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Rescued pit, I give up

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Grim, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Grim

    Grim Pup

    So heres the story. I have 4 dogs, 3 pits one cattle dog mix. 2 female pits, 1 male pit, 1 male cattle dog. Anyways I have raised the 2 pits from puppies and their great and the cattle dog is a rescue and is also great. My latest addition is a chocolate female pit and she is a little over 1 year old.

    I got her from the local pound and all was well until suddenly she has become very dog aggressive and the other 3 dogs tried to kill her one day. I was so close to bringing her back to the pound but said i'll give her another chance. I took her to the vet and had her all taken care of. My problem with her is she is such a Pain in the ass.

    She will not let me tie her up, if I even try she will start jumping wildly and snapping at the air and has nipped me a few times. Even after I drop her on her side she fights to the point I am afraid to break her neck or legs. After I get her tied up and basically jump away she will pace all day frantically. Once she has been tied up you can approach her and she is fine no jumping. Then comes putting her in the kennel I have to basically throw her in and hurry up and shut the door before she snaps me. I have given her my hand and she will bite it but not like to kill more of a fast snap (I gave her my hand to see if she would really bite). It's like she uses her mouth to tell you shes not going in.

    I am so fed up I have never beat this dog and she is to dog aggressive to allow to play with my others. Now my male pit is becoming dog aggressive since he has fought with her. He can't have food or toys around the other 2 now.

    Today I put her in the kennel and she snapped and got me, nothing bad just a cut but I am so tired of this I want to know if putting her to sleep is the right thing. I want to fight for her but she just seems so gone. I don't know what happened to her in the past but it took about 2 weeks for her to show her true colors. She is a sweet dog otherwise and would be perfect for a one dog household but I don't feel I can trust the general public to this responsibility. She can't be around other dogs and can't be tied up or kenneld easily. She even takes food from the hand way to strongly.

    Please any advice as to what to do, I don't want to see her living in a kennel and she seems more comfortable in there than on a leader. Even after walking/excersise she has this never ending pacing anxiety.
  2. sapitbulls

    sapitbulls Guest

    Wow, first of all how long have you had this dog? My girl did this when i brought her home at 5 months old. She would snip if i got to close basically a scared defense motion since she was in a new house new people new dogs. After about 2 days of just letting her snoop around doing her own thing and just feeding her she became really loyal and wont leave my side and do anything for me and wont snap at nobody at all. Now if you had this dog for a couple months and still doing this imo the only thing i would do is 1. either show her some autority and shit if she comes around. 2. cage the other dogs and she how she acts by herself. Since she might be just a one dog family pet because of being over dominant and needs a firm hand. After you done this and no change i would put her down right away do not give it to somebody else our back to the pound. Because this dog in the wrong person hands by what you said will evenually hurt somebody else our do the wrong thing and there more media. So take a few more steps and no change she needs to be gone.
  3. Tonka03

    Tonka03 Big Dog

    I know you know the breed you have, right? Ok first and formost she is probably going to be DA, she is and APBT!! Comes with the territory with the DA. You are going have, as I see it, 2 choices. You can spend more time seperating them during there play time and you give them the playmate they need or 2, you teather them or her up.

    I am sure it is easier for us to tell you what to do, we are not there to see in first hand. Also by what your writing you are over your head with her. I think that you can try different things and see if you can work threw this if you really want to. She seems to me as a very high or a high strung girl. I hope you figure out the best remidy to get her to do as she needs.

    Good Luck

  4. Grim

    Grim Pup

    I have had her almost 5 months now. She is such a good dog I mean I can let her off leash and she will stay with me in the house she is great but if you try to tie her up, or kennel her thats it. If I even pick up the end of a chain/leader thats it she will start lunging at you uncontrollably. Also around other dogs tail straight up and very dominant. Otherwise she is fine and friendly to all strangers.

    PS: the dog aggression I know comes with the territory but my problem is she can not be tied up without me getting dirt all over my clothes or possibly a hand snapped. Also getting her back into the kennel is a nightmare. I just don't want to see her living in a cage. Her neck is also mostly bare from tugging so hard on her leader back and forth, she has 2" collar and still has problems. it is like she is mentally unstable when she sees your going to tie her up or if you push her into the kennel you have to slam the door before she gets you. She also chatters her teeth at these times if that means anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2008
  5. Tonka03

    Tonka03 Big Dog

    NILF.... try this. you have got to get control of her. you are the boss and the one that will control her every move. she will have to understand that. Also getting your clothes dirty... put a apron on... just a thought.

