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How do i tighten up a bloodline??

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by DaGreatestPits, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Does he place in ABKC???
  2. Yard Boy

    Yard Boy Big Dog

    later DGP

    goodnight crys'!!!!!!
  3. Yard Boy

    Yard Boy Big Dog

    One Jr Handler and a 3rd....lmao

    ALL OUTTA PASSION for the sport bro!!
  4. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    Night James, good talkin' to ya :)
  5. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Bye everybody
  6. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    Thanks for taking the time to listen DGP, maybe I'll see you in the show ring one day, have a good night. :)
  7. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    If your E-feelings are hurt by being called an idiot then you need to grow thicker skin, and for the record with all the nonsense you have been spewing being called an idiot is pretty tame considering the names that you should be called.

    Why I feel your dogs are not worthy you ask ? Its pretty simple really, you know nothing about the breed to even know what a real APBT is so how or why should I or anyone here take stock in the fact your dogs comes from a legit background ? If your really this clueless about the breed it wouldn't shock me if you aquired your dogs out of the local papers hooked by the ad that says " Big head rare Blues" for sale.

    Crystal was spot on for calling you an idiot, you have been displaying that sinse your first post in this thread...to be honest I am suprised it took this long.
  8. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Uhhhh conversation been done almost 6hrs ago colby dogs you are late buddy. I already got some good information.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  9. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Well, it looks like I missed quite a bit of action last night! lol.

    DGP - I feel you when you say your dog is like a child & you don't want anyone talking bad about them. There is a name for that. It's called "kennel blindness." To you, your dog is the greatest & you're not going to believe anyone else's opinion if it doesn't jibe with yours. That's not good.

    Exhibitors & breeders have to be objective & unbiased. It's hard to do when you or someone else is evaluating your dogs, but you must be. Many breeding programs have gone down the toilet b/c the owner had kennel blindness & couldn't accept the faults pointed out to them in their dogs.

    Anyway, I'm sad you think I'm trying to take away your thunder concerning Zeus. But honey, I'm not trying to be mean. I talked to the judge. Trust me when I say that while Zeus is a pretty dog, he was in no way, shape or form the best dog in that ring that day. Like I said before, take him to a real ADBA points show with a real dog man judging. I bet my bottom dollar you won't do as well. At fun shows everyone is made to feel welcome & judges spread the ribbons around a bit more.

    For example, I had an excellent looking brindle bitch I took to a fun show. She won only one of the several classes I entered her in. When I asked for a critique from the judge after the show (I always do this b/c as you said you want to get a "professional" opinion about your dog) he flat out told me she was a very good looking dog & that if it were a points show he'd have given her the blue in every class, but since it was a fun show he had to "spread the ribbons around so no one went home disappointed."

    By looking at the dogs that Zeus went up against, I suspect that is what happened in your case. The ribbons were spread around & Zeus just happened to be a lucky recipient. You were at that show. You can't tell me there were dogs who got ribbons who never should have gotten them. Don't you remember that blue ticked Gotti dog who looked like a cropped English Bulldog? He got ribbon. Come on now!

    Now don't get me wrong. I want to say again I think Zeus is a pretty dog. But don't be fooled. He not the best male in the ring that day.

    As for his pull ribbon, that was legit. Pulling is pretty simple - dog vs. weight. No judging politics can interfere in pulling. So be proud of his accomplishment in that arena. But the show ribbon my friend was a gimmie. And I'm not trying to be mean by saying that, I'm just telling the truth.

    IMO your dogs they do not fit the AmBully standard, but they do not fit the ADBA standard either. They are more suited to UKC. The UKC has adopted a more AmStaff like look while the ADBA has retained the original pit bull standard. Zeus may do well in UKC. I wouldn't hold my breath for ADBA. But try both. Whichever floats your boat. But as long as you compete & prove you've got worthy brood stock is what matters.

    However I would recommend you get into a real sport as well b/c a bulldog is a multi-dimentional animal. Winning in the show ring shouldn't be the sole criteria for judging breeding stock. These dogs have to have heart & to have heart they have to have a challenge to oyercome, which running around a show ring will not give them.

