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homeless people and pitbulls

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by bdub, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Homeless ppl having pit bulls does nothing to curb the dumping of APBTs.

    1 - Ppl are going to continue to dump dogs no matter what.

    2 - Most homeless who have pit bulls have the dogs they had when they left home. They hardly ever, (if ever at all) pick up a loose pit bull they find while on the street.

    IMO if a homeless person wants a dog, they can get another breed. The pit bull is not for them, not at least until they can get a secure place to house it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2007
  2. jr Pit Guy

    jr Pit Guy Big Dog

    LMAO..... but then again, that's a sad sight. Well, at least he's being honest.

    ABK, you put out some good points that people should realize. YOU CAN'T take DA out of an APBT.
  3. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Yeah, you can't fault a guy for being honest! ;)

    But seriously, I can't believe we as intelligent & educated pit bull owners are even discussing this.

    IMO pit bulls need to kept in a safe & secure area, not out on the streets. I can't believe there are folks who disagree w/ this. But oh well, to each his own.
    Bullyson likes this.
  4. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    well just gonna say the last two years i have seen non homeless computer and ip affording people..breed dogs for no reason,chase dogs and tease them with reptiles,ask advise on fraudulent shot records..i can go on youtube and see a bunch of idiots..but what can i say about a person who has nothing... but still in his heart he is willing to split a meal,and sleep with a dog someone better than him tossed out to die on the street..dont ever think you cant end up homeless or in jail,on drugs or whatever..god might come down and show you the light..or atleast slap you upside the head..next time you see someone down on there luck help them out..dont judge them.....it makes you no better than the ones that judge our breed.
  5. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace


    No one is judging these ppl. The question was "Should the homeless have pit bulls?" IMO the answer is no, they should not, for the reasons I've already posted previously.

    HOWEVER ... I do not think ANY person not able to handle the task of owning one of these dogs should have one. I do not care if you live in a card board box or in a $100,000 mansion. To me a homeless guy having his APBT loose on the street & a guy in a fancy house having his APBT loose on the street are both bad. To me there is no difference between the two. IMO neither should have an APBT. As Simms says, "this breed is not for everyone" & IMO if you can't safely contain your dog (as the homeless cannot) then the APBT just is not for you.

    I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl here, the but sad, bad fact of the matter is our breed needs more than food & a pat on the head. For the safety of our breed it needs to be kept in the safest & most secure manner possible, which a homeless person simply cannot do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2007
  6. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I agree with this. Although, I dont know about helping them out. I was on my bus stop and a homeless man asked me for a smoke. I gave him a smoke and at that point he called me a bitch and went after me. I had an umbrella with me at the time, so I almost ended up hitting him in the head with it in order for him to back off. Only in New York City..hehe. I would rather buy them a meal and if they have a dog with them, buy the dog a meal too. Never give them money.
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Yikes! From the sounds of it, I guess you shouldn't give them cigarettes either! :eek:
  8. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    if you look at the homeless that have dogs..they almost always have tents and they have the camping thing down....but yeah i see your point there is also the alcoholic drug dont want to work..version:o
  9. Michele

    Michele Guest

    yea...some of them just don't want to work..but there are others that seriously fell into some bad luck. And our government sucks when it comes to helping them. But, getting back to pit bulls and homeless, I can see ABK's point with regard to this breed and DA, but like someone else posted, some of these dogs have homes and are not taken care of.....
  10. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Michele again.

