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Help in new jersey

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BossMan, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    I have a 12 month old apbt. he is a big boy about 75lbs. But any way to the point. He is getting very large and in a small apt with a toddler and another on the way starting to be a lil tight. i wanna but him outside part time i bought i 10 by 6 foot cage since my yard is not fenced in. i need some help on building shelter. also he has been a inside dog his whole life think it might by be too cold. how should i handle this situation. one last thing when left alone he whines alot will he be ok by himself. Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    He'll get used to being outside but it's probably going to take some time. Just watch for attempts to escape from the kennel. An insulated dog house with a shingled roof should help keep him warm and dry. A sheet of plywood or canvas tarp over the top of the kennel will provide additional protection from the elements. Make sure to keep the rain or snow from accumulating on it though.
  3. 1234

    1234 Banned

    Buy a bigger place. He/she should not be 3rd on the list now. A dog that is not used to the chain will not have a happy life when its forgotten outside. No it will only cry harder when you dump it. If you would have taught it to be on the chain you wouldnt have this prob. Make room for the dog or stop buying dogs if you cant take care them.
  4. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    I didn't see any mention of a chain, and it sounds like Bossman is indeed trying to make room for the dog. Maybe it would be better if one of the children was "3rd on the list"?;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2007
  5. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    Learn to read 1234 (smart guy) I have one dog. A son and a new born on the way. buy a bigger place sure loan me the 60 grand for a down payment. He wont be on a chain. (should he be) the area is caged in. I need advice not clowns trying to be cool. thanx any good advice welcome.
  6. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    thanks Rockstar...........some people huh
  7. 1234

    1234 Banned

    You know what i mean and i mean what i say. You cant take a g line dog from the couch and keep him outside. Yea the 3rd in line is the dog if you didnt understand.
  8. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    your writing doesnt make sense. thanx for the advice have a nice day
  9. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    "You cant take a g line dog from the couch and keep him outside."

    Well, sure you can, provided you're responsible about it.
  10. 1234

    1234 Banned

    Grew up in jersey so i know what your problem is. Have a great day smart guy.
  11. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    rockstar he will be out there here and there i am not banishing him outside. he is not always gonna be out there. You believe he will be ok. do you have any dog house plans. thanx
  12. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    well than help instead of making comments on the order of my dog and my house. info board for help not unhelpful comments
  13. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

  14. 1234

    1234 Banned

    Insulated dog houses on search smart guy.
  15. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    this time of year doesnt help when shoving a dog outdoors for the first time. i suggest some hay bales around the house for windblock/insulation, and fresh daily inside the house also. good luck
  16. BossMan

    BossMan Pup

    Yea i going to start easying him outside in very early spring maybe a couple of days in the winter if it is warm enough we (jersey) have had a couple of warm winter days here
  17. Breogan

    Breogan Big Dog

    Just be very careful of escape attempts. These dogs are the canine version of Houdini. A good chain setup might be more secure and dogs tend to take to them better. It also affords them more room to run around in then a kennel. (Just make sure tethering isn't against the law in your area). If the kennel is your choice of containment I would put a chainlink roof and floor on it to avoid climbing or digging out of it. A cable run is also good but more complicated and pricer than the chain setup. Hope I was of some help.
  18. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Personally I would have to discourage just the sole chain link kennel and suggest going with a chain and insulated house set up.... because if the dog is of any decent size and gets anxiety when alone he can easily get out of any kennel. Yeah it sucks fighting the elements this time of the year but if you do it right the first time you wont have to worry about break outs from a kennel .....and a chain set up will be more peace of mind and dog proof IMO when your at work or just gone period.... you wont be worrying so much about the kennel set up... If its already snowy where your at then use an area where you can set up a house and chain first and then surround it with hay and cover the door and area if you wish with wind breaks and hay bales but make sure they dont get wet or that the inside of the house gets icy...keep it cleaned up and warmly insulated and the dog will be fine on the coldest of coldest nights, look I have had dogs out all year up here in iowa with good houses and hay bales as long as its good clean straw your good...dont use any with any mold or thats been wet. Also I call it hay but its actually the golden straw... like what you see around halloween for pumpkins to sit on...bales r like 2-4 bucks a piece ....may be hard to find now but look around.

    SPFDOGS Guest

    If I were you I would print the blue prints to a double wall design doghouse and pay someone(or do it yourself if you are good with your hands)to build it for you..Keep your doghouse packed with clean straw and you'll be good..Where I am it gets COLD and I have personally never had a problem when temp dips below freezing..I saw where a few people said surround the doghouse with bales of straw....That would last about 2 seconds with one of my dogs,and I would have a whole bale shredded around the yard,but hey...Do what you think sounds the best..
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2007
  20. great sugestion but i would go with straw insted of hay. when hay gets wet it can have little bugs that might afect your dog depending on how sensitive its skin is.I have grown up with always 2 dogs at my house. My father stick built a dog house shingled the roof, insulated it and put siding on it for added protection. every winter we would lay down some straw. and at door we would hang a piece of carpet and cut it verticly like every 3" for added wind protection. The dog was always ok and never came in. The dog house is approx 8 yrs old and still in great shape. he said the lasted 15 years. always one gaurd dog and one in the house and never had any issues. they both new there roles and were great dogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2007

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