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free feed water?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mr.lee, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    I agree. I monitor my Boxer/Pit mix's water intake like a hawk. She drinks to the point that her stomach swells if left to her own devices. Then, with her bladder as full as it is, she will lay down and dribble on the floor or release her entire bladder without even realizing it. She's even had accidents in the house while I've been at work because my family doesn't watch her quite like I do lol She has also drank to the point of vomiting. I have no idea why she is like this, and she is been to the vet's for it as well.

    My other dogs have access to water 24/7 because they aren't emptying the bowl every chance they get lol
  2. LOL, guess I too am a neglectful owner..lmao:D My dogs eat and drink at specific times. They DRINK a specific amount of water and kibble. How can anyone call another dog owner neglectful for not allowing their dogs to swell on water is beyond me. Some people just do not realize how much of the humaniac crap they believe in.....:rolleyes:
  3. Mr.lee

    Mr.lee Big Dog

    i understand what SPFDOGS is saying...if your dog are outdoor all the time and its hot out almost of the time, they will need water...cause if your dog is out in 90* for like 5-8 hours they will be a bit dry out...but if your dog is indoor with the a/c on you do not have to free feed water all the time...
  4. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    You ABUSER you You're just like me!!! :D


    Dude, I ain't being emotional nor sensitive, I could care less as everyone has their own opinions. I'm jus SAYIN. The OP asked for everyone's opinions, so I gave mine. I did so without calling other people 'neglectful' as you did. I don't seem to be the only one that monitors water intake here. IF my dogs were on a bang chain OUTside ALL day, YES, they'd have water 24/7.....but MY dogs happen to be INDOORS so it's a different scenario. There seems to be alot of 'neglectful' owners around here then. :rolleyes: (lmao)

    And for the record, I never claimed to be an expert of any kind, nor a Vet, but uh, realistically speaking, having worked in the veterinary hospital setting for quite a few years, one DOES gain quite a bit of decent medical animal knowledge having done so. :eek: I'm JUST sayin.
  5. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Iv'e set here and listened to this argument but SPFDOGS is right... it don't matter to law enforcement what you say if the dog is inside/outside or not if it don't have access to fresh water your in violation of dog abuse plan and simple... do a search on the subject and you'll see :rolleyes:

    They don't care what your excuse is in Any way :eek:

    Think about it... if theres no food down for em at the time your neglecting them :(

    SPFDOGS Guest

    OK..I guess I should have said dogs that are kept on a yard should always have access to water..I dont associate with to many people that keep their dogs in crates, or have multiple house dogs so I just assumed we were talking about dogs on a yard..

    Pit Bull Pride..So we agree that dogs on a yard should never be without water right?. Well like I just stated that was what I posted about..I respect others opinions, and what I think is neglectful other might view as normal..It is what it is..What I deem as garbage others might use as brood stock..Ya know what I mean?.:D (I can lace my posts with sarcasm as well)..
    I wont get into the whole "to crate or not to crate" issue, but most on this forum know that I am against housing dogs in such a fashion..On the infrequent occasion that I have to crate one, or keep a pup in a crate I ALWAYS have a bowl with water in there as well..
    And for the record, I never said you claimed to be a expert, YOU were quick to bring up those "13 solid years" of expirience from being a Vet Tech that you had though..I would bet my bottom dollar that I am as knowledgable as you, in regards to animal medicine, when it counts..:cool: (and thats not sarcasm)..

    Rockys Human..Letting your dog "swell" on water?.Are you kidding me?. Maybe dogs that live their lives in crates "swell" on water because they dont get the exercise that this breed requires, but I can assure you I have had MANY dogs, ON CHAINS, with access to FULL 5gal water buckets, and have NEVER seen a dog "swell" up by drinking to much..LMAO..Maybe dogs that are kept in crates for 10-12hrs a day bloat up, but I havent, and dont forsee that I will, run into this problem..

    As far as your humaniac comment......You dont want to go there with me bro..:cool:
  7. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    And we all know that that's not realistic as far as the Po Po is concerned.
  8. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    Bottom line would be, without wastin too many letters here, EVERYbody is gonna disagree with at least SOMEthing that someone does. We all have dogs, and our dogs are all healthy (I'm assuming lol, I can only speak for myself) so whatever works for you, do it! My dogs are all perfectly healthy. And EEK!!!!!!! Yes, they are crated when i'm not home, so they don't get into things, or God forbid get into it with each other. And though my dogs are crated at times, they are in NO way "under exercised" I think that shows in all the pics I've posted of them. I do not have chain setups where I live currently so that's not an option. You do what works for you, and I do what works for me. I will however state that I am in NO way a NEGLECTFUL dog owner. THAT I will stand strong on. :cool:

    As for this quote:

    " I am as knowledgable as you, in regards to animal medicine, when it counts..:cool: (and thats not sarcasm).."