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  11. Michele

    Michele Guest

  12. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    there have been a lot of presumptuous statements made on this thread. coming from a background of having been homeless and a dog owner, i can tell you that my dog always ate before me and got the best medical care possible. when you fly a sign for dog wormer or shots, ppl tend to be skeptical. so i always would ask for a ride to the vet or the store to prove i was sincere. but, i also am not an alcoholic or drug addict. it boils down to the character of the homeless person who owns an apbt. if they are irresponsible, then IMO no they shouldn't own a dog. same goes for someone living in a house. but just because they are homeless doesn't mean you have some intimate knowledge of who that person is. again, being presumptuous doesn't accomplish anything. but, such is life. it's only a mistake if you do it twice. God bless :)
  13. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I understand what you are saying (or maybe I don't), but what I am saying is whether they are homeless or not, they can be an irresponsible APBT owner. I guess if the person doesn't have a proper leash or collar, then yes I agree, but that goes for homeless and people with homes...
    I'd rather have a homeless guy who understands the breed own it, then some one living in a mansion that doesn't know jack. The homeless guy may be perceived as "vile" but if his dog is acting right, and under his control. He looks better than the Rich person who's dog goes wild and takes down the family's child or what have you. Right?...
    Do most homeless people have what it takes to own the breed? Heck no. But most people with homes don't have what it takes to own the breed either. Just my opinion on it though...
    I just don't think we should judge whether someone is worthy of a dog, because they made some mistakes in life, or because life got the best of them at that particular time.

    Yes, they should keep it properly kept on a good collar and leash, no matter who or where. I agree with you on that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2007
    lockjaw likes this.
  14. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    nice post! :) so true. "some times the lights all shining on me, other times i can barely see....." by being presumptuous and antagonistic towards someone because of their status in life is no better than all the a$$holes being presumptuous about our breed. again, it's the notion of one human family. and, JMO, some ppl should be culled from said family, but not because of their status. :)
  15. For that matter, alot of non-homeless people shouldn't have pitbulls. So taking that into consideration, I don't think being homeless or not is really the point... but yes, I do realize it was the orginal question.

    Ok, after I wrote this I realized that I hadn't looked at page two of the posts, and this point has already been made.:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2007
  16. hrdeluxe

    hrdeluxe Big Dog

    To the OP...I have seen many homeless people with APBT's. Some of them were beaten and abandoned by thuggish types and left for dead. Some were family pets that made the journey with the homeless man. Some were just strays that were taken in. They all had one thing in common.......They were all in excellent condition. Some of them were a little overweight which I guess may not be bad considering our lovely Midwest winters. The majority were also very well-behaved.

    None of these animals showed any agression ever to me. Basically they possessed the typical APBT trait of being non-HA. Some of the folks could work a little on leashing but these dogs never left their owners side.

    The dogs and owner had this bond that is hard to explain. Like they both new they were down and out and all they had were each other.

    I see nothing wrong with a homeless person having a APBT or any pet for that matter.
  17. Suki

    Suki Guest

    Tx for posting this. :)

    that story just killed me....
    this line, imo, sums it up best: ''Alone they might have been invisible. Together, they were impossible to miss ".

    i imagine when you have so very little to call your own, if what you do have is a canine companion~something that may help to bring meaning and purpose to your life, then i see no reason to not have this dog, "pit bull" or not.... so long as it's properly and responsibly cared for, (much like this story), i say: go for it.
  18. Atwater27

    Atwater27 Big Dog

    See, this is the reason why I think that homeless people with dogs take care of their dogs better than most with homes... they don't spoil the dogs and in turn, the dogs are well behaved.

    And to the poster wondering how a homeless person can possibly properly constrain a DA dog. Well, have you ever seen a homeless person work on a bicycle that they use for transportation? You get very handy when your well being depends on it and your left up to your own devices.


    Nice picture up there^^^

    Great job trying portray all homeless people as the such above. Very well done:rolleyes:
  19. Atwater27

    Atwater27 Big Dog

    I think the reason for this is the ammount of time the dog and owner are out on the streets. When you think about it, these dogs are probably extremely used to strangers.
  20. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Wasn't trying to portray all homeless people like that one in the picture..just using it to make a point. The fact still remains if the person in question can not survive without handouts how can they be trusted to properly care for another living thing. They can't afford the vet trips, the heartworm/flea/tick prevention.. and you'll not make me believe they are panhandling to get the money to buy dog food and meds for the dog. I realized alot of the homeles people are good people, and the majority are just in a rough spot or down on their luck... and I empathize with them... but I still don't think they can properly care for a dog.

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