    Finally, do not forget about health testing. The lines you have chosen (to include GAFF) are riddled w/ health defects. This is b/c of the type of body shapes the dogs have & the fact that they are many generations removed from working dogs. So I'd say a trip to the vet for some X-rays to send to OFA as well as a cardio test are in order. Also, since you seem to insist on breeding blue x blue, you might want to know what CDA is as well b/c you might have a run-in with it eventually.

    As for your dogs' temperaments, don't let them fool you. They still come from a fighting background & they can still turn on & fight at any time. You see I made the same mistakes you are making myself about 10 years ago. Yeah, that's right. I said it. Bet you thought I was just some hater talking out my arse didn't you? Nope. Been there, done that & trying to help you from doing the same. I just hope you take the advice given you & don't learn the hard way.

    Anyway ... I had big Watchdog bred dogs. I raised them all together & trained them together, the whole 9 yards. And when they turned 2 years old guess what??? They all wanted to kill each other! Heck, my fight craziest dog was a double bred daughter of Persinger's Ginger, a full sister to Persinger's Molly Bee (if you know your peds you should know those names)!

    Your problem may not be as severe since the blood has been watered down a lot since then, but it CAN happen. Remember, it's not a matter of IF a pit bull will fight, but WHEN. And as I had to find out the hard way it isn't always those awful, evil Boudreaux & Chinaman dogs who are fighters!

    In fact yet another dog who graces your pedigrees Noble's Blaze of Glory got booted out of the UKC for fighting at a dog show! His son Turpin's Blu Trouble is said not to be very dog friendly as is said about many of his offspring (again you should know those names if you know your peds)! So you might want to know what you have on your own yard before telling your buyers that the pups they get from you are going to get along with little fluffy foo-foo!

    Which brings up another issue - if your buyers are wanting a dog who is not animal aggressive, you should not be selling to them. You should be directing them to another breed. While some pit bulls may not fight, those are the minority. The overwhelming majority of pit bulls WILL fight at some point in their lives & if a person can't handle that, they don't need a pit bull. These dogs needs to be kept with the utmost care & they aren't for everyone.

    Furthermore, I would like to address your misconceptions about game dogs. A lot of the dogs who were around you at the Tunica show were game bred dogs. You didn't see any of them trying to eat anyone did you? You didn't even see any dogs who were out of control. They were all well-bred well-mannered dogs.

    And lastly I would like to treat you to a pic of my evil, blood-thristy BOUDREAUX bitch Smokey. She is shown below sharing her blanket with our house cat, Pookie. She was cuddled right next to him but sat up when she heard me move close to them to take the picture. Awful, vicious killer dog isn't she? Darn those Boudreaux dogs!! lol. Oh & while I'm at it, maybe I'll scan ya a pic of my Zebo dog's CGC he just got. Evil, evil dogs! :p

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  10. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    LOL ok ABK that was some good advice. I soaked all that up. I guess since everyone that sees zeus thinks he is one of the best looking blues they ever seen and i take it to heart but can you blame me??? It never fails everytime i walk him or take him somewhere he get all kiind of compliments. It may not be professional compliment but its potential customer comments. And they are the ones that buy the pups so i listen to what they have to say. I been offered almost double what i payed for him from a lady that owns a funeral home and i turned it down. So do i need not to listen to what potential customers say and go solely on what a judge says???? The judge aint buying my pups???? But i know the judge vote count in the ring but other than than does it mean anything????? And yeah i remember that Gotti dog there he was awful. Zeus is not even close to looking like that. But im working on his weight pulling now he likes to pose in the harness alot like he is at a photo shoot. And i do need to study my pedigree i really mostly study the first 4 generations i might need to study all 7 generations.....Thanks again
  11. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    No problem.

