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loose in the streets

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bullyson, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    In your opinion, if an APBT is running loose in the streets, should the irresponsible owner/owners have another chance or should their dogs be confiscated? I have been on several job sites around my city, mostly in lower income neighborhoods, and found beautiful apbts running the streets, damn near getting hit by cars, in and out of traffic, chasing cats, and totally eaten up by fleas ect... Do I, A: call AC? B: Take the dog? or C: leave it where it is? Thanks for any input. YIS.
  2. Michele

    Michele Guest

    With all the negative crap going on with this breed, no, the owner should not get another chance. Irresponsible owners is a big part of why this breed is in trouble to begin with.

    I dont know if you would want to take the dog back to the owners and possibly educate them. I don't know if they would listen or if you would find the dog, once again, loose and running around.
  3. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Good point Michele. The reason I ask is I have a new addition to the family. He ran up on one of my jobs last week and I was like "whoa!" This is a fine looking bulldog. He's a little scarred up around his neck and muzzle so theres no telling how long he had been loose. He was covered in fleas and VERY skinny. I'd guess him to be around a year old. Since then, he's been vetted, bathed and fed some good food and he's looking 100% better. I was thinking I should put out "Found" signs but like you said, what if they just let him out again? He loves my fiance and my little girl so I think he may just stay a member of the family. I'll post some pics of "Gus" later today. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:D
  4. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Wow. I commend you for taking care of this dog. That was a really good thing to do. Please post pictures. As far as the "found" signs, no way. If someone was that irresponsible, they don't deserve to get the dog back.
  5. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I agree, but there is a sh!t storm brewing. Alot of members will jump my a$$ about it...watch and see. ;) :rolleyes:
    1 person likes this.
  6. Michele

    Michele Guest

    :) you did the right thing for this dog and that's all that matters.
  7. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    if a lot of members are going to get on your case about it they need to shut the hell up cause you did a wonderful thing. this dog now has a new home to spend the holidays in. sounds like a noble and righteous thing to me bud. :)
  8. reddog

    reddog Pup

    Dude,you did the right thing.Nobody gave a shit about that dog.Bulldogs running loose and killing all sorts of critters is just another nail in the bulldog coffin.Dont be too concerned about what others think,do what you think is right.
  9. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Oh believe me, Im not concerned. I've just been down this road before. I've placed several dogs that ran up on my jobs and have had my a$$ handed to me over it. Its all good man. Im going to DL the softwear for the new camera and put some pics up of ole Gus. He has the markings of a dairy cow. Here in Fla we have the GUStafson dairy so he got the name "Gus". Clever I know. :rolleyes:
  10. Mr.Billfold

    Mr.Billfold Big Dog

    it is fortunate for the bulldog that you found him.

    There were two bitches loose in my old neighborhood. They werent HA, and some guy went and got two leads, and took the dogs. One is most likely a "pit", although not a fabulous specimen, and the other looked like a boxer/pit mix.

    Both have been bred twice since being "found".

    More byb garbage around.
  11. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    IMO out here in Iowa and I think in Illinois too if a stray is out in public unbound and free and causing damage to property or havoc to animals or people in any way it is any and all citizens right and responsibility to shoot the animal. That is like almost word for word of the law in this state.... Im not sure about surrounding states but a lot of little or small country states or counties have similar laws.... so IMO id say do what you want, if you call AC itll prolly be euthed because of look and breed neway ....and if you take it or shoot it at least the problem is being solved in some way efficient also so theres my opinion. If you cant find the owner and you know its a stray do what you want to get involved with....and invest yourself in... and what you feel is right for the beast... sounds fair and proper to me.
  12. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Exactly. To Thine Own Self Be True. I think it's a good thing to take him in, now where are those pics. From the way you described him, he sounds like a Moo-Moo, and I love to look at Moo-Moo's...
  13. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    It was a good thing u did especially after describing the condition the dog was in, however i feel that just because he was loose and thin doesn't always mean that the previous owner did that to him or what not, if he is a bulldog he probably got into a few scraps while loose and depending on the area it might have been hard for him to find food for himself. Now i'm not saying put up found signs cause we all know what will happen if u do, just stating that u can't judge a book by its cover. I would have done the same thing if i was in ur position, just stating the other view to the story
  14. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    To answer the original question, I think it should depend on the circumstances. My dogs have never gotten loose with the exception of one time when Loki was a puppy, and we immediately found the problem and remedied the situation. I think if its a one-time deal where a person made a mistake -- maybe a tree limb knocked part of the fence down, or maybe a collar broke, whatever -- they should get their dog back with the expectation that they fix the situation. In the case of people whose dogs are constantly getting out, hell no.
  15. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I don't have sympathy for the owners of loose dogs. I've even told my neighbors that if they ever see any of my dogs loose, call AC & the local police. It's not their business or problem to try and catch them. It's my dumbass fault for allowing them to escape (however, it has never happened).

    ALL escapes are 100% preventable as are situations where a dog was/is running loose.

    IMO, a loose dog is fair game.

    And when fighting BSL here in Baton Rouge, I even proposed that the fine be increased to $500 for the first time offense and mandatory euthanasia for the 2nd offense (or the dog be put up for adoption). However, one issue with the adoption is that many don't want to pay the fines for retreiving their dog so they will have a friend or family member go adopt the dog at a much cheaper price & then get the dog from them. It happened at the shelter where I worked for a brief time. It's sad that the dog should have to pay for it's owner's stupidity and laziness, but sometimes its' the only way to get through to people.
  16. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I got the fiance a digital camera for Christmas but we left it at her Moms last night. Pics are coming soon! :)
  17. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Sounds like you Gus and your family all got a Merry Christmas and a present consisting of each other...Good job man and a good deed done.
  18. elgin64

    elgin64 Pup

    You did a great thing. I too want to see some pictures.
  19. iron_lady

    iron_lady Pup

    Theres nothing wrong with taking in a stray and finding a good home. But dont think that the owners of a dog don't care or weren't looking in every situation! I guess you have to use your best judgement. But dogs can and will go for miles and amazingly never be noticed by anyone even in a highly populated area!

    Should owners get a second chance? It depends on the situation. Dogs will be dogs and I dont care who you are or what you do, there is always the possiblity your dog will outsmart you! Accidents happen, from a child opening a door or gate (oops there goes fido) to a broken collar. It happends to the best of everyone and to think that it couldnt happen to any one of us is denial. We are only human and subject to human error or equipment failure. Even with a fenced in yard, dont think for a second a bulldog couldn't climb, tear, dig their way out! That doesn't make it ok or right or good for the breed, but we have to realize no one or thing is perfect and even sometimes S#*T happens!
  20. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    amen sister

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