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Obama? A MUST SEE!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Bullyson, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

  2. hozomeen

    hozomeen Big Dog

    Good Lord, that is a must see. I'll be passing that on;thank you.
  3. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    You're welcome...:)
  4. CooljoeGoodie

    CooljoeGoodie Big Dog

    That's a big step DJ,but since you opened it up....the truth of the real matter is.No matter who wins office,their on the same side.Preying on the people of this country...Remember how people thought bush was the right one to lead us..well everything is getting cut to fight a thought,remember Clinton,we lost jobs to nafta,and it goes on and on the raping of the people.So if you think one is better than the other,than thats your business.It's a game that they play and it's not for any of our benefit and if you don't think so name one good thing that these people has done in the last 40yrs..
  5. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I hear ya. Its all a matter of picking the lesser of the evils.
  6. kinggatorpits

    kinggatorpits Big Dog

    His name says it all...but whoever wins this country will most likely keep going down the crapper.
  7. CooljoeGoodie

    CooljoeGoodie Big Dog

    Why pick one of those,when there is something better out there.....Like how about the people taking back this country,which is how it was..suppose to be.As long as we think in those ways,it will never happen,we must learn how to think differently and not the way they want us to....... JMO
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2008


    Ha! You guys are funny.....
  9. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    Yep, Republicans and Democrats sleep in the same bed with big business, and they both piss all over the Constitution. They are all ruining this country....

    I believe it's time for a Revolution.
  10. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I dont see a damn thing funny.
  11. spaceghost

    spaceghost Big Dog

    ever heard of the silent majority? It is time for a revolution. we need to speak up and take our country back. The majority of the U.S. has to be good but we dont step up.
  12. Yngwie

    Yngwie Pup

    Vote Ron Paul motherfakkers!1!! Oh wait, he can't win.
  13. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    i'll have to agree with you DJ, not really very funny at all. but on the flipside i firmly believe it is our responsibility as americans to shun the current voting system and protest until it becomes fair and balanced. so i cannot in good conscience say "pick the lesser of two evils". i say don't f*cking vote period. it isn't going to do any of us any good so don't bother. America is too far gone to exact any kind of change within the system. it's going to have to be a huge revolution from outside of this mess.
  14. pittychick

    pittychick Big Dog

    I agree with everybody, but in reality protesting doesn't do a damn thing. Look at what happens to even the peaceful protesters...they get attacked by the police either with pepper spray, or physically beaten. I think this peaceful revolution that has been taking place quietly throughout the country needs to be changed up a bit. We all need to be sure we've got our share of guns and ammo, ban together and take this fucker over.
  15. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I refuse not to vote, but we can show our protest by doing write in votes...I am writing in Ron Paul. I will no longer choose the lesser of the two evils...
    Peaceful revolutions usually don't do much, I agree.
  16. RightHandImp

    RightHandImp Big Dog

    Funny you mention that... I been thinking the same damn thing :D

    on a side note, i'm not too worried about gas anymore, I got horses muahahahaaaa
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2008
  17. deepsouth

    deepsouth Big Dog

    I agree with much of what has already been said. But you're all missing a big point. Sad fact is that a lot of American citizens don't even bother to learn anything about the candidates, what they stand for and how important it is for all of us to get involved in the political process. Basically a lot of people just don't give a crap (especially the younger generations). Without enough people getting involved, there can't be drastic change.
  18. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    True, hopefully the majority will start to open their eyes to the fact that the two party system is screwing us over big time!
  19. CooljoeGoodie

    CooljoeGoodie Big Dog

    Hey South,i have to disagree with you on that,to get involved is to be apart of it....to get a monkey off your back,you wouldn't bend over more,but stand up straight and tall......
  20. WWII

    WWII Banned

    The only way America will revolt is if they cancel American Idol.

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