    And sweetie, go by what the judge says NOT by what JQP on the street says. The judge knows the standard, JQP usually doesn't. Plus, remember this - who thinks dogs like that Gotti dog looks good? JQP! Ask any schmoe on the street & 99.99% of them will think THAT was a great looking dog too! :eek:
  12. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    you are right... i argue all the time with people that think those gotti dogs look good. I feel like my dogs are in the middle. They have somewhat the game dog frame just 10 to 20lbs heavier and thats what i like not to big but not to small. Like i said before to me GAFF kennels has the best looking dog in the world in my eyes right now just not the best price tag. There dog are around 50 to 70lbs and look great. SOme of there dog can do go in a ADBA show ring. SOme not all
  13. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    i dont think its been covered yet- but just what is your reasoning for breeding?
    these are not cars, handbags, or laundry detergents, you should not have to be pitching your dogs to potential customers.
    and from the sounds of it- your customers are pretty flakey by their logic. what if the dog doesnt get along w/ fluffy the kitty? yup- just another dog in the shelter system. are you prepared to take back every dog you breed?
    too many people get hung up w/ having a "kennel". gotta have a flashy website, gotta have the myspace, its more about image/rep/$$$ than the dogs themselves
  14. WoodsEdge

    WoodsEdge Pup

    Ok, all you people that have been trying to help this guy, does this not give you a clue? He's a BACK YARD BREEDER. Look at his web site , it's screeming BYB. Read his posts, he doesn't give a damn about the breed, he just wants to impress his potential customers. He may love his dogs but he doesn't want to preserve the breed, he wants to sell dogs. Read his post above, Quote "The judge ain't buying my pups". He doesn't give a damn about the standard but what people will buy. He's just picking your brain so he can impress his "potiental customers" with his knowledge.
    DaGreatest- a reputable breeder doesn't have to advertise, his reputation is enough, he has a waiting list before the breeding is done.
  15. ROSE

    ROSE Banned

    I was always told that,when it get to where you can't tell a fellow nothing.YOU DO JUST THAT.tell them nothing.
  16. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    Just even generally speaking, as I sit back and watch and read, I wish that before people decide to obtain the title of a 'breeder' ..... that they would THOROUGHLY educate themselves on the breed of choice, BACK to it's origin (this includes breed purpose, and conformation standards). Breeding programs should be to improve the breed, not just beacuse you 'like' the breed per se'. What you are breeding should be STELLAR specimens of the breed, not just 'pretty' in your eyes, or in the eyes of people with green paper in their hands. If you deep down genuinley CARE for this breed, you would think TWICE before breeding so freely, as you are contributing to the problem, not the solution. And not educating 'customers' to what a PIT BULL is, and to NEVER expect a PIT BULL not to fight, even if it's later in life, is damaging the breed in itself. So because your dogs are from watered down lines, and that they're blue, that means that erases the possibility of them becoming animal aggressive all together? Selling these pups to people that have no clue, and not educating them on the breed and how to be a responsible pit bull owner, is almost like putting a loaded gun in someone's hands that knows nothing about guns. I could go on about this for days. That jus boils down to the power of the almighty dollar.
  17. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    I already asked (like a million pages ago) what the reason was for wanting to become a breeder.

    On the part about the public loving Zeus. The public always loves Havoc (doesn't everybody? lol) and ask if I have puppies off him or will soon...he's 9 months old! They've been asking since he was like 6 months old. Shows how much they know. And when I tell them no, he won't be bred until he has proven himself worthy [with titles] I've been told what a waste of a dog. I've even been told why bother showing when you could just breed them and make money without wasting time and money. JQP are idiots, and they are why this breed is going to hell in a handbasket.

    Thanks for backing me up ColbyDogs lol, I just get upset when anyone affects my breed of choice negatively.
    When one is willing to listen and take advice, I can be nice :)
    DGP, I hope you do take everyone's advice, seemed to be gettin' somewhere last night.
  18. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    ABK, my Boudreaux dog likes my cats too lol. He is pretty much fine with anything, unless it starts something with him first...but he is young still.
  19. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Im takin yalls advice. I will show before i breed. I dont have anything i can breed right now anyway just what has already been bred. And about the BYB thing everyone can call it what you want. Everybody breeds dogs in their back yard so if im a backyard breed so is all the other breeders that breed dogs in there back yard so oh well. At least im trying to be a good BYB. Im trying to learn so i can be the best BYB i can be lol....BYB come on now. I guess you got a big ol fancy sky scraper you breed your dogs in so you are not a BYB huh......
  20. DaGreatestPits

    DaGreatestPits Big Dog

    Crystal im taking in all the good advice but all the negative stuff is going through my eyes and coming out my ears. I already explained why i wanna be a breeder. about 20 post ago.

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