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ofrn/yellow dogs

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by jaybird, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. jaybird

    jaybird Pup

    Does anyone know of good ofrn breeders I like the sarona type dogs or maybe a yellow bred dog or cross between the two, or even a redboy cross with one of them.Im looking to do some catch work with it. Thanks for any info? Any info on flamtree pits or arizona reds?
  2. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    ofrn/redboy is basicly the same strain, however i like the cross very much just make sure one of the parents is the total package. as i have seen quite a few dogs from the pure strains and they are usually lacking something.
    i got a bitch off of tants red devil x Tant's sister i just bred to a
    red devil x jeep/redboy. proven coss, repeat breeding keeping all the pups.
    but if you find the right ones they are great dogs. try it..
  3. Octavio_.N.J.

    Octavio_.N.J. Big Dog

    Hey I have a female ofrn and she came from flametree & inner city and im happy with my pup nice bilt real active and alert and to my knowledge flame tree has a male pup right know give them a call it doesn't hurt to get some info from them. here is a pic of my bitch.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2008
  4. jaybird

    jaybird Pup

    What would be the difference between ofrn from flametree, arizona red rock, ironline, characteristics of the dogs or what traits each would have I like them all but think the flametree dogs are beautiful looks like the red female mccoy dog i owned as a kid. Thanks for any help. Your female pup looks sweet by the way.
  5. Octavio_.N.J.

    Octavio_.N.J. Big Dog

    the truth i don't know what are you looking for i was looking for a wieght pulling dog and the i saw asha my pup and she caught my eye and im going from there training her and playing with her it all depends on what you are looking i never had a ironline apbt or arizona red rock so i couldnt tell you sorry i hope i was some help.
  6. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    correct me if I am wrong, I didn't that ofrn was the same as "yellow" I thought the yellow line is/was refered to as the red boy line, and the red boy line goes back to bullyson/carver and eli lines which having nothing to do with ofrn, no?
  7. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    NO -NO-NO- Yellow is redboy with jocko,Red boy is not
    Bullyson / carver, and no Eli is not Ofrn.
    and really If you want a good catch dog any line can work I have done well with the Bullyson dogs they are very fast and bite the squeel out of the big grunters.
  8. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    so are you saying no no no to me or them? cause I am saying that the yellow line is refered to redboy line and has nothing to do with the ofrn strain right?
    ofrn is something entirely different, I thought the peds on ofrn were kept a secret as to how they got the red
  9. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    Nope, no carver/bullyson or eli in redboy or true ofrn. infact the papers for redboy are false. David Tant told me this personally and thre is a discussion between three old timers that know exactly how he was bred on either this site or R.O.M Redboy is OFRN... some say 'yellow' i say redboy thru yellow.
  10. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    thats what I am saying, that yellow came from redboy.
    I don't understand your post though, either redboy IS from ofrn or isn't, your post says both to me, unless I am just reading it wrong.
  11. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    Im just saying that red boy is OFRN but his papers are false.
    Yellow is redboy/Jocko
  12. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    And you were there and bred them RIGHT? Thats the only way you will know his ped is false. Dont belive anything you hear and only half what you see with these dogs. J

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