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Ohio Doggers !

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mott's APBT's, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. reddog

    reddog Pup

    Maybe you should have a look at your dogs and not just pet them!
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog


    Can you post a pic of that little dog your braggin on, maybe some history?
  3. reddog

    reddog Pup

    Heres a photo of the dog I was BRAGGEN? on.I dont know if the photo will come threw?As far as history,look it up.Its very interesting.Just type jagdterrier.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2007
  4. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    mean machines from what i hear.

    i've been going back and forth between one of those and a patt.

    i recently made an acquaintence with a gentleman in a county north of me who has been breeding working jrts and patts for almost as long as i've been alive, and he has his stock on OH, IH, PA, and KY, and they're doing well with whatever quarry the folks have for them.

    i made contact with a fella in eastern IL that has some jadgterrier stock, but have yet to see any pics of hunting from him. nice thing about dogs for ground/earth work, is it's still legal (at this point) to hunt with them and post pics of the dogs working.
  5. reddog

    reddog Pup

    Its so nice to have dogs you can use and not have to worry!All I can tell you is with a jagd is you better hunt them alot.they are not a lay around dog.I know a few folks that hunt there dogs hard.Check out jagdterrier of america if you are thinking of going with one.I'm not getting a male imported till summer.Best of luck.
  6. dwd58

    dwd58 Big Dog

    A good friend of mine , Scott Alls from Alabama has some good Jags that he raises and hog hunts. He ships a few pups all over the USA from time to time. I think his website is Dixielandjagdterriers.com.
  7. yellaman420

    yellaman420 Big Dog

    *Cough!!* Did you just say I had PET bulls?!! Lets hit them woods as soon as possible. Everything that I feed works for a living.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2007
  8. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I checked out his site. Very nice

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