    um....when it counts? What does that mean, when it counts? Doesn't it always count?
  9. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    So where you live, if they come across your dog, and there isn't a full bowl of food in front of them, that's neglect? So people can't feed their dogs on a regimen there? I can speak for how it is HERE....I've dealt with animal control and the Humane Society many times, and we've never had issues on feeding/watering and how we do it. Now yes, if a dog is OUTside 24/7....it's required to have a clean full water bowl, a shelter with 3 sides and a roof. But as far as predominatley indoor dogs go? They don't have a say about how much I feed or water, as LONG as the dogs are all HEALTHY and not emaciated, etc.
  10. KuttersKru

    KuttersKru Top Dog

    Exactly. My father's friend's APBT was seized due to the dog not having a shelter outside. Mind you, the the dog was not an outdoor dog and there was a doggy door. She could have gone inside any time she pleased. Po Po didn't care. Po Po instructed him to get a doghouse and wouldn't return his pup untill he did. Po Po cares not if it makes your dog swell and there are many just itching for a reason to sieze your outside dogs. Don't let water be the reason
  11. Marty

    Marty Guest

    I think you should really start watching the news for your info :rolleyes:
  12. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    I have both, inside and outside. Outside have water at all times. When it's hot, it gets changed twice a day. Inside, they may drink it all and it may take me a little while to notice, but they have plenty. I don't take up water at a certain time or anything like that, cause both inside dogs are house trained, very well. So I guess it just depends on where your dogs are and what they are use to.
  13. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    WHY the unnessecary sarcasm? I asked a legit question, I don't live where you do, and laws are different everywhere you know.....

    :rolleyes: (lots of eye-rolling goin on here huh, lmao) Um......I am WELL aware what goes on HERE where I live. I KNOW for a FACT that I am WELL within the boundaries of the LAWS here in FLORIDA. For the record, our place was raided TWICE by the HSUS (due to people who purchased their dogs from us and CHOSE to "HUNT" as some people say, their dogs) and the first time we were told that the ONLY thing wrong was that the chains we had out at the time on that yard had to go. EVERYTHING else was FINE.

    Second time, it was just a check up on how our animals were confined. EVERYTHING was FINE.

    We've NEVER had a violation of ANY kind AT all.

    I DO watch the news, especially ANYthing APBT related, as I CARE about the breed, and do not partake in ANYTHING that will HURT the breed in today's day and age.

    And for the record, you cant believe everything you hear on the news....if that was the case, Pit Bulls would be evil dogs that should all be euthanized....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2008
  14. NWLady

    NWLady Pup

    My dogs always
    I think it is important to limit a puppies water prior to being crated though
  15. Marty

    Marty Guest

    So where you live if your dog/s don't have water/food you can just say I'm a vet tech and know what I'm doing and that's all it takes :rolleyes:

    I'm not really good at wording things but I hope you understand, I'm not being sarcastic in any way just letting you know it don't matter what you think you know its what they know :rolleyes:
  16. Pit Bull Pride

    Pit Bull Pride Big Dog

    Where did I say that my dogs don't get water and food? I didn't say that at all. The dogs get their normal feed once a day, and I regulate the water! No where did I say that the dogs don't get food or water. THAT would be a issue obviously. All I was sayin, is that anything I do here with my dogs in NOT in ANY violation of the local laws here. I onlt mentioned I was a Vet Tech once, and that was because I was just making a point that I would never do anything that would HURT any of my dogs. That is ALL. Whay people are practically taking offense to the fact that I said I was a Tech is far beyond me.
  17. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    I can understand that a dog will drink till bloated when its not used to having water available. Now, when a dog does come from a walk or heavy run , I dont let them drink as much as they want ,I wait. The water bucket is near the chain srtup next to house all the time so they have acess to water @ all times. Once the dog knows that they have water all the time, they dont go crazy drinking all @ once like the others have posted. Thats kinda like me, you take my soda away...for however long...when Its time for me to drink I drink the whole bottle @ once( believe me ) but when I know I have acess to it whenever and however ( ill unknowingly moderate) now the food is differnt I only feed 1 time a day

    I cant relate to the crating stuff, I have never crated a dog. Never really traveled outside the city , but if I ever did , then I would moderate the fluid intake.

  18. MOOT44

    MOOT44 Top Dog

    Mr. Lee: TSC=Tractor Supply Company. It was a good/cheap way to get the dog water, when the temps are in the single digits.

    WWII: Not that I know of. Extension cords are a must. I used a 100' cord and never had any issues all winter long.....:)

  19. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Yeah...the way my yard is set up won't allow for extension cords. Or for extension cords to not end up as chew toys anyway... Guess I'll just keep breaking ice up until I figure something out.
  20. bradyFL

    bradyFL Big Dog

    i never have to worry about breaking up ice... i suppose that is a perk of being in florida. it was in the low 50's at about 6am this morning, that was cold to me. i keep water available to them at all times and in buckets big enough they can get in to cool down as well.

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