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A Little Wootness

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Wootness, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. Wootness

    Wootness Big Dog

    It been a while since I have been on here. So I found out that the day I decided to give Woot her name it became a became a real word in the websters dictionary and it means "a cause for celebration" I have made alot of mistakes in the past and I am working everyday and have dedicated myself to working and learning with my dog and woot was brought to me for a reason. I have learned more from this pup and she is probably the best dog I have ever had. She is so eager to please and loves to be around me and loves to do what I ask and she just loves being her little wootness self. She is a TRUE ambassador for her breed!! We go every weekend for training with our class and she always does SO well. I also take her to very public places to be around people.

    Today we went to the italian festival and she is suppose to sit before anyone can touch and of course normally I que her but today she did it right away and behaved so well. ANYWAYS LOTS of photos from yesterday we spent a few hours laying in the sun and playing with the camerea




    Me making funny noises at her!



    Her natural stack which she does ALLL the time!


    and being WOOTNESS!!!



  2. RightHandImp

    RightHandImp Big Dog

    wootage Loki!!!! she's gorgeous :) :)
  3. Wootness

    Wootness Big Dog

    Thank you... I LOVE my wootness!
  4. she is a cutie!
  5. thepitpalace

    thepitpalace Big Dog

    Look at those ears, what a personality....She is adorable...
  6. AKPit

    AKPit Big Dog

    I actually think that w00t was the #1 word of the year in Merriam-Webster Dictionary for 2007 LOL I read that when I got on that website a couple months ago....

    Woot! Def has awesome personality :) Cute! :D
  7. I am loving that dog's ears! You are good with the camera. thank you for sharing your day with woot with us.
  8. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    as you said, you've made some mistakes in the past. it seems you have learned from them (hopefully). your pup is adorable and i hope she works out for you. my only suggestion would be that when your pup gets a little bit older get some sturdier hardware for it.
  9. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    great looking pup, do u know how she's bred?
  10. RainyCity

    RainyCity Pup

    Cute pup. She's very photogenic. How could you do something bad when you have to look into those eyes and say your sorry?
    When I have bad days at work, I just come home and remember my dogs are all worth it.
  11. Wootness

    Wootness Big Dog

    yes I do. the dam was a scatterbred bitch... boudreaux,boyle, redboy, nigerino, found out the other day there is also jeep in there and then her sire is watchdog.

    She is a doll. I do plan on upgrading the collar. I am looking at collarmania loving there collars she does not really need a slip lead so I am looking at some of the 1 1/2 to 2 inch collars just not sure what I want yet

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