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New pics of my dog

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mary_Jane, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Mary_Jane

    Mary_Jane Big Dog

    We had a beautiful day today, sadly the last one without rain this week. I hate april weather, it's changing by the hour.. But today I made some good pics of Brina with my nephew's help. Here they are:





  2. coco0889

    coco0889 Big Dog

    She is still beautiful!!!
  3. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    She looks pretty good, how is she bred ?
  4. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    I believe this dog has come a long way! Great pictures!
  5. Mary_Jane

    Mary_Jane Big Dog

    Thanks! She's actually from a shelter, next week will be 2 years since i got her :)
  6. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Good looking dog! :)
  7. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    Yes, if I remember correctly she put her to good health from the pictures in the past when she was picked up by you. Glad to see that she is looking fine and continue to post more pictures of her!
  8. Mary_Jane

    Mary_Jane Big Dog

    Ok :) I wanted to say, that I don't know how she's bred, because she's a rescue ;) Here are some more pics:




    All three of our dogs:

    Thank you for al the nice words :)
  9. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    That little one in the middle looks bout it! LOL
  10. Marduk

    Marduk Pup

    good looking animal!
  11. Deesa

    Deesa Pup

    great looking dog...good work on the rescue!
    where did you get the camo collar in the second lot of photos if you don't mind me asking I've been looking everywhere for something like that lol
  12. Baldwin

    Baldwin Pup

    You have a beautiful dog and leather collar also enhancing the beauty of your dog.You should share us that from where did you buy this leather collar.
  13. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

    Shes a looker...
  14. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    Attn: This is a 3-year-old thread. original poster hasn't been on here in several months.

    as far as the camo collar, looks like it could have come from elperro.com.pl

    they have some nice-looking collars. i've been thinking about ordering from them myself.... here's a link to one of their camo collars: camo collar
  15. Deesa

    Deesa Pup

    yeh I realized that after I posted!! but it worked lol someone knew where I could find a collar..... thanks
  16. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    haha it happens. but glad to be of service! lemme know if you decide to order from them and how you like it. i see a lot of europe people using their products, so seems like they might have some good stuff
  17. Trelos

    Trelos Big Dog

    I seen them on ebay.
    Here is alink to his store front
    If you dont see em on there just message him weather or not he still stocks them.
    He also sells the weighted harness that i use,well worth a look.
  18. Baldwin

    Baldwin Pup

    fence for dogs

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