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please help same problem again

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BossMan, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. NC

    NC CH Dog

    You're worried about this dog trying to bite you or your child... and you have to ask what to do about it? It's called a .38 to the head and a bad day.. bury him before he buries your kid!
  2. kanediggity

    kanediggity Big Dog

    i have never used them i didnt mean to sound the way it looked once i tyoed that lol. im sure they work i have just never tried them personally.

    just take everyones advice and try and see what works for you
  3. Michele

    Michele Guest

  4. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    Ok for the second time this is not a problem due be how the dog was raised i have raised plently of dog 2 1/2 apbt (one was mixed) only prob i ever had soo yes if this goes south i will be getting another dog.

    I going to the vet and see a trainer i'll get people posted.
  5. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Your dog is trying to alpha his way up to the top. He is testing you. You either can do NILIF, or have your child get bit by the dog. And yes, take him to the vet to make sure there's nothing wrong physically.
  6. bighead

    bighead Pup

    I have a lot of animal experience professional and personal and last year I had to put one of my own down.......

    Unfortunatly she killed one of my other dogs before I could act.....

    I did everything right..... I went through professional training as a pup the whole nine yards.....she never showed any aggressive tendency.......and one day when she was 4 years old she attacked one of my other dogs, that she was raised with from birth.....For no reason....... the other dog was twice her size and a sleep on the floor in the living room. She came in from peeing outside and went straight for the throat...within 30 seconds the other dog was dead......

    Sometimes all the training and all the hard work can't change genetics and nature...........
  7. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    You put an APBT down because it had Dog Aggression? or did I miss a part, was there any Human Aggression?
  8. Michele

    Michele Guest

    his post sounded to me like it was dog aggression. Which is normal for an apbt.
  9. WOW...now I have heard it all......
    You put down an APBT because it was DA? You should never own this breed again....IMO...thats what they are!
  10. If I gathered your information correctly Bossman, your dog turns its head back toward your hand on his neck, correct? Also, he is 11 months and does this whenever he is playful/hyper and is running around the house?

    If so, lol, lol, this is no big deal and can easily be corrected. Your hand is being viewed as a mouth going for his throat. This is not to say it is a fighting thing, it is a playful thing. He is a pup and is wanting to play like dogs. It is nothing to be concerned but should be corrected. The pup is not being active aggressive. Yet, like with ALL dogs, they must be child proof. I child proof my dogs to make sure actions by children will not surprise him into a negative reaction. Let me focus on your current situation first. Do not flinch when dog does what you described. When he does do it, give him a firm "no", "cut it out", "stop that" or whatever command you want to use for type of action you want. Like i said use a firm command and a smack on top of the nose (with fingers not whole hand man...don't go crazy just yet). I personally would bring my hand toward his mouth to see if he would actually go through with it. There is a possibility that he will mouth your hand (if you do what i do) but not bite it, just sort of tremble his jaw....this is when you give a command to stop it.

    Anyway, my above paragraph may be to cluttered for you to follow. Point is that you must confront your pup and teach him that is not acceptable behavior around humans....yes, he is still a pup at 11 months.

    Now about your son's safety....well, I would advise what i do with mine. I teach them to tolerate what "mean" kids do. Pull his tail, poke him on the stomach, pull his ears, horse ride him, etc, etc....you will notice a reaction when you do this, show him that a reaction is a no-no. I wish type was not an issue but work is calling........

    Rocky H. Balboa
    Bullyson likes this.
  11. WoodsEdge

    WoodsEdge Pup

    Looks like you have gotten some good advice and some bad advice. I don't think your pup is human agressive. He's coming into himself and he's testing you. It's a pack thing, he has to view you as the alpha dog. Never back off. When something like this happens to me, I don't beat him or choke him, I immediately put him on the floor and won't let him move. I show him I'm bigger, stronger and a hell of a lot meaner than he is. So far it's worked every time. Until he realizes that humans are over him keep him crated and keep a close eye out for your kid. I wouldn't put him down until I know he's a man biter.
  12. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    Ok so he does this when he has a case of the zomies? Is he hurting your hand or just grabbing it lightly as he flies past. Does he slam into you and the furniture?
    I don't know about anyone else but when one of my dogs gets the zomies it is best to get out of the way until they are over. I don't need a broken knee. By the way they slam into the walls they could make new doorways.
    And yes when zoming if you reach for the collar they will sling their head around and grab for your hand. They are just playing. LMAO
  13. Searcy Jeff

    Searcy Jeff Top Dog

    I'm with Michele and FK on this one.
    Putting an APBT down because it had DA? I think you need some education on this breed.

    Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that training and hard work would never change genetics or nature.

    Your sentence about your dog going for the throat sounded like something out of a newspaper about a dog attack. 30 seconds huh?

  14. bighead

    bighead Pup

    I would like start by saying nether dog was a pit bull.........and any dog that would turn on it's pack or family in my home would get put down...I've worked in the animal industry for 12 years so, go educate yourself.

    I thought the people of this sight were open minded...........not into just bashing new people.......

    There is a difference between yard dogs and pets...these were pets....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2007
  15. Searcy Jeff

    Searcy Jeff Top Dog

    Thank you for clarifying that nethier dog was an APBT. But what breed were they?

    And 30 seconds....come on....
  16. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    It makes sense now that in wasn't an APBT, but you didn't specify that, which I know people shouldn't "assume" because we all know what happens, but for the most part if you are in an APBT group, and the person is talking about his APBT, it would just make sense to say, "My dog, *breed*, just got up and attacked my dog, and I put him down." Because once we all think it's an APBT, we all find it pretty angering to hear it was put down for things it's been breed to do....
    Many of us do try to keep an open mind and warm environment for newcomings, but you must understand how many times, we hear, "My APBT attacked my other dog. I can't believe this happened." When we are all sitting there, saying, "Are you really surprised?" You know?...
    Just letting you know where we were all coming from. Welcome to the group.
  17. bighead

    bighead Pup

    they were / are wolfhybrids......I've mentioned before I have both pits and hybrids..........

    And yes I'm sure many of you out there are thinking " well no wonder"........

    I was simply trying to state that sometimes there are issues you can fix
    ........... and there are times when you have to do what you have to do........
  18. Michele

    Michele Guest

    what breed was the dog?

    The people here are open minded.

    Yard dog or pet, if it was an apbt, DA comes with this particular breed.
  19. bighead

    bighead Pup

    to answer the 30 second question.......the female (who was the one put down).......came in as I was watching TV and in the time it took me to jump off the couch and run acroos the room my male was taking his last few breaths......

    she tore out his throat and broke his upper jaw in half...........he was asleep on the floor and did not have a chance.........
  20. Michele

    Michele Guest

    well, wolf hybrids are not the same as dogs. To keep them in captivity is very very difficult. Their genetics cannot be altered, changed or fixed no matter how hard you try to train them. Just my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2007
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