bull owner.

    Man if you don't want people to comment on your story don't post it in a public forum. :rolleyes:
  15. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I would agree with Suki. An APBT takes a matter of seconds to kill a cat, true. A cat, however, is not the pushover alot of you think. A full grown cat w/claws can inflict alot of damage in a short period of time. I had to do community service when I was a kid and was made to work with the county AC. I saw a cat run up the snare and tear this poor fella to pieces. I dont remember how many stitches he got but it wasnt a pretty site. Thats one of the reasons I hate cats to this day. Might as well be a squirrell in my yard.
  16. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    very true,my sister in law has this old cat she got from the humane society and that cat will attack any dog that comes near it even if the dog just walks by and doesnt pay the cat a bit of attention she will jump on the dog and scratch the hell out of it.She attacked the chow one day and all four of her feet were attached to the dogs side ,she just wouldnt let go.It was kind of funny watching the dog running around trying to get the cat off and my sister is chasing after them trying to get the cat before the dog ate her,it was only funny though bevause it was a chow the cat just had ahold of fur and didnt hurt the cat ,it if was short haired dog it definitly would have done some damage.Izzy got into a fight with a cat a few months ago and she has scars from it on her face,ill try to post some pics of it ,she got it pretty bad from that cat.The stupid cat was fine.
  17. Chopper

    Chopper Big Dog

    yea i have seen alot of stuff on these forums lately(not bad just that alot of people acting really immature).
    I think those responses were crazy like the you are afraid of your gamepitbull beeing hurt by a cat or what ever, yes your dog can kill the cat easly but who's to say one of the cats wont claw your dogs eye out or etc when the cat gets on its back or even on ur dogs face.
    Personally i think you did the right thing an that the women was really stupid, i have walked my dog multiple times and people sit on there front porches while there dogs are roaming freely in there yards(no front fencing) or other peoples yards an they think nothing of it when im walkin past i have to litarally pick my dog up sometimes because there stupid dog will walk up to my dog and bark n growl but run away when my dog trys to get closer.

    If the cat problem keeps happening i think you should talk to animal patrol an let them know whats going on an hope that they do something about it, i know that everyone on here is saying that u should be glad that some people like pitbulls or blah blah blah but she still is in the wrong an i would take 1 lady down the street not liking my pitbull over having a 1 eyed or blind dog anyday.
  18. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I dont realy care about the conversation had. My point is that the OP should have a enough sense, not to walk the dog in the aparment complex. The Op is aware that the dog is cat aggresive, so regardless of what his niebor does is niether here nor there.

    So knowing that the OP is clearly lacking the better judgment to limmit the exposure of cats to his dog. He deserves a pat on the back? No way! He just got that dog and he needs to get a grip and make the propper accomedations to suit his new companion. Or send him back to the rescue he got him from before he get's his ass in trouble.
  19. Chopper

    Chopper Big Dog

    sorry i guess i didnt read everything clearly i was thinking he was walking his dog and an passed by a house or in his neighborhood an that was the problem i personally wouldnt want to own a dog in a apartment complex period because of the fact that many people dont abide by the rules there and will let there cats, dogs, or what ever pet they have do as it pleases as long as the tendent or what ever dosent say anything about it. But since it was an apartment i would think now that it would be a good idea to have a freind because a pitbull in a apartment is an accident waiting to happen especially if you have made a enemy there should could complain about your dog beeing agressive, or etc even if its not your fault an i think some one will believe that you have a "big bad mean pitbull" or some other crap like that an tell u you have to get rid of it or move if enough people complain(i know you might be thinking the incident wasent that serious but there are alot of evil, or etc people in this world).

    So yea now that i read everything completly i change my response to the topic(except for the hole afraid your dog will get hurt by a cat stuff because a cat can just as easly hurt a dog as it could hurt it).
  20. simms

    simms CH Dog

    No need to appologise. The APBT is not the average dog and a responsible APBT owner will go above and beyond.

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