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Richard Strattons Book of the APBT

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Hells Bells, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. ISUZU

    ISUZU Big Dog

    Good information there tho!
  2. Yeah CynthiaATL thats the book im looking for. I belive the book is out of print. I can't see another reason for the crazy high prices. If anyone know why, feel free to share
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2008
  3. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    It is a great read, alot of history in his book. In all honesty I would say a person would walk away from reading a Stratton book with a tad more breed specific knowledge over Lou's book. The book extensively covers the Colby dog and thier history with a good handful of who J.P. was and what meant to the APBT world. There is some mention of some well known dogs but mostly in regards to how they tie right back to the Colby strain.

    I really do not know for sure why the book is selling so high, I know its out of print so maybe that is why but unless you have Colby dogs or have to have every book I would not pay anything close to that for a copy.

    Not that I would ever consider parting with my copy but now after seeing those E-bay prices it does make me wonder how much I could fetch for it considering Lou added all sorts of cliff notes and corrections to mine.
  4. mastiffsj

    mastiffsj Big Dog

    I've looked everywhere I can think of on the internet for the Colby book, there's one on ebay right now with the current bid of $81, but all the others I've seen are anywhere from 300-500 on ebay & amazon :mad:
  5. ziggy

    ziggy Pup

  6. ziggy

    ziggy Pup

  7. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    That book is going for over $400? Damn. I never knew there was a 5th Stratton book.

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