  6. Grim

    Grim Pup

    how do i take control? Without getting bit?
  7. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Right here lies the answer to your own question for the most part. Without meeting the dog it's hard to say 100%, but she sounds like a great candidate for euthaniasia. The demons in her head sound like they may be too strong to tame. JMHO.
  8. kittiy

    kittiy Pup

    Has she been evaluated by a trainer???? Believe me I work in the animal field and I see many animals that are overly aggressive that are being worked with and I just think about all the "good" animals dying in shelters, but a trainer may help.
  9. bullydogs

    bullydogs Top Dog

    Well IMHO i strongly disagree with "great candidate for euthaniasia". I would make euthanizing the dog the last straw. Why not get some Professional help first. Look for good behavorist or trainer in your area. The dog is still a puppy...& and i have heard of, and seen way worst make total turn arounds.

    It will not be easy being that you have several other dogs. And like stated above, DA comes with this breed sometimes. I would not advise letting mutiple dogs run loose together. Accidents will happen, no matter how long things have been peachy.
  10. Tonka03

    Tonka03 Big Dog

    As they ae saying I will add a third option here. Seeking professional help works. I ahve a bitch that went threw some training. Very intense training. She was broke and then put back together again. It has worked and worked well. I was told by everyone to PTS!! I am glad that I did not.

  11. renegadepit

    renegadepit Big Dog

    Have you ever walked the dog?
    I think that dog needs to be worked. Some dogs that are tied up or locked up all day build up anxiety and just go crazy. Put that dog on a tread mill or something. Work it out for a good 2 hours then discipline hard. Its easier to dscipline a dog when the dog is tired out.
  12. smokey024

    smokey024 Big Dog

    you should call that dude on tv the dog whisperer
  13. Tonka03

    Tonka03 Big Dog

  14. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    Too many dogs running together. You can't even call it an accident when they get into a fight because you're just asking for such a thing to happen. I hope you have a breaking stick...you're going to be needing it a lot in the future.

    "...she can not be tied up without me getting dirt all over my clothes..."

    You should see my wife and me when we come in from feeding. You'd think we just came from a Woodstock concert.

    The fact is the dog doesn't need professional training...you do! Now believe me, I certainly don't say that to sound like a jerk. Some dogs can be difficult to deal with, regardless of the breed. Bulldogs need to be handled by people who aren't worried about getting their clothes dirty. You need to learn to show some authority with this dog, and a message board isn't going to teach you how to do that. You need someone who knows what he's doing to train you how to train your dog. It probably isn't going to be cheap, so you should decide how important it is to you to continue owning this particular animal. Without professional guidance, I don't believe there's much hope here, and it would benefit both you and the dog if you found it a home with a more experienced handler. If you are unable to do that, then there is only one other option.

    Best of luck to you.
  15. Grim

    Grim Pup

    The whole clothes dirty thing, I did not mean to make that sound like im being a pussy but it just gets old is what I meant. Nothing is easy with this dog. I am not one of those oh she snapped its evil destroy it I just have had enough. After reading some of these posts I am going to give her yet another chance. I am going to call a member on here who says he can help. I would love to give her to someone who could deal with her and train her but thats what I am afraid of. There are just to many ignorant people on this breed including me sometimes, but I am not going to give a domionat highly DA dog to just anybody. I wouldn't even know where to start looking.

    Also I did leave out breaking up one fight did leave me with a broken wrist. She turned and grabbed me by accident. I had to get stitches and what not. The doctor just happened to be a mastiff owner and completely understood what happened. If she hadn't let go immediatley she woulda been gone long ago.
  16. yellaman420

    yellaman420 Big Dog

    For real. The DA is one thing, snapping at me just isn't going to happen. I don't tolerate that at all. They are bulldogs and they bite hard, why risk someones pain and suffering for this one dog who just doesn't seem like shes worth the risk. That's my .22 cents on this one.
  17. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Well I didn't mean load 'em up and give her a dirt nap directly...

    Sorry, but I'm from the school of preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. My opinion is to go ahead and make peace with all potential ugly outcomes. If the dog is biting people out of aggression and not excitement then my gut feeling/opinion is the dog is a lemon and should not be given the chance to hurt someone. That being said I hope I'm wrong and certainly someone with lots of bulldog experience should work with/evaluate the dog in person before any final decisions are made.

    It's pretty simple: 1)Either the dog just doesn't respect the OP as alpha and there is some hope for her with proper coaching, or 2) the dog is a man biter and there is